CHECK Registration Form
NOTE If you are paying your tuition in full with a credit card, please register and pay online. Our online
system is fast, easy and available 24 hours a day. Visit, find your training on the Training
and Event Schedule, and click on the “Register Now” button. Our online registration system meets the highest
standards of credit card payment security.
Name ___ ______________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________City ___________________________
Province or State ___________________ Postal Code _____________________
Country __________________________ Phone _________________________
Student Account E-mail __________________________________________________
Training Level (i.e. Beg II) ______________________Dates ___________________
Cohort Location (city/state)**____________________________________________
Tuition Amount Due/Enclosed $_________________
To receive the Early Registration price, your check must be postmarked by the early registration deadline
Payment Details:
Check # ________ or Money Order made payable to SE Trauma Institute (enclosed)
Student Signature ________________________________________ Date __________
Return to:
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute
5303 Spine Rd, Suite 204, Boulder, CO 80301
click to sign
click to edit