Name of licensed organization _______________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ County ________________________________
Date Received____________________________
____The Initial Application for Bingo License (BI-60) is completed and notarized
____Payment of an application fee of $25
____Copy of the organization’s current IRS tax exempt ruling letter. If your organization is part of a state or
national organization, a copy of that organization’s IRS group ruling letter is sufcient if it covers the
local organization. If organization doesn’t have a ruling letter, then it must apply and provide a copy to
the Administrator to review.
____If the organization is leasing facilities in which to conduct the game, a copy of the lease agreement
must be provided. Verify that the facility holds a current registered bingo premises certicate.
If organization is chartered by a state or national organization, a copy of that charter must be provided.
(or verify with their state headquarters that organization is chartered and in good standing.
____If organization is incorporated, then they must provide a copy of the Articles of Incorporation, including
the Certicate of Incorporation issued by the Kansas Secretary of State, and a current Certicate of
Good Standing from the Kansas Secretary of State. Call them at 785-296-4564. The certicate can
also be obtained over the internet at www.kssos.org. The charge of $12.50 can be paid by credit card
and the certicate printed from the website.
____Provide a copy of the by-laws and other documents describing the organization’s purpose, organizational
structure, how the ofcers are selected and requirements for membership.
____Provide proof that the organization has been in continuous existence and functioning for at least 18
months. The best way to prove this is to provide copies of the organization’s bank account statements
for the past 18 months, showing regular income and expenditures during the 18 months preceding
license application. Statute provides that nonprot adult care homes are exempt from this requirement.
This form can be faxed to 785-296-4993. If you have questions call 785-368-8222 or go to our website at:
BI-7 (Rev. 4-18)