Chabot College Puente Project
A Learning Community Since 1981
Thank you for your interest in the Puente Project. Please review the process and participation
criteria before you complete.
Interest in transferring to and graduating from a 4 year university or college
G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher. (Students who do not meet this criterion should submit a letter of
recommendation from an instructor or counselor with the application)
Willingness to learn about the Mexican American/Latino experience
Willingness to participate in career and college field trips, service learning, and mentoring events
that take place outside of regular class time
Eligibility to enroll in the assigned Puente PSCN classes, English 1 (fall semester) or English 7
(spring semester)
Puente Project 2 - Semester Agreement & Commitment
Puente English courses each semester develop critical reading and writing skills necessary to
succeed in college or university.
Puente Counseling and Counseling-Psychology courses each semester to develop self-
confidence, self-understanding and student success skills necessary to make it in college or
university, a knowledge of resources, requirements and an Educational Plan necessary for
Puente Mentoring each semester by volunteers in professional careers to help develop skills
necessary for the professional world.
Puente educational, career and cultural activities each semester that further support students in
developing career and life goals.