BOE-502-AH (P3) REV. 17 (05-19)
The law requires any transferee acquiring an interest in real property or manufactured home subject to local property taxation, and that is assessed by the
county assessor, to file a change in ownership statement with the county recorder or assessor. The change in ownership statement must be filed at the
time of recording or, if the transfer is not recorded, within 90 days of the date of the change in ownership, except that where the change in ownership has
occured by reason of death the statement shall be filed within 150 days after the date of death or, if the estate is probated, shall be filed at the time the
inventory and appraisal is filed. The failure to file a change in ownership statement within 90 days from the date a written request is mailed by the
assessor results in a penalty of either: (1) one hundred dollars ($100), or (2) 10 percent of the taxes applicable to the new base year value reflecting the
change in ownership of the real property or manufactured home, whichever is greater, but not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) if the property is
eligible for the homeowners' exemption of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) if the property is not eligible for the homeowners' exemption if that failure to
file was not willful. The assessor is required to mail the request to file a change in ownership statement to the transferee at the address specified for
mailing tax information on either the recorded instrument, the document evidencing a transfer of an interest in real property or manufactured home, or on
the filed preliminary change in ownership report, or, if an address is not specified for mailing tax information, to any address reasonably known to the
assessor. This penalty will be added to the assessment roll and shall be collected like any other delinquent property taxes, and be subject to the same
penalties for nonpayment.
NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF BUYER: Please make necessary corrections to the printed name and mailing address. Enter
Assessor’sParcelNumber,name of seller, buyer’s daytimetelephonenumber,buyer’s email address, and streetaddressorphysical
location of the real property.
NOTE: Your telephone number and/or email address is very important. If there is a question or a problem, the Assessor
needs to be able to contact you.
address on your automobile registration, and (3) where you normally return after work. If after considering these criteria you are still
DISABLED VETERAN: If you checked YES, you may qualify for a property tax exemption. A claim form must be filed and all
requirements met in order to obtain the exemption. Please contact the Assessor for a claim form.
If you check YES to any of these statements, the Assessor may ask for supporting documentation.
C, D, E, F:IfyoucheckedYEStoanyofthesestatements,youmayqualifyforapropertytaxreassessmentexclusion,whichmayallow
youtomaintainyourproperty’sprevioustaxbase. A claim form must be filed and all requirements met in order to obtain any of
these exclusions. ContacttheAssessorforclaimforms.NOTE:Ifyougivesomeonemoneyorpropertyduringyourlife,youmaybe
in the property.
"Beneficial interest" is the right to enjoy all the benefits of property ownership. Those benefits include the right to use, sell,
I: A "cosigner"isathirdpartytoamortgage/loanwhoprovidesaguaranteethataloanwillberepaid.Thecosignersignsanagreement
companies.CheckYESonlyiftheinterestheldineachandeveryparcelbeingtransferredremainsexactly the same.
N: Check YES only if this property is subject to a government or nonprofit affordable housing program that imposes restrictions.
Property may qualify for a restricted valuation (i.e., may result in lower taxes).
O: If you checked YES, you may qualify for a new construction property tax exclusion. A claim form must be filed and all
requirements met in order to obtain the exclusion. Contact the Assessor for a claim form.
B: Check the box that corresponds to the type of transfer. If OTHER is checked, please provide a detailed description. Attach a
separatesheet if necessary.
C. If this transfer was the result of an inhertiance following the death of the property owner, please complete a Change in
Ownership Statement, Death of Real Property Owner, formBOE-502-D,ifnotalreadyfiledwiththeAssessor’soffice.