Submit to:
Bisbee Community
76 Erie Street, P.O. Box 4601 Bisbee, Arizona 85603
1. Applicant’s Name:
2. Mailing Address:
Street or PO Box City State Zip Code
3. Street Address of Proposed Parcel for Rezoning:
4. Fee of $400. How paid (check, cash, credit card)?
5. Telephone Number of Applicant:
6. Telephone Number of Contact Person if Different:
7. Email Address:
8. Assessor’s Tax Parcel Number: (Can be obtained from hour County property tax
9. Applicant is (check one):
Sole owner:
§ Joint Owner:
§ Designated Agent of Owner:
§ If not one of the above, explain interest in rezoning:
If applicant is not sole owner, attach a list of all owners of property proposed for rezoning
by parcel number. Include all real parties in interest, such as beneficiaries of trusts, and
specify if owner is an individual, a partnership, or a corporation:
§ List attached (if applicable):
§ If corporation, corporate resolution designating applicant to act as agent:
§ If partnership, written authorization from partner:
§ If designated agent, attach a notarized letter from the property owner(s) authorizing
representation as agent for this application.
10. Attach a proof of ownership for all property proposed for rezoning. Check proof of ownership:
§ Copy of deed of ownership:
§ Copy of title report:
§ Copy of tax notice:
§ Other, list:
11. Will approval of the rezoning result in more than one zoning district on any tax parcel?
§ Yes_____ No ____
If property is a new split, or the rezoning request results in more than one zoning district on any
tax parcel then a copy of a survey and associated legal description stamped by a surveyor or
engineer licensed by the State of Arizona must be attached.
Is more than one parcel contained within the area to be rezoned? Yes No_________
§ If yes and more than one property owner is involved, have all property owners sign the attached
consent signature fo
Indicate existing Zoning District for Property:
Indicate proposed Zoning District for Property:
Note: A copy of the criteria used to determine if there is a presumption in favor of or against this rezoning is
attached. Review these criteria and supply all information that applies to your rezoning. Feel free to call the
Community Development Department with questions regarding what information is applicable.
12. Describe all structures already existing on the property:
13. List all proposed uses and structures which would be established if the zoning change is approved
Be complete. Please attach a site pl
14. Are there any deed restrictions or private covenants in effect for this property?
§ No Yes
§ If yes, is the proposed zoning district compatible with all applicable deed restrictions/private
covenants? Yes No Provide a copy of the applicable restrictions (these can be
obtained from the Recorder’s office using the recordation Docket number)
15. Which streets or easements will be used for traffic entering and exiting the property?
16. Identify how the following services will be provided:
Utility Company/Service Provider
Provisions to be made
Natural Gas
Fire Protection
17. This section provides an opportunity for you to explain the reasons why you consider the rezoning
to be appropriate at this location. The attached copy of the criteria used to determine if there is a
presumption in favor of or against this rezoning is attached for your reference (attach additional
pages as needed)
I, the undersigned, do hereby file with the Bisbee Planning Commission this petition for rezoning. I certify
that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information submitted herein and in the attachments is correct. I
hereby authorize the Bisbee Community Development staff to enter the property herein described for the
purpose of conducting a field visit.
Applicant’s Signature:
This form is to be completed if there is more than one property owner and more than one parcel within the
proposed zoning district.
I, the undersigned owner of record of property which lies within the area of the proposed rezoning set forth
in the attached application, do hereby consent to the proposed change of zoning district boundary or
reclassification of the property(ies) sought for rezoning. I do hereby certify and declare that I was afforded
an opportunity to read the full and complete application prior to affixing by signature hereon.
Owner of Record, Printed
Name & Address
(Attach separate pages if necessary)
Rezoning Application Evaluation Criteria
An analysis of how the Project addresses these evaluation factors is necessary for the staff report to the
Commission and Council. The Rezoning application must provide sufficient information for staff to make
this analysis.
Rezoning Evaluation Factors:
1. Application. The Application Concept/Site Plan must provide sufficient information to determine that
the proposed size and layout would comply with the applicable uses and standards for the types and
intensity of uses permitted in the requested zoning district.
2. Compliance with Site Development Standards. Each parcel must meet the site development
standards of the proposed zoning district including minimum lot size, setbacks, lot coverage, driveway
width, parking and ADA-access requirements. The rezoning Concept/Site Plan should show how
these standards would be met.
3. Adjacent Districts Remain Capable of Development. Adjacent parcels should be able to meet
minimum lot size and development standards of the remaining zoning district.
4. Limitation on Creation of Nonconforming Uses. The subject property should contain no
structures or uses that would not be permitted or would not meet development standards of the
new district.
5. Compatibility With Existing Development. The proposed rezoning district should be compatible
with existing development in the vicinity.
6. Rezonings To More Intense Districts. The proposed new district should:
Be buffered by an intermediate district of sufficient size to provide a reasonable transition of
intensity from the existing area;
Be a reasonable extension of a similar density district within the area; and
Provide a transition between an existing less intense district and a more intensive district or an
arterial street; or
Provide adequate protection to the adjacent less intense development in the form of enhanced
screening, landscaping, setbacks, large lot size, building orientation or other design measures.
7. Adequate Services and Infrastructure. The following factors are used to determine if there are
adequate services and infrastructure to serve an intensification of zoning:
(a) For a rezoning to a more intensive district, the applicant has provided adequate information to evaluate
the impacts of the rezoning on roads, other infrastructure, and public facilities. The applicant must
demonstrate that there are adequate provisions to address the impacts identified.
(b) If the site accesses on a road where existing demonstrable traffic problems created by incremental
development have already been identified, such as a high number of accidents, substandard road design
or surface, or the road is near or over capacity, the applicant has proposed a method to address these
(c) The proposed development meets or will meet the applicable requirements for street, sewer, or water
(d) The site has access to streets that are adequately designed and constructed to handle the volume
and nature of traffic typically generated by the use.
8. Traffic Circulation Criteria.
(a) Any rezoning shall be consistent with preservation of the functions of surrounding streets.
(b) If the rezoning is to C, CM or M, the development shall not result in the use of any residential street for
through traffic to and from the proposed district.
9. Development Along Major Streets. The rezoning size [the size of the land area to be rezoned] limits
the number of access points on major thoroughfares or arterial streets, and collectors through the use
of frontage roads, shared access, no access easements or other safe methods designed to minimize
road cuts that create unsafe traffic conflicts, hazardous traffic congestion and obstruct the functioning
of arterials.
10. Infill. This factor is designed to encourage infill in areas where commercial and industrial development
already exists, thereby discouraging sprawl and locating new non-residential developments where
adequate infrastructure may already exist and where they are most likely to be compatible with existing
11. Unique Topographic Features. A rezoning to a more intensive zoning district shall not take place if
there are areas of unstable soils, steep slopes, severe washes, floodplains, etc. which are not
appropriate for intense development. Rezonings encompassing such areas will be discouraged unless
the developer carefully plans development around these areas, such that they are appropriately
12. Water Conservation. Uses proposed with the rezoning shall show compliance with the water
conservation regulations of Article 12 in the City Zoning Code.
13. Public Input. If there is a major public opposition to a proposed rezoning, this may indicate that the
technical evaluation regarding compatibility of the proposed district does not concur with the view of
local residents and a recommendation of denial may be appropriate. If public concerns have been
raised, it is fair to ask if the applicant has made a reasonable effort to address these concerns.
14. Hazardous Materials. Adequate data has been submitted to determine that impacts from uses that
may involve hazardous or dangerous materials are adequately mitigated.
15. Compliance with General Plan or other Applicable Area Plans. The rezoning conforms to land
use designations and policies set forth in the Citys General Plan or any other adopted area or master