Clinical decision-making:
Planning for professional growth
This final learning activity will guide
you in developing a plan for future
growth in clinical decision-making.
A sample plan outline is included in
this Workbook.
1. Begin by reviewing “Affirmations
and Insights” insights page in this
Workbook. This page includes
some of the conclusions you have
formed about your clinical decision-
making in your nursing practice
as you have worked through this
module. It is, in other words, a
comprehensive self-assessment of all
the components that are part
of, or influence, your clinical
decision-making. Now its time to
put that to use!
Take some time to read through
these conclusions: First, notice
and acknowledge your strengths.
Now pay attention to the areas that
you have identified as areas for
development and growth. As you
read these, notice which ones seem
to resonate with you or feel
most important to you. Use these
conclusions to determine the goals
that will support ongoing growth of
your clinical decision-making.
2. Create three goals that reflect
your focus for development in your
clinical decision-making. Write
these in the appropriate place in
“My Plan for growth in clinical
decision-making”. (located on p. 13
of the Workbook)
3. The next step is to develop an
action plan that will help you meet
those goals. Begin by identifying
resources that you could use to
assist you in meeting your goals.
If you are not aware of specific
resources, then begin by listing the
sources you will explore in order to
learn what you can do to support
your growth toward your goals.
4. Once you are familiar with the
learning opportunities that are
available to you, create an action
plan that outlines specific strategies
page 10clinical decision making within the standards of nursing practice
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you will use, what resources you
need in order to implement these
strategies (e.g. who do you need to
talk to, learning materials you want to
acquire, learning experiences you
need to arrange etc) and, importantly,
a target date for completion.
Not sure how to do identify goals and
create an action plan? The planning
for growth page has provided a
brief example of this process is
included in Appendix 3. As well, it
is recommended that you use the
BCCNM Quality Assurance resources
to assist you in this process. You may
wish to review these now.
5. Finally: Add your plan to your
Quality Assurance file, workbook or
portfolio. And remember to update it
once you have completed the actions!