Case No.
☐ To leave the home at
and give possession of the home to
The name(s) on the deed or lease are:
☐ To turn over firearm(s) to a law enforcement agency.
☐ To go to counseling for ☐ domestic violence ☐ drug/alcohol ☐ other
☐ To pay money as Emergency Family Maintenance (may be taken from respondent's paycheck).
11. I also want the court to order:
☐ Custody of
be granted to
☐ Use and possession of the following jointly-owned vehicle be granted to
☐ Temporary possession of the pet(s)
be granted to
☐ In the final order, the following additional relief necessary to protect
from abuse:
12. (Fill in only if you are seeking Emergency Family Maintenance.) The respondent has the following financial
Income from employment in the amount of $ every ☐ week ☐ 2 weeks ☐ month
☐ other
Source of employment income
Income from other source
The respondent also owns the following property of value: Automobile(s) $
Home $ Bank Account(s) $
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of this document are true to the best of my knowledge,
information, and belief.
☐ I have filled in the Addendum (Description of Respondent), CC-DC-DV-001A
If you believe that you have been a victim of abuse and that there is a danger of serious and immediate injury to you,
you may request the assistance of a police officer or local law enforcement agency.
The law enforcement officer must protect you from harm when responding to your request for assistance and may, if
you ask, accompany you to the family home so that you may remove clothing and medicine, medical devices, and other
personal effects required for you and your children, regardless of who paid for them.
You are entitled to request that the address and telephone number of a victim, a complainant, or a witness be considered
for shielding at the filing of this application.
NOTICE TO CUSTODIAN: A person who places in a judicial record identifying information relating to a witness
shall give the custodian written or electronic notice that such information is included in the record, where in the record
that information is contained, and whether that information is not subject to remote access under this Rule, Rule 1-
322.1, Rule 20-201, or other applicable law. Except as federal law may otherwise provide, in the absence of such notice
a custodian is not liable for allowing remote access to the information.
CC-DC-DV-001 (Rev. 06/2021) Page 3 of 3
Person eligible for relief
Name and address of source and amount(s) received
Name and address of source and amount(s) received