SAFETY COMES FIRST. Once you are set up in your location, you must remain there for the
duration of the event. (First Responders are exempt) .
The Town of Amherst Christmas Parade is a family-friendly event for all ages, and every entry in the parade
is expected to
respect this. All costumes, outfits, behavior, attitude, language, and dance moves must
be appropriate for a young audience and will be held to a high standard. Failure to comply may result in
being asked to leave the parade immediately with no warning and may jeopardize a group’s approval to
participate in following years. All decisions are at the discretion of Parade officials and are final.
T own of Amherst and its designee(s) reserve the right to disqualify and remove any entry before the
parade, at parade lineup, or during the parade due to noncompliance of these rules. Anyone
behaving inappropriately will be removed immediately from the parade. This includes entries,
participants, drivers, or anyone connected with your entry.
By signing below, I/we agree with all of the above rules and regulations. I/we assume all risk of
bodily injury or property damage that I/we may incur in participating in the Town of Amherst
Christmas Parade 2020. I/we hereby, for myself, my child, my heirs, executors, and
administrators do hereby, expressly and forever, waive and release any and all claims against and
agree to hold harmless the Town of Amherst, and all their respective officers, employees, agents,
representatives, successors, or assigns of any kind from any and all claims which may be made
for any cause whatsoever, arising as a result of or in connection with the participation of me, my
child or animal in the herein mentioned event. I/we agree to the above Christmas Parade rules. In
any interpretation of parade rules, the Town of Amherst decision shall be final.
Signature *
By signing below, I/we agree with all of the above rules and regulations.
Please print the name of the above signee.
Please Mark Today's Date