Building & Development Services
1102 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX 78734
Phone: (512) 314-7540 Fax: (512) 314-7541
Applications for Certificates of Occupancy (temporary or final) or Certificates of Completion must be submitted
to BDS with required documentation at least one week in advance of the requested occupancy date (LCO
No building or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a
building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the building official has issued a certificate of
occupancy therefor as provided herein. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an
approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. [Certificates
presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of
the jurisdiction shall not be valid.] (IBC §111.1 [IRC §R110.1])
All fees must be paid in
full prior to any request for Certificate(s).
CHECKLISTS – Please submit a copy of the following documents with this Certificate Request Form:
Final Building Inspection (Passed, Signed, Dated) – City of Lakeway *
Compliance Inspection (Passed, Signed, Dated) – City
of Lakeway *
All landscaping must be permitted and installed prior to submitting compliance inspection requests
Final Plumbing Inspections (Passed, Signed, Dated) – Schedule through water purveyor to the property
Duct Blast Test (Passed, Signed, Dated) – Obtain from energy auditor of builder’s choice
Termite Documentation
OSSF (On-Site Sewer Facilities) Permit to Operate [if applicable] (Signed, Dated) – Obtain from LCRA
Propane/Gas Conversion Test - Obtain from licensed propane vendor of builder's choice
A Certificate of Acceptance (CA) on subdivision improvements by the City Engineer is required
a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) can be issued. Click List of Subdivisions without a CA to verify.
As-Builts in PDF format: Approved Building Plans (all pages including site and engineered plans) must
be submitted prior to final CO issuance.
Final Building Inspection (Passed, Signed, Dated) - City of Lakeway *
Final Fire Inspection (Passed, Signed, Dated) - Schedule through Lake Travis Fire and Rescue
Final Health Inspection (Passed, Signed, Dated) [if applicable] - Austin/Travis County Health & Human
Final Plumbing Inspection (Passed, Signed, Dated) - Schedule through water purveyor to the property
OSSF (On Site Sewage Facilities) Permit to Operate [if applicable] – Obtain from LCRA Accessibility
Inspection [if applicable] - Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation - 512-539-5669 Can be
deferred until final Certificate of Occupancy (CO)
A Certificate of Acceptance on subdivision improvements by the City Engineer is required before a
Certificate of Occupancy can be issued.
To schedule inspections through the City of Lakeway, go to: http://www.lakeway-tx.gov/inspections
Revised: 2/6/2018