2017 Civil Law Self-Help Center
From: ___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: __________________, _____ __________
Telephone No.: (____) ________________
Date: ____________________
To: ___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
City & Zip Code: __________________, Nevada _________
Dear _________________________:
This letter is a demand for payment in the amount of $____________________.
I believe I am owed this amount as a result of the following facts and circumstances:
You are hereby informed that you have ten (10) days from the date of this letter to pay
the demanded amount or to make a satisfactory arrangement with me to fully resolve this matter.
If you are interested in mediating this matter with me, please contact the Neighborhood
Justice Center at (702) 455-3898. Mediation is an opportunity for us to craft an agreement with a
neutral third party that might keep us out of court. It is confidential, expedited, and free, and you
can negotiate agreement details without a judgment being placed on your financial record.
My contact information is listed above. In the event this matter is not resolved to my
satisfaction, or if I do not receive or accept an invitation to mediate, then I intend to file an action
in Small Claims Court where I will also request that you pay the costs of suit associated with
having the matter heard by the court. Please guide yourself accordingly.
Signed: ______________________________
Printed Name: ________________________________