College of Science and Engineering
Honours Application Additional Information Sheet
This form must be submitted with the appropriate honours course enrolment application form.
The aim of this additional information sheet is to assess whether you have discussed your
proposed project with your supervisor; a more formal proposal is developed during the first two
weeks of your Honours program. Initial acceptance into the program is based upon academic
merit, and the agreement of a member of CES staff who is willing to supervise your project.
Family Name: Given Names:
Student number:
Project information
Please complete the following information based on your current knowledge and preliminary discussions
with your proposed supervisor/s.
Project Aims and Research Focus:
Project Background:
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Supervisor(s) agreement to preliminary proposal:
Please ask your supervisor to complete this next section
Principal supervisor (Must be a staff member in the College of Science and Engineering)
Name: Signature:
2. Co-supervisors and their affiliations (a secondary supervisor must be nominated):
3: Please specify the funding strategy for this project:
The project cannot proceed without appropriate funds and facilities. Honours students will receive a
SSA contribution towards the project.
ated budget
Students to complete this section, in consultation with your project supervisor/s.
For each major item, list the quantity (e.g. samples to be analysed), the cost of each item (e.g. $X per
sample analysed) and the total cost for each item and an overall total.
Budget item
Rate / Breakdown of use
e.g. Vehicle use
$100 per day for 3 days travel to Paluma
Total from above budget: $
Less $500 Project allocation (if applicable): $
Balance to be met from Supervisor’s funds: $
Note that all students accepted into the Honours Program need to attend Induction in Wk 1 of the
program. Please ensure you are on campus for this session. Contact your Course Coordinator and
refer to the Honours Program Manual for more details.
Office Use Only
Approved: YES NO
Recommended subject code/s & intake:
Name of Honours Coordinator or Delegate:
Signature: Date:
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