Click below for the filing fees
for each Division
Paper Filing Fees:
District Division Family Division Probate Division
Electronic Filing Fees:
District Division Family Division Probate Division
Certificate and Copy Fees
Check or Money Order is payable to the specific court:
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone
number and the court will call you to process payment over the phone.
District Court Rule3.3
Family Court Rule 1.3
Probate Court Rule 169
Certified Mail RSA 463:6,V
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
Check or Money Order is payable to the specific court: EXAMPLE: 1
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone number and the
court will call you to process payment over the phone.
Total Fee*
Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice .................................................................. $350.00
Civil Writ of Summons or Counterclaim Entry ........................................................ e-filing
Exemplification of Judgment ............................................................................... $40.00
Landlord/Tenant Entry ....................................................................................... $125.00
Motion for Periodic Payments .............................................................................. $25.00
Petition for Ex Parte Attachment or Writ of Trustee Process ............................... $40.00
Petition to Annul Criminal Record
(per court location) ............................................... $125.00
Registration of Foreign Judgment ......................................................................... e-filing
Request for New Orders of Notice (including Civil Summons) ............................ $25.00
Small Claims Entry $5,000 or less ........................................................................ e-filing
Small Claims Counterclaim $5,000 or less ........................................................... e-filing
Small Claims Entry $5,001 to $10,000 .................................................................. e-filing
Small Claims Counterclaim $5,001 to $10,000 .................................................... e-filing
Small Claims Transfer Fee ................................................................................... e-filing
Writ of Execution ................................................................................................. $40.00
Writ of Replevin .................................................................................................... e-filing
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
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Check or Money Order is payable to the specific court: EXAMPLE: 1
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone number and the
court will call you to process payment over the phone.
Total Fee*
Adoption Petition ............................................................................................... $150.00
Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice ................................................................. $350.00
Guardianship Report Citations ................................................ $50.00/ each occurrence
Guardianship Report Defaults ................................................. $25.00/ each occurrence
Marriage Waiver ................................................................................................ $100.00
Motion for Successor Guardian of Minor Person ................................................. $50.00
Original entry of all marital matters,
including cross-petitions - No minor children ...................................................... $250.00
Original entry of all marital matters,
including cross petitions - With minor children .................................................. $252.00
Petition for Guardian Minor Person ...................................................................... e-filing
Petition to Change Court Order – with full Agreement ....................................... $125.00
There is no fee for full agreement to change Child Support Order only
Petition to Change Court Order or Petition for Contempt –
without full agreement ....................................................................................... $250.00
Request for New Orders of Notice (including Civil Summons) ............................ $25.00
Termination of Parental Rights Petition ............................................................. $180.00
Writ of Execution; Ex Parte Attachment or Trustee Process ............................... $40.00
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
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Check or Money Order is payable to the specific court: EXAMPLE: 1
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone number and the
court will call you to process payment over the phone.
Total Fee*
Accounting for Estates with a gross value of $25,000 or less ................................ $0.00
Accounting for Estates with a gross value greater than $25,000 ......................... $85.00
Accounting for Guardian, Conservator, Trustee .................................................. $85.00
Administration of Person not heard from
(presumed dead) ....................................... $220.00
Adoption Petition ................................................................................................ $150.00
Authenticated Copy of Will, Foreign Will ............................................................... e-filing
Change of Venue Petition ..................................................................................... $50.00
Conservator ........................................................................................................ $220.00
Estate with a value of $10,000 or less ................................................................... e-filing
Estate with value $10,001 to $25,000 ................................................................... e-filing
Estate with value more than $25,000 .................................................................... e-filing
Equity Action or Counterclaim ............................................................................ $250.00
Guardian of Incapacitated Person ......................................................................... e-filing
Guardian Minor Estate & Person and Estate** ...................................................... e-filing
Landlord Tenant Action ...................................................................................... $125.00
Name change ........................................................................................................ e-filing
Parentage Order Petition
(surrogacy) ...................................................................... $155.00
Re-examine Will, Motion to ................................................................................. $155.00
Remove Fiduciary, Motion to ................................................................................ $50.00
Reopen (Estate) or Bring Forward, Motion to; ..................................................... $150.00
Replevin Application or Complaint ...................................................................... $175.00
Request for Jury Trial/Small Claims Transfer Fee*** ......................................... $145.00
Request for New Orders of Notice (including Civil Summons) ............................ $25.00
Small Claim Entry & Counterclaim, $5000 or less*** ............................................ $80.00
Small Claim Entry & Counterclaim, $5001 to $10,000*** ................................... $135.00
Successor Guardian of Person
(incapacitated or minor) ................................................. $50.00
Successor Trustee, Executor,
Administrator, Guardian of Estate, Guardian of Person & Estate ......................... $85.00
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
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Check or Money Order is payable to the specific court: EXAMPLE: 1
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone number and the
court will call you to process payment over the phone.
Total Fee*
Sue on Bond, Motion to ........................................................................................ $50.00
Summary Administration, Motion .......................................................................... $85.00
Trust - Proof of Validity of Trust by Settlor .......................................................... $155.00
Trustee - Petition to Appoint ............................................................................... $180.00
Will - Proof of Validity of Will during life of Testator ............................................... e-filing
Writ in Civil Action or Counterclaim .................................................................... $175.00
** Certified mail cost of $6.92 for each order of notice is required (RSA 463:6,V)
***Small Claim cases filed in probate are filed in paper format.
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
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DISTRICT DIVISION - e FILING FEESCheck or Money Order is payable to
the specific court: EXAMPLE: 1
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone number and the
court will call you to process payment over the phone.
Total Fee*
Civil Complaint ..................................................................................................... $195.00
Counterclaim for civil complaint .......................................................................... $175.00
Motion for Ex Parte Attachment ............................................................................. $40.00
Motion for Periodic Payments ................................................................................ $25.00
Registration of Foreign Judgment ....................................................................... $220.00
Request for Exemplification of Judgment .............................................................. $40.00
Request for Jury Trial/Small Claims Transfer Fee ............................................... $145.00
Request for Jury Trial/Transfer to Superior Court - Civil Complaint ...................... $85.00
Request for New Orders of Notice (including Civil Summons) ............................. $25.00
Request for Writ of Execution ................................................................................ $40.00
Small Claims entry $5,000 or less ......................................................................... $90.00
Small Claims Counterclaim $5,000 or less ............................................................ $80.00
Small Claims entry $5,001 to $10,000 ................................................................. $145.00
Small Claims Counterclaim $5,001 to $10,000 ................................................... $135.00
Writ of Replevin Complaint .................................................................................. $195.00
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
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Top of 1st Page
Check or Money Order is payable to the specific court: EXAMPLE: 1
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone number and the
court will call you to process payment over the phone.
Total Fee*
Accounting – Guardianship of Estate
(minor or incapacitated person) ................................ $85.00
Accounting for Estates with a gross value greater than $25,000 .......................... $85.00
Accounting for Estates with a gross value of $25,000 or less ................................. $0.00
Motion for Successor Executor/Administrator ....................................................... $85.00
Motion for Successor Guardian Estate OR of Person & Estate –
applies to both Guardian of Incapacitated Person and Guardian of Minor ............ $85.00
Motion for Successor Guardian of Person (only) –
Applies to both Guardian of Incapacitated Person and Guardian of Minor............ $50.00
Motion for Successor Guardian Estate OR of Person & Estate –
applies to both Guardian of Incapacitated Person and Guardian of Minor ............ $85.00
Motion for Summary Administration ...................................................................... $85.00
Motion to Re-examine Will................................................................................... $155.00
Motion to Reopen Estate or Bring Forward ......................................................... $150.00
Motion to Sue on Bond, Motion to Remove Fiduciary .......................................... $50.00
Name Change Petition ........................................................................................ $130.00
Petition for Authenticated Copy of Will and Probate from another state.............. $240.00
Petition for Estate Administration with a value more than $25,000 .................. $280.00**
Petition for Estate Administration with a value of $10,000 or less ....................... $130.00
Petition for Estate Administration with a value of $10,001 to $25,000 ............. $170.00**
Petition for Guardianship of Minor Person
Plus certified mail costs of $6.92 for each person to receive the order of notice ........................... $130.00
Petition for Guardianship of Minor (Estate only or Person & Estate)
Plus certified mail costs of $6.92 for each person to receive the order of notice ........................... $200.00
Petition for Guardianship of Incapacitated Person .............................................. $240.00
Petition to Prove Validity of Will during life of Testator ........................................ $175.00
Request for New Orders of Notice (including Civil Summons) ............................. $25.00
**The publication fee for all estates is $40.00 in all probate divisions effective 4/1/2021 for NEW petitions for estate
administration being e-filed and is included in the above fee schedule.
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
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Check or Money Order is payable to the specific court: EXAMPLE: 1
Circuit - Family Division – Lancaster
If you wish to pay with MasterCard, Visa & Discover please attach a note to filing, include your phone number and the
court will call you to process payment over the phone.
Copied material: Total Fee*
All other copied material
(Except Transcripts) ........................................................ $ .50/page
Authenticated Copy of Probate .................................................................... $40.00 each
Copy of Audio - CD or Download ........................................................................ $25.00
Duplicate Audio ................................................................. $25.00 each CD or download
Certificates ........................................................................................................... $10.00
Certification .................................................................................... $10.00 plus copy fee
Certificate of Judgment ........................................................................................ $10.00
Citations/Show Cause
(RSA 548:5-a and 550:2) .................................. $50.00/each occurrence
(RSA 548:5-a) .................................................................... $25.00/each occurrence
Divorce Certificate, Certified Copy of Decree and if applicable, Agreement,
QDRO, USO and other Decree-related documents ............................................ $40.00
Divorce Certificate
(Vital Statistics Record) only .............................................................. $10.00
Exemplification of Judgment ................................................................................ $40.00
Printing from court kiosks and computer screen printouts ............................. $ .25/page
Records Research Fees ............................................... $20.00 per name up to 5 names
Additional names will be assessed $5.00 per name
*Total Fee means the base filing fee plus any applicable surcharges or other fees authorized by the Supreme Court and/or
New Hampshire Statutes. Fees may be paid with cash, credit card, or check.
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