By signing below, I hereby certify the following:
• T
he information provided on this form is correct.
• I will comply with all building code and fire code regulations and understand that violations of such codes may b
grounds for revocation of my ability to install temporary outdoor dining.
• I have read and acknowledge the City standards (outlined in Part 1) regarding temporary outdoor dining.
• I have read and understand the temporary outdoor dining shall be removed no later than November 15, 2020.
• I understand the City may inspect the outdoor dining area any time to enforce compliance with the abov
provisions. Additionally, the City may require the temporary outdoor dining to be closed if found to be detrimental
to the health, safety and welfare of the general public.
• (For alcohol license holders) I understand that this application alters the licensed premise of my alcohol license.
Any violations of Federal, State or City regulations in the temporary outdoor dining area may result in civil or
criminal penalties against me or my license. I further understand that liquor liability insurance must be kept in-
force for the temporary outdoor dining area.
Restaurant Owner/Officer Signature Date
Property Owner Signature Date
The restaurant owner and property owner (if different), understand a building permit is required if a tent
exceeding 400 square feet or a canopy (open on all sides at all times) exceeding 700 feet is proposed for the
temporary dining area. Please call Building Inspections (952) 953-2588 for a permit application.
When restrictions on restaurant seating due to Covid19 are lifted, the business shall remove the temporary
outdoor seating and dining area. If a restaurant would like to continue to operate the outdoor dining area,
application shall be submitted for an Outdoor Dining Area to the City and Met Council for review and
determination based on this increased outdoor space.
Part 2: To Be Completed By Alcohol License Holders
Complete this section if alcohol will be sold, served or consumed in the temporary outdoor dining area. For questions,
contact City Clerk Pamela Gackstetter at 952-953-2506 or cityclerk@cityofapplevalley.org.
The temporary outdoor dining/alcohol area must be completely enclosed by a fence.
The temporary outdoor dining/alcohol area must be directly connected to the establishment.
The applicant certifies that all federal, state and City alcohol regulations shall apply to the temporary outdoor
dining area and compliance shall be met.
All restaurants must read, sign and submit this form before temporary outdoor dining is added. COMPLETED
FORMS CAN BE EMAILED TO commdev@cityofapplevalley.org
A site plan indicating where the temporary outdoor dining area will be located and how entry and exit will be
Alcohol license holders must also submit:
o A certificate of liquor liability insurance indicating coverage is extended to the temporary outdoor dining area
o The site plan indicating the location of fencing and dimensions of liquor service area.