The addition or removal of any graduation requirement in a major or minor requires that this form, accompanied by supporting
documentation, be completed and approved as indicated below. Incomplete or incorrect forms will not be processed.
COLLEGE _________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT _______________________________________________________________________
DEGREE LEVEL ____________________________________________________________ PROGRAM TITLE ____________________________________________________________________
TO BE INITIATED WITH CATALOG YEAR 20 _________ /20 ________ CHANGE REQUESTED FOR ¨ major program ¨ minor program _____________________
Major/Minor Code
Program changes are eective beginning with the fall term in which they appear in the University Catalog.
¨ Yes ¨ No Will this change impact the program’s assessment process? If yes, attach a description of how the assessment will be impacted and the new process.
DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED CHANGES Attach a more detailed description and any supporting documentation
CAPP / Degree Evaluation __________________________________ ¨ Yes ¨ No Update completed ___________________________________________ Initials __________________________
Academic Year Date
Catalog Management System __________________________________ ¨ Yes ¨ No Update completed ___________________________________________ Initials __________________________
Academic Year Date
___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Originator Date Chair,GraduateCouncil Date
___________________________________________________________________________ OR
DepartmentHead/MajorProgramChair Date
___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
DepartmentHead/MinorProgramChair Date Chair,UndergraduateCurriculumCommittee Date
DeanorAssociateDean Date
Approvals: On completion of appropriate department approvals, submit form to Chair, Graduate Council,
or Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, for approval below and forward to the Catalog & Curriculum Manager.
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