This Application form and supporting documents must be submitted by or on behalf of the
Developer for a credit determination to be made in connection with regard to arterial street fees
applicable to the development of the Subject Development. A preliminary credit determination
shall be made based on the information provided by the Developer, or the Developer’s certified
civil engineer, as set out in this Application and the supporting documents. A final credit
determination shall be made based on the City-approved As-Built plans provided for the Subject
Unless otherwise indicated, the definitions set out in City Code Sec. 38-3 apply to this form.
The final credit determination shall be set out in the credit agreement to be entered by the
Developer with the City of Chandler.
All of the following information is required for the City of Chandler to make a credit determination
for the Subject Development pursuant to City Code Sec. 38-12.E:
SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT NAME: _______________________________________________
SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: ___________________________________________
DEVELOPER: ________________________________________________________________
DEVELOPER CONTACT: ______________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________ PHONE: _____________________________
EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________
CIVIL ENGINEER: ____________________________________________________________
This Application is not deemed complete unless all of the following supporting documents
applicable to the Subject Development are provided:
Approved Site Plan (11x17, CD)
Number of Residential units (Single Family, Multi-family)
and/or total commercial square footages (including land use category)
Preliminary and/or Final Plat (11x17, CD)
Area of Right of Way dedication
Parcel data
Improvement Plans (11x17, CD)
Minimum 60% civil engineering plans – to include cross section of improvements and
quantities, and/or
Final As-Built plans including cross section/s of improvement/s and quantities.