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Table of Contents
Section I: Inside Construction Pattern Agreement
Inside Pattern Agreement
Section II: Portability
Non-Resident Employees (Portability)
Agreement on Employee Portability
Q & A for IBEW-NECA Agreement On Employee
New Jersey Option to the National Portability
Section III: Employer Rights
Management Rights Clause
Right to Reject Referrals
Favored Nations Clause
Statements of Journeyman Responsibility
Prohibition of Journeyman Holding License &
Continuing Education for Journeymen/Foremen
Journeymen Recall
Section IV: IBEW Rights
Union Recognition/Exclusive Right of Referral
Reservation of Final Approval of CBA
Union Security
Picket Language
Union Right to Discipline Members
Union Job Access
Work Preservation Clause
Prohibition of Employer Interest in Non-Union
Policy Regarding use of IBEW/Union Label
Determination of Jurisdiction
Section V: Legal Disclaimers/Policy Statements
Separability Clause
Supremacy Clauses
Policy of Non-Discrimination
Policy on Sexual Harassment
Basic Principles
Negotiations/Dispute Resolution Procedures
Employer Qualifications/ Definition of Employer
Substance Abuse Language
Code of Excellence Program
Section VI: Referral
Reverse Layoff
Repeated Discharge
Referral Re-registration
Short Call
Exceptions to Order of Referral
Miscellaneous Referral Language
Section VII: Work Rules
Employer Ability to Work with Tools
Temporary Requirements
Travel Time/Arrangements
Employer Furnished Equipment, Tools, etc.
Tool List/Responsibility for Maintenance, Loss, etc.
Use of Vehicle (Personal/Company)
Transfer of Employees
Additional Restrictions on Work or Use of Tools
Terms & Conditions Specific to Photovoltaic Work
Section VIII: Premium Pay
High Time Premium
Live Work Premiums/Restrictions
Hazmat Premium
Lay Out Premium
Maintenance Work
“Off-Shift” Premiums
Misc. Language re: Premiums (incl. paid break
Shift Differential
Shift Language: Questions & Answers
Section IX: Hours/Workweek
Work Week & Start/Quit Times
“Four Tens” Language
Shift Differential
Work Sharing Language (incl. Mandatory
Section X: Special Employee Categories
Foreman (Classifications, Rights & Premiums)
Layout Man/Plan or Print Reader
Foreman Call-By-Name
Steward Language
Cable Splicers
Tool & Material Crib Man
Solar Handler/Solar Racking Ground Hand
Apprentice Ratios
Supervision of Apprentices
Employment of Unindentured Workers
Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
Apprentice Availability
Enhanced Apprentice Portability
Temporary Employees
Crew Composition Charts
Section XI: Pay Provisions
General Pay Provisions
Show-up Pay
Layoff/Termination Pay
Additional Guaranteed Pay & Hours (incl.
Section XII: Collections & Funds/Assessments
Bond Language
Fund Payment/Collection Procedures
Working Dues
Insurances/Government Requirements
JATC Contribution
NEIF Language
AMF Language
NLMCC Language
NEBF Language
TDB Language
Annuity Language
Health & Welfare Language
Local Pension Language
Personal/Vacation Fund Language
Supplemental Fund Language
Miscellaneous Fund Language
Gross Labor Payroll (GLP)
“Alumni” Agreement
Section XIII: Jurisdiction
Trade Jurisdiction
Geographic Jurisdiction
Combined Territory Language
Section XIV: Safety
Live Work Premiums/Restrictions
Manhole Work
Safety (Miscellaneous)
Section XV: Drug Free Workforce Policies
IBEW Local 164
IBEW Local 456
IBEW Local 400
In this file you will find the revised version of three different pattern agreement guides and the Construction
Wireman/Construction Electrician Addendum:
(1) Inside Agreement;
(2) Outside Agreement; and
(3) Residential Agreement.
This revision replaces the 2008 version of the Pattern Agreement Guides. This year, as in the past the documents are
provided in both PDF and Word formats. The PDF file is a secure document that cannot be changed; it can serve as a
permanent reference. The Word files can be easily used in developing your local agreements.
The revisions include additional language to the explanation of Category I and II language located in the Foreword of the
Guide, and minor typographical corrections.
All language changes are indicated by the insertion of a black bar to the left of those lines that have been changed both in the
table of contents and affected article.
The Pattern Agreement Guides have been generally well-received and have led to the submission of better local agreements
and more rapid internal analysis. Each guide includes a foreword consisting of definitions for Category I language, Category
II language, Optional Language and common provisions, as well as information regarding the submission of agreements.
Return to Table of Contents

Category I provisions, as identified in red in the Table of Contents and in the body of this Guide, are considered
Standard Agreement Language by the IBEW International Office and NECA National. By joint recommendation and
in written agreement, all Inside Construction Agreements between IBEW Local Unions and NECA Chapters must
contain all Category I Language verbatim, i.e., no deviations or changes to these clauses are permitted. Likewise, the
agreement may not contain language that is contrary to the intent of the Category I language or circumvents provisions
contained in the Category I Language. Additional language that pertains to but does not conflict with the Category I
language may follow the language, but is not to be inserted within the language. (This would also apply to Category II
and any other verbatim language.) There are also several places where Alternate Language is provided. This Alternate
Language is to be used in lieu of, and not in conjunction with, Standard Language.
Category II Language, as identified in blue, reflects provisions which the IBEW International Office recommends but
which NECA National has not endorsed. These provisions need to be negotiated locally. If adopted, this language must
be inserted verbatim into the collective bargaining agreement.
Optional Language, as identified in purple, is language that is acceptable to the IBEW International and NECA
National, is approvable, and may be included in the agreement if the local parties agree. In some cases, language other
than the particular language illustrated may be used; however, some of these clauses must be used verbatim.
Sections identified in black text are common provisions listed for local labor management consideration. They must be locally
negotiated and agreed upon and may be used as provided or modified as determined by the parties.
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IBEW Submission Requirements
Six original signed copies of the agreement must be sent to the International Office, Construction and Maintenance Department,
for International review and approval. All submitted Agreements must be signed by both parties, including the local union
Business Manager. Memoranda of Understanding and other “side agreements” must be submitted for informational purposes.
All Agreements must be submitted on standard letter-size (8.5”x11”) white paper, with black text, and accompanied by a copy
of the agreement in Microsoft Word format on a 3-1/2” computer diskette or CD-ROM, an IBEW Form 105 (Agreement
Information and Summary Form) and an IBEW Form 654 (Davis-Bacon Fringe Benefit Summary). A Davis-Bacon Form 654
is required for each state in which the agreement applies with all related counties identified. Do not refer to the body of the
agreement to identify the counties. However, an attached list to Form 654 identifying the covered counties is acceptable. The
Form 654 will be forwarded to the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, with an I.O. approved agreement for
each state, to facilitate the federal recording of your wage and benefit changes.
IBEW agreement approval will be withheld where:
1) Deviations exist from Category I and/or II Language, and/or deviations exist in certain Optional Language, and/or there
are deviations from IBEW policies;
2) Provisions exist of questionable legality; and,
3) Provisions exist which are legally indefensible.
NECA Agreement Review Requirements
NECA bylaws require that at least four copies of the original signed agreements and amendments be sent to NECA national
for review. All submitted agreements or amendments must be signed by both parties. Documents should be sent on standard
letter-size (8.5”x11”) white paper, with black text, and we are asking that it be accompanied by a copy of the agreement in
Microsoft Word format on a 3-1/2” computer diskette or CD-ROM. A Davis-Bacon Wage Modification Form must
accompany the agreement or amendment. In addition, a Labor Agreement Summary Form must be enclosed for all agreements,
except Inside.
Please Note: The IBEW
and NECA have jointly agreed to the meaning and intent of this document. We recognize that there
are stylistic inconsistencies in the text, but this was the style in use at the time the various provisions were agreed to by the
and NECA and, therefore, these provisions are to appear in your agreement as shown in this Guide.
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Article and Section numbers are for illustrative purposes only.
Section Pages Category
First Clause ................................................... ....................... 8 ........................ I
Basic Principles ........................................... ....................... 8
Article I: Effective Date/Changes/Grievances/Disputes
Standard CIR Language ................................. 1.01-1.09 .......... 9-11................... I
Modified CIR Language
(Alternate - Verbatim) .................................. 1.01-1.09 ........ 11-14................... I
Article II: Employer Rights / Union Rights
Management Rights ........................................ 2.02 ................ 15 ........................ I
Foreman Call−Out By Name (Optional) 2.03 ................ 15-16
Workers’ Comp Insurance ................................. 2.04 ................ 16
Surety Bond........................................................ 2.05(a) ............ 16
Joint Venture ..................................................... 2.06 ................ 16
Union Recognition ............................................. 2.07(a) ............ 16-17
Work Preservation ........................................... 2.08 ................ 17-18................. II
Non-resident Employees - (Portability) ........... 2.09 ................ 18 ........................ I
Favored Nations ............................................... 2.10 ................ 18 ........................ I
Union Right to Discipline Members .................. 2.15 ................ 19
Appointment of Stewards................................... 2.16 ................ 19
Union Job Access ............................................... 2.17 ................ 19
Picket Language ................................................. 2.1819-20
Tool List ............................................................. 2.2020
Union Security ................................................... 2.23 ................ 20-21
Age-Ratio .......................................................... 2.24 ................ 21 ...................... II
Annulment/Subcontracting ............................ 2.25 ................ 21 ........................ I
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Section Pages Category
Article III: Hours / Wages / Working Conditions
Hours (Workday-Workweek) ............................ 3.01(a) ............ 22
Four Ten-hour Days (Optional) ....................... 3.01(b) ........... 22
Overtime/Holidays ............................................. 3.02 ................ 22
Payday ................................................................ 3.04(a) ............ 22-23
Direct Deposit (Optional) ................................. 3.04(b) ........... 23
Classification-Wages ........................................ 3.05(a) ........... 23 ........................ I
Apprenticeship – Six (6) Periods..................... 3.05(a) ........... 23 ........................ I
Apprenticeship –
Ten (10) Periods (Alternate-verbatim) ...... 3.05(a). .......... 24 ........................ I
Fringes ................................................................ 3.05(b) ........... 24
Travel Time ........................................................ 3.06 ................ 25
Union Dues Deduction ..................................... 3.09 ................ 25 ...................... II
Ratio of Foremen to Journeymen ....................... 3.10 ................ 25
Show-up Pay ...................................................... 3.11 ................ 26
Shift Work ....................................................... 3.12 ................ 26-27................... I
Shift Work - (Alternate I - verbatim) ................ 3.12 ................ 27-28................... I
Shift Work - (Alternate II - verbatim) .............. 3.12 ................ 28-29................... I
Shift Work - (Alternate III - verbatim) ............. 3.12 ................ 29-30................... I
COPE Deduction ................................................ 3.18 ................ 31
Article IV: Referral Procedure
Referral Procedure .......................................... 4.01-4.21 ........ 32-40................... I
Group I - (Alternate - verbatim) ....................... 4.05 ................ 34-35................... I
Re-registration .................................................. 4.12 ................ 37 ...................... II
Repeated Discharge - ………………………...4.14(b) ........... 37-38................... I
Reverse Layoff .................................................. 4.21 ................ 39 ...................... II
Worker Recall (Optional) ……………………4.22 ………...39-40
Article V: Apprenticeship and Training
Apprenticeship and Training .......................... 5.01-5.16 ........ 41-46................... I
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Section Pages Category
Article VI: Fringe Benefits
NEBF ................................................................. 6.01 ................ 47…………..…I
Health & Welfare (Alt: Employee – or − ............
Family Medical Care) ................................. 6.0247-48
Vacation ............................................................. 6.03 ................ 48
Default on Required Payments .......................... 6.04 ................ 48
National Electrical Annuity
Plan - (Optional-Verbatim) ......................... 6.05 ................ 48-49
Supplemental Unemployment
Benefit Fund …………………………..6.06………...49-50
Fringe Benefit Remedies .................................... 6.0750
Administrative Maintenance
Receiving Trust Fund .................... Statement ..................... 50
Article VII: NEIF
National Electrical Industry Fund.................. 7.01 ................ 51 ........................ I
Article VIII: LMCC
Local Labor-Management Cooperation
Committee (LMCC) – ............................ 8.01 ................ 52-53………….I
Article IX: NLMCC
National Labor-Management
Cooperation Committee (NLMCC) ........... 9.01-9.04 ........ 54-55................... I
Article X: Safety
Safety ............................................................... 10.01-10.09 ...... 56-57
Employer Responsibility................................ 10.10 ................ 57 ...................... II
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..................................................................Section ............... Pages .......... Category
Article XI: Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse ……………….11.01……. 58……………..I
Article XII: Code of Excellence
Code of Excellence ……………12.01……………..….59………..…….I
Article XIII: National Electrical 401k Plan
National Electrical
401k Plan (Optional- Verbatim)..13.01………………..60-61
Separability Clause…………………………….62 ………………I
Signature Page ............................................. ..................... 62
Addendum One:
Construction Wireman/Construction Electrician........(Optional-verbatim)
Return to Table of Contents

Agreement by and between [the] [Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors
Association (NECA)] and Local Union No. , IBEW.
It shall apply to all firms who sign a Letter of Assent to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
As used hereinafter in this Agreement, the term [Chapter] shall mean [the] - [Chapter of NECA] and
the term "Union" shall mean Local Union No. , IBEW.
The term "Employer" shall mean an individual firm who has been recognized by an assent to this Agreement.
The Employer and the Union have a common and sympathetic interest in the Electrical Industry. Therefore, a working system
and harmonious relations are necessary to improve the relationship between the Employer, the Union, and the Public. Progress
in industry demands a mutuality of confidence between the Employer and the Union. All will benefit by continuous peace and
by adjusting any differences by rational, common-sense methods. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises
and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Return to Table of Contents

Note: Use STANDARD CIR or MODIFIED CIR Language for Article I. Standard CIR Language is the
preferred language endorsed by the IBEW International and NECA National.
MODIFIED CIR starts on page 11.
Section 1.01. This Agreement shall take effect , 20 , and shall remain in effect until ,
20 unless otherwise specifically provided for herein. It shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter, from
through of each year, unless changed or terminated in the way later provided herein.
Section 1.02(a). Either party or an Employer withdrawing representation from the Chapter or not represented by the
Chapter, desiring to change or terminate this Agreement must provide written notification at least 90 days prior to the
expiration date of the Agreement or any anniversary date occurring thereafter.
(b). Whenever notice is given for changes, the nature of the changes desired must be specified in the notice, or
no later than the first negotiating meeting unless mutually agreed otherwise.
(c). The existing provisions of the Agreement, including this Article, shall remain in full force and effect until
a conclusion is reached in the matter of proposed changes.
(d). Unresolved issues or disputes arising out of the failure to negotiate a renewal or modification of this
agreement that remain on the 20th of the month preceding the next regular meeting of the Council on Industrial
Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry (CIR) may be submitted jointly or unilaterally to the Council for
adjudication. Such unresolved issues or disputes shall be submitted no later than the next regular meeting of the
Council following the expiration date of this agreement or any subsequent anniversary date. The Council's decisions
shall be final and binding.
(e). When a case has been submitted to the Council, it shall be the responsibility of the negotiating committee
to continue to meet weekly in an effort to reach a settlement on the local level prior to the meeting of the Council.
(f). Notice of a desire to terminate this Agreement shall be handled in the same manner as a proposed change.
Section 1.03. This Agreement shall be subject to change or supplement at any time by mutual consent of the parties
hereto. Any such change or supplement agreed upon shall be reduced to writing, signed by the parties hereto, and
submitted to the International Office of the IBEW for approval, the same as this Agreement.
Section 1.04. There shall be no stoppage of work either by strike or lockout because of any proposed changes in this
Return to Table of Contents

Agreement or dispute over matters relating to this Agreement. All such matters must be handled as stated herein.
Section 1.05. There shall be a Labor-Management Committee of three representing the Union and three representing
the Employers. It shall meet regularly at such stated times as it may decide. However, it shall also meet within 48
hours when notice is given by either party. It shall select its own Chairman and Secretary. The Local Union shall select
the Union representatives and the Chapter shall select the management representatives.
Section 1.06. All grievances or questions in dispute shall be adjusted by the duly authorized representative of each of
the parties to this Agreement. In the event that these two are unable to adjust any matter within 48 hours, they shall
refer the same to the Labor-Management Committee.
Section 1.07. All matters coming before the Labor-Management Committee shall be decided by a majority vote. Four
members of the Committee, two from each of the parties hereto, shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, but
each party shall have the right to cast the full vote of its membership and it shall be counted as though all were present
and voting. In the absence of a deadlock, the Labor-Management Committee’s decision shall be final and binding. (Note:
Italicized is optional and must be negotiated locally.)
Section 1.08. Should the Labor-Management Committee fail to agree or to adjust any matter, such shall then be
referred to the Council on Industrial Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry for adjudication. The Council's
decisions shall be final and binding.
Section 1.09. When any matter in dispute has been referred to conciliation or arbitration for adjustment, the provisions
and conditions prevailing prior to the time such matters arose shall not be changed or abrogated until agreement has
been reached or a ruling has been made.
Section 1.10. Any grievance not brought to the attention of responsible opposite parties to this Agreement in writing within
___________ working days of its occurrence shall be deemed to no longer exist. (Note: Italicized is optional and must be
negotiated locally.)
Return to Table of Contents

Note: Use STANDARD CIR or MODIFIED CIR Language for Article I.
Note: The MODIFIED CIR Language is Alternate Language to the Standard CIR Language that would still qualify as Category
I. The major difference between STANDARD and MODIFIED CIR Language is Section 1.02(d) where MODIFIED Language
states that either party can terminate the agreement after serving the other party with a 10-day notice. Also, Section 1.02(e)
of the MODIFIED language requires mutual agreement to submit interest arbitration issues to CIR for resolution. Grievances
still may be heard at CIR by joint or unilateral submission. STANDARD CIR Language requires the parties to submit all
unresolved issues in negotiations and grievances to CIR, jointly or unilaterally.
Section 1.01. This Agreement shall take effect , 20 , and shall remain in effect until , 20
unless otherwise specifically provided for herein. It shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter, from
through of each year, unless changed or terminated in the way later provided herein.
Section 1.02(a). Either party or an Employer withdrawing representation from the Chapter or not represented by the
Chapter, desiring to change or terminate this Agreement must provide written notification at least 90 days prior to the
expiration date of the Agreement or any anniversary date occurring thereafter.
(b). Whenever notice is given for changes, the nature of the changes desired must be specified in the notice, or
no later than the first negotiating meeting unless mutually agreed otherwise.
(c). The existing provisions of the Agreement, including this Article, shall remain in full force and effect until
a conclusion is reached in the matter of proposed changes.
(d). In the event that either party, or an Employer withdrawing representation from the Chapter or not
represented by the Chapter, has given a timely notice of proposed changes and an agreement has not been reached by
the expiration date or by any subsequent anniversary date to renew, modify, or extend this Agreement, or to submit
the unresolved issues to the Council on Industrial Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry (CIR), either party
or such an Employer, may serve the other a ten (10) day written notice terminating this Agreement. The terms and
conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the expiration of the ten (10) day period.
(e). By mutual agreement only, the Chapter, or an Employer withdrawing representation from the Chapter or
not represented by the Chapter, may jointly, with the Union, submit the unresolved issues to the Council on Industrial
Relations for adjudication. Such unresolved issues shall be submitted no later than the next regular meeting of the
Council following the expiration date of this Agreement or any subsequent anniversary date. The Council's decisions
shall be final and binding.
(f). When a case has been submitted to the Council, it shall be the responsibility of the negotiating committee
Return to Table of Contents

to continue to meet weekly in an effort to reach a settlement on the local level prior to the meeting of the Council.
(g). Notice of a desire to terminate this Agreement shall be handled in the same manner as a proposed change.
Section 1.03. This Agreement shall be subject to change or supplement at any time by mutual consent of the parties
hereto. Any such change or supplement agreed upon shall be reduced to writing, signed by the parties hereto, and
submitted to the International Office of the IBEW for approval, the same as this Agreement.
Section 1.04. During the term of this Agreement, there shall be no stoppage of work either by strike or lockout because
of any proposed changes in this Agreement or dispute over matters relating to this Agreement. All such matters must
be handled as stated herein.
Section 1.05. There shall be a Labor-Management Committee of three representing the Union and three representing
the Employers. It shall meet regularly at such stated times as it may decide. However, it shall also meet within 48
hours when notice is given by either party. It shall select its own Chairman and Secretary. The Local Union shall select
the Union representatives and the Chapter (Note: In the case of independent agreements the word “Chapter” should be
replaced by the word “Employer”) shall select the management representatives.
Section 1.06. All grievances or questions in dispute shall be adjusted by the duly authorized representative of each of
the parties to this Agreement. In the event that these two are unable to adjust any matter within 48 hours, they shall
refer the same to the Labor-Management Committee.
Section 1.07. All matters coming before the Labor-Management Committee shall be decided by a majority vote. Four
members of the Committee, two from each of the parties hereto, shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, but
each party shall have the right to cast the full vote of its membership and it shall be counted as though all were present
and voting. In the absence of a deadlock, the Labor-Management Committee’s decision shall be final and binding. (Note:
Italicized is optional and must be negotiated locally.)
Section 1.08. Should the Labor-Management Committee fail to agree or to adjust any matter, such shall then be
referred to the Council on Industrial Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry for adjudication. The Council's
decisions shall be final and binding.
Section 1.09. When any matter in dispute has been referred to conciliation or arbitration for adjustment, the provisions
and conditions prevailing prior to the time such matters arose shall not be changed or abrogated until agreement has
Return to Table of Contents

been reached or a ruling has been made.
Section 1.10. Any grievance not brought to the attention of responsible opposite parties to this Agreement in writing within
___________ working days of its occurrence shall be deemed to no longer exist. (Note: Italicized is optional and must be
negotiated locally.)
Return to Table of Contents

Section 2.01. Certain qualifications, knowledge, experience and proof of financial responsibility are required of everyone
desiring to be an Employer in the Electrical Industry. Therefore, an Employer who contracts for electrical work is a person,
firm, or corporation having these qualifications and maintaining a place of business, a suitable financial status to meet payroll
requirements, and employing at least one Journeyman Wireman.
Section 2.02. The Union understands the Employer is responsible to perform the work required by the owner. The
Employer shall, therefore, have no restrictions except those specifically provided for in the collective bargaining
agreement, in planning, directing and controlling the operation of all his work, in deciding the number and kind of
employees to properly perform the work, in hiring and laying off employees, in transferring employees from job to job
within the Local Union's geographical jurisdiction, in determining the need and number as well as the person who will
act as Foreman, in requiring all employees to observe the Employer's and/or owner's rules and regulations not
inconsistent with this Agreement, in requiring all employees to observe all safety regulations, and in discharging
employees for proper cause.
FOREMAN CALL-OUT BY NAME: (Optional Language)
Note: This is Optional Language approved by the IBEW International and NECA National which may be utilized when an
Employer wishes to call out a Foreman by name. This is current CIR pattern language. It is approvable, but alternate
language may be negotiated and agreed upon at the local level.
Section 2.03. The employer shall have the right to call a Foreman by name provided:
A) The employee has not quit his previous employer within the past two weeks.
B) The employer shall notify the business manager in writing of the name of the individual who is to be
requested for employment as a Foreman. Upon such request, the business manager shall refer said Foreman
provided the name appears on the highest priority group.
C) When an employee is called as a Foreman, he must remain as a Foreman for 1,000 hours or must receive a
reduction in force.
Section 2.04. For all employees covered by this Agreement, the Employer shall carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance, with
a company authorized to do business in this state; Social Security; and such other protective insurance as may be required by
the laws of the state in which the work is performed. He shall also make voluntary contributions to the State Unemployment
Compensation Commission regardless of the number of employees.
Return to Table of Contents

Section 2.05(a). Each Employer shall furnish a surety bond in the amount of $ to secure payment of all amounts
due on account of payroll and fund deduction, contribution, and reporting obligations of the Employer required by this
Agreement. The bond shall provide that it may not be terminated without 15 days prior written notice to the Employer and the
Local Union.
(b). The Labor-Management Committee and/or the Council on Industrial Relations, as the case may be, shall have
full power to determine the amount of money due, if any, and shall direct payments of delinquent wages from the Bond directly
to the affected employees and direct payments of delinquent fund contributions from the Bond directly to the Trustees of the
affected funds or to their designated agents.
Section 2.06. Employers engaged in joint-venture jobs shall be considered as a new and separate individual Employer, with
all rights herein as they apply to an individual participating Employer. There shall be no transfer of workers between a joint-
venture and any or all of the Employers comprising the joint-venture.
Section 2.07(a). The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive representative of all its employees performing
work within the jurisdiction of the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of
employment and other conditions of employment.
(b). The Employer understands that the Local Union's jurisdiction⎯both trade and territorial⎯is not a subject for
negotiations but rather is determined solely within the IBEW by the International President and, therefore, agrees to recognize
and be bound by such determinations.
Section 2.08(a). In order to protect and preserve, for the employees covered by this Agreement, all work heretofore
performed by them, and in order to prevent any device or subterfuge to avoid the protection and preservation of such
work, it is hereby agreed as follows: If and when the Employer shall perform any on-site construction work of the type
covered by this Agreement, under its own name or under the name of another, as a corporation, company, partnership,
or any other business entity including a joint venture, wherein the Employer, through its officers, directors, partners,
or stockholders, exercises either directly or indirectly, management control or majority ownership, the terms and
conditions of this Agreement shall be applicable to all such work. All charges or violations of this Section shall be
considered as a dispute and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement covering the
procedure for the handling of grievances and the final and binding resolution of disputes.
(b). As a remedy for violations of this Section, the Labor-Management Committee, the Council on Industrial
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Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry, and/or an independent arbitrator, as the case may be, are
empowered, in their discretion and at the request of the Union, to require an Employer to (1) pay to affected employees
covered by this Agreement, including registered applicants for employment, the equivalent of wages lost by such
employees as a result of the violations; and (2) pay into the affected joint trust funds established under this Agreement
any delinquent contributions to such funds which have resulted from the violations. Provision for this remedy herein
does not make such remedy the exclusive remedy available to the Union for violation of this Section nor does it make
the same or other remedies unavailable to the Union for violations of other Sections or other Articles of this Agreement.
(c). If, as a result of violations of this Section, it is necessary for the Union and/or the Trustees of the joint trust
funds to institute court action to enforce an award rendered in accordance with subsection (b) above, or to defend an
action which seeks to vacate such award, the Employer shall pay any accountants' and attorneys' fees incurred by the
Union and/or Fund Trustees, plus cost of the litigation, which have resulted from the bringing of such court action.
Section 2.09. An Employer signatory to a collective bargaining agreement or to a letter of assent to an agreement with
another IBEW Local Union, who signs an assent to this Agreement, may bring up to four bargaining unit employees
employed in that Local Union's jurisdiction into this Local's jurisdiction and up to two bargaining unit employees per
job from that Local's jurisdiction to this Local's jurisdiction for specialty or service and maintenance work. All charges
of violations of this section shall be considered as a dispute and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of
this agreement for the handling of grievances with the exception that any decision of a local labor-management
committee that may be contrary to the intent of the parties to the National Agreement on Employee Portability, upon
recommendation of either or both the appropriate IBEW International Vice President or NECA Regional Executive
Director, is subject to review, modification, or rescission by the Council on Industrial Relations.
FAVORED NATIONS: Note: The IBEW recommends that this language be omitted from all agreements with independent
Section 2.10. The Union agrees that if, during the life of this Agreement, it grants to any other Employer in the
Electrical Contracting Industry on work covered by this Agreement, any better terms or conditions than those set forth
in this Agreement, such better terms or conditions shall be made available to the Employer under this Agreement and
the Union shall immediately notify the Employer of any such concession.
Section 2.11. No individual connected with an employing concern as owner, manager, superintendent, or partner shall perform
any manual electrical work.
Section 2.12. Employers shall not loan their employees to another Employer without first securing the permission of the
Business Manager and then only when applicants possessing the required skills are not available through the Referral
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Section 2.13. No applicant or employee, while he remains subject to employment by Employers operating under this
Agreement, shall be recognized as a contractor for the performance of any electrical work.
Section 2.14. Journeyman Wiremen shall install all electrical work in a safe and workmanlike manner and in accordance with
applicable code and contract specifications.
Section 2.15. The Union reserves the right to discipline its members for violation of its laws, rules, and agreements.
Section 2.16. The Union has the right to appoint Stewards at any shop and/or any job where workers are employed under the
terms of this Agreement. The Employer shall be notified and furnished the name of the Steward. Such Stewards shall be
allowed sufficient time during the regular working hours without loss of pay to see that the terms and conditions of this
Agreement are observed at the shop or on the job. No Steward shall be discriminated against by any Employer because of the
faithful performance of duties as Steward, nor shall any Steward be removed from the job until notice has been given to the
Business Manager of the Union.
Section 2.17. A representative of the Union shall be allowed access to any shop or job, at any reasonable time, where workers
are employed under the terms of this Agreement.
Section 2.18(a). It shall not be a violation of this Agreement and it shall not be cause for discharge or any other disciplinary
action by the Employer against any employee for an employee to refuse to cross a lawfully established primary picket line
whether at the premises of another Employer or the employee's own Employer.
(b). Any employee exercising such right shall carefully put away all tools, materials, equipment, or any other property
of the Employer in a safe manner. Each employee will be responsible for any loss to the Employer for neglect in carrying out
this provision but only when a safe place is provided for by the Employer.
Section 2.19. There shall be no limit on production of workers or restriction on the safe use of proper tools or equipment, and
there shall be no taskwork or piecework.
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Section 2.20. Journeyman Wiremen shall provide themselves with the following tools:
(Note: This list is to be negotiated and mutually agreed upon by the local parties.)
The Employer will furnish necessary locked storage to reasonably protect tools from the weather and vandalism and
will replace such tools as listed above when tools are damaged on the job or stolen from the locked storage.
Section 2.21. The Employer shall furnish all other necessary tools or equipment. Workers will be held responsible for the
tools or equipment issued to them, provided the Employer furnishes the necessary lockers, tool boxes, or other safe place of
storage. Tools must be taken out and put away during working hours.
Section 2.22. The refusal by an individual employee to install, service, or perform work on any sign, fixture, or other equipment
which does not bear an IBEW Union Label will not be cause for discipline or discharge of such employees by his Employer
nor shall the Union be deemed to have breached this Agreement thereby.
Section 2.23. All employees covered by the terms of this Agreement shall be required to become and remain members of the
Union as a condition of employment from and after the eighth day following the date of their employment or the effective date
of this Agreement, whichever is later. (Note: This clause is not applicable where prohibited by law.)
Section 2.24. On all jobs requiring five or more Journeymen, at least every fifth Journeyman, if available, shall be 50
years of age or older.
Section 2.25. The Local Union is a part of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and any violation or
annulment by an individual Employer of the approved Agreement of this or any other Local Union of the IBEW, other
than violations of Paragraph 2 of this Section, will be sufficient cause for the cancellation of his Agreement by the Local
Union after a finding has been made by the International President of the Union that such a violation or annulment
has occurred.
The subletting, assigning, or transfer by an individual Employer of any work in connection with electrical work to any
person, firm or corporation not recognizing the IBEW or one of its Local Unions as the collective bargaining
representative of his employees on any electrical work in the jurisdiction of this or any other Local Union to be
performed at the site of the construction, alteration, painting or repair of a building, structure or other work, will be
deemed a material breach of this Agreement.
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All charges of violations of Paragraph 2 of this Section shall be considered as a dispute and shall be processed in
accordance with the provision of this Agreement covering the procedure for the handling of grievances and the final
and binding resolution of disputes.
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HOURS: (Workday/Workweek)
Section 3.01(a). Eight hours work between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., with 30 minutes for a lunch period between
noon and 12:30 p.m. shall constitute the workday. Five such days, Monday through Friday, shall constitute the workweek.
The normal workday may be varied by no more than two hours by mutual agreement between the Union and the Employer.
FOUR 10-HOUR DAYS: (Optional language) Note: This is the standard language utilized in CIR decisions. Alternative
language may be negotiated and agreed upon at the local level.
Section 3.01(b). The Employer, with 24-hour prior notice to the Union, may institute a workweek consisting of four
consecutive 10-hour days between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday, with one-half hour
allowed for a lunch period. Friday may be used as a make-up day, and if utilized, a minimum of eight hours must be
scheduled. After 10 hours in a workday, or 40 hours in a workweek, overtime shall be paid at a rate of 1 ½ times the
regular rate of pay.
Section 3.02. All work performed outside of the stated hours and on Saturdays will be paid at time and one-half of the regular
straight-time rate. Sundays and the following holidays shall be paid at double the straight-time rate: New Year's Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, ____________________
or days celebrated as such.
Section 3.03. No work shall be performed on Labor Day, except in case of emergency.
Section 3.04(a). Wages shall be paid weekly in cash or by payroll check on a local bank not later than quitting time on Friday
and not more than three days' wages may be withheld at that time. Any worker laid off or discharged shall be paid his/her
wages immediately. In the event the worker is not paid off, as provided above, waiting time at the appropriate rate shall be
charged until payment is made. The
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Employer will either pay the worker at the jobsite during regular working hours or allow sufficient time during regular working
hours to report to the shop to receive payment.
DIRECT DEPOSIT: (Optional language)
Note: Alternative language may be negotiated and agreed upon at the local level.
Section 3.04(b). Employees may voluntarily allow for direct electronic deposit of wages on a weekly basis to the bank
or credit union of the employee’s choice. This manner of payment, once adopted, may not be changed except upon 14-
day advance written notification between the employee and Employer with notification copied to the Union.
Section 3.05(a). The minimum hourly rate of wages shall be as follows:
(Note: Unindentured Wage Rates should be attached as an Appendix to the agreement.)
Note: The differential for other classifications, such as Foreman,
may be expressed as either a percentage of the Journeyman rate
or as a specific monetary amount.
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(Note: Unindentured Wage Rates should be attached as an Appendix to the agreement.)
Section 3.05(b). In addition to the above hourly rates, payments shall be made as follows:
1. NEBF 3% of gross labor payroll. (Reference Section 6.01)
2. Health & Welfare Fund (Alternative: Employee (or) Family Medical Care)
3. Vacation Fund Note: Fringes may be expressed as either
4. Industry Fund percent of the gross monthly payroll (or)
5. NEAP cents per hour for each hour worked or cents per hour for
each hour paid.
6. Local Union Pension
7. Supplemental Unemployment Benefit
8. Apprenticeship & Training
9. NLMCC 1 cent per labor hour worked (Reference Article IX)
10. National Electrical 401k Plan (If negotiated locally by the two parties)
Section 3.06(a). No traveling time shall be paid before or after working hours for traveling to or from any job in the jurisdiction
of the Union when workers are ordered to report on the job.
(b). The Employer shall pay time for travel and furnish transportation from shop to job, job to job, and job to shop
within the jurisdiction of the Union. On work outside the jurisdiction of the Union, the Employer shall furnish transportation,
traveling time, room and board, and all other necessary expenses.
Section 3.07. When the employee is required to report to a job and required to change jobs during regular work hours, the
Employer shall pay for traveling time and furnish transportation.
Section 3.08. When an employee must eat his meals on the job, arrangements shall be made for suitable protected quarters.
Section 3.09. The Employer agrees to deduct and forward to the Financial Secretary of the Local Union⎯upon receipt
of a voluntary written authorization⎯the additional working dues from the pay of each IBEW member. The amount
to be deducted shall be the amount specified in the approved Local Union Bylaws. Such amount shall be certified to
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the Employer by the Local Union upon request by the Employer.
Section 3.10. On any job requiring two or more Journeymen, one shall be designated as Foreman by the Employer. An
additional Foreman shall be designated by the Employer for each additional eight Journeymen required on the job. When two
or more Foremen are required on any job, one shall be designated by the Employer as the General Foreman. Foremen on one
job shall not work on another job except in cases of emergency. This does not apply to a Shop Foreman who may supervise
jobs worked out of a shop.
Section 3.11(a). When workers report to the shop or job and are not put to work due to conditions beyond the control of the
workers, they shall receive two hours’ pay. Workers may be required to remain at the jobsite for the hours paid.
(b). When an applicant for employment is referred to an Employer and is rejected for employment, such applicant
shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in reporting to said Employer in an amount equal to two hours’ pay at the prevailing
rate as provided for in this Agreement.
(c). When workers report and are put to work, they shall receive pay for a minimum of four hours and shall remain
on the job unless directed otherwise by the Employer.
Section 3.12. When so elected by the contractor, multiple shifts of at least five (5) days' duration may be worked. When
two (2) or three (3) shifts are worked:
The first shift (day shift) shall be worked between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Workmen on the "day shift"
shall receive eight (8) hours' pay at the regular hourly rate for eight (8) hours' work.
The second shift (swing shift) shall be worked between the hours of 4:30 P.M. and 12:30 A.M. Workmen on the "swing
shift" shall receive eight (8) hours' pay at the regular hourly rate plus 10% for seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours' work.
The third shift (graveyard shift) shall be worked between the hours of 12:30 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. Workmen on the
"graveyard shift" shall receive eight (8) hours' pay at the regular hourly rate plus 15% for seven (7) hours' work.
A lunch period of thirty (30) minutes shall be allowed on each shift. All overtime work required after the completion
of a regular shift shall be paid at one and one-half times the "shift" hourly rate.
There shall be no pyramiding of overtime rates and double the straight rate shall be the maximum compensation for
any hour worked. There shall be no requirement for a day shift when either the second or third shift is worked.
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SHIFT CLAUSE: (Alternate Language #1)
Note: This Alternate Language may be agreed upon by both parties, placed in the agreement verbatim, and is to be used in
lieu of, not in conjunction with, the Standard IBEW/NECA Shift Work Language.
Section 3.12. When so elected by the contractor, multiple shifts of eight (8) hours for at least five (5) days'
duration may be worked. When two (2) or three (3) shifts are worked:
The first shift (day shift) shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours worked between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30
P.M. Workmen on the "day shift" shall be paid at the regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked.
The second shift (swing shift) shall consist of eight consecutive hours worked between the hours of 4:30 P.M. and 1:00
A.M. Workmen on the "swing shift" shall be paid at the regular hourly rate of pay plus 17.3% for all hours worked.
The third shift (graveyard shift) shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours worked between the hours of 12:30 A.M.
and 9:00 A.M. Workmen on the "graveyard shift" shall be paid at the regular hourly rate of pay plus 31.4% for all
hours worked.
The Employer shall be permitted to adjust the starting hours of the shift by up to two (2) hours in order to meet the
needs of the customer.
If the parties to the Agreement mutually agree, the shift week may commence with the third shift (graveyard shift) at
12:30 A.M. Monday to coordinate the work with the customer's work schedule. However, any such adjustment shall
last for at least five (5) consecutive days’ duration unless mutually changed by the parties to this agreement.
An unpaid lunch period of thirty (30) minutes shall be allowed on each shift. All overtime workrequired before the
established start time and after the completion of eight (8) hours of any shift shall be paid at one and one-half times the
"shift" hourly rate.
There shall be no pyramiding of overtime rates and double the straight rate shall be the maximum compensation for
any hour worked. There shall be no requirement for a day shift when either the second or third shift is worked.
SHIFT CLAUSE: (Alternate Language # 2)
Note: This alternate language is to be used where a reduced premium is necessary within the “Standard” format.
Section 3.12. When so elected by the contractor, multiple shifts of at least five (5) days' duration may be worked. When
two (2) or three (3) shifts are worked:
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The first shift (day shift) shall be worked between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Workmen on the "day shift"
shall receive eight (8) hours' pay at the regular hourly rate for eight (8) hours' work.
The second shift (swing shift) shall be worked between the hours of 4:30 P.M. and 12:30 A.M. Workmen on the "swing
shift" shall receive eight (8) hours' pay at the regular hourly rate plus _____ (an amount to be determined locally, not
to exceed 10%) for seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours' work.
The third shift (graveyard shift) shall be worked between the hours of 12:30 A.M. and 8:00 A.M.
Workmen on the "graveyard shift" shall receive eight (8) hours' pay at the regular hourly rate plus _____ (an amount
to be determined locally, not to exceed 15%) for seven (7) hours' work.
A lunch period of thirty (30) minutes shall be allowed on each shift. All overtime work required after the completion
of a regular shift shall be paid at one and one-half times the "shift" hourly rate.
There shall be no pyramiding of overtime rates and double the straight rate shall be the maximum compensation for
any hour worked. There shall be no requirement for a day shift when either the second or third shift is worked.
SHIFT CLAUSE: (Alternate Language #3)
Note: This alternate language is to be used where a reduced premium is needed within the “Alternate” format.
Section 3.12. When so elected by the contractor, multiple shifts of eight (8) hours for at least five (5) days'
duration may be worked. When two (2) or three (3) shifts are worked:
The first shift (day shift) shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours worked between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30
P.M. Workmen on the "day shift" shall be paid at the regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked.
The second shift (swing shift) shall consist of eight consecutive hours worked between the hours of 4:30 P.M. and 1:00
A.M. Workmen on the "swing shift" shall be paid at the regular hourly rate of pay plus _____ (an amount to be
determined locally, not to exceed 17.3%) for all hours worked.
The third shift (graveyard shift) shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours worked between the hours of 12:30 A.M.
and 9:00 A.M. Workmen on the "graveyard shift" shall be paid at the regular hourly rate of pay plus _____ (an amount
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to be determined locally, not to exceed 31.4%) for all hours worked.
The Employer shall be permitted to adjust the starting hours of the shift by up to two (2) hours in order to meet the
needs of the customer.
If the parties to the Agreement mutually agree, the shift week may commence with the third shift (graveyard shift) at
12:30 A.M. Monday to coordinate the work with the customer's work schedule. However, any such adjustment shall
last for at least five (5) consecutive days’ duration unless mutually changed by the parties to this agreement.
An unpaid lunch period of thirty (30) minutes shall be allowed on each shift. All overtime work required before the
established start time and after the completion of eight (8) hours of any shift shall be paid at one and one-half times the
"shift" hourly rate.
There shall be no pyramiding of overtime rates and double the straight rate shall be the maximum compensation for
any hour worked. There shall be no requirement for a day shift when either the second or third shift is worked.
Section 3.13. All pipe shall be cut and threaded on the job. Where pipe cutting and threading machines are operated full time,
such shall be operated by a Journeyman.
Section 3.14. The Employer agrees to provide a suitable place on the job for the storage of workers’ tools and clothes. Heat
will be provided when needed. In case of fire on the job, the Employer shall settle all fire loss for the benefit of himself and
his employees. Employees required to work outside in rainy weather (only in case of emergency) will be furnished rain gear
by the Employer. The Employer's job headquarters on every project must have a completely equipped Class A First Aid Kit
at all times.
Section 3.15. The installation, maintenance, connecting, and repairing of all wiring for temporary lighting, heat, or power
shall be done by workmen employed under the terms of this Agreement.
Section 3.16. Prefabrication of electrical materials, except standard catalogue items, shall be performed by workmen employed
under the terms of this Agreement. Standard catalogue items do not include items made to the special specifications of the
Employer or the customer.
Section 3.17. The Employer shall notify the Union 48 hours in advance of any layoff, whenever possible. Saturdays, Sundays,
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and holidays are not included.
Section 3.18. The Employer agrees to deduct and transmit to IBEW/COPE an amount of $____________ from the wages of
each employee who voluntarily authorizes such contributions on the forms provided for that purpose by IBEW-COPE.
These transmittals shall occur monthly and shall be accompanied by a list of names of those employees for whom such
deductions have been made and the amount deducted for each such employee.
Section 3.19. On days on which national or state elections are held, all workers covered by this Agreement who are eligible
to vote shall be granted two hours time off to vote with pay between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. This will not be
applicable when reporting time is paid. In case of emergency, the Employer will be given the option to change the aforesaid
hours in order to man the work.
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Section 4.01. In the interest of maintaining an efficient system of production in the Industry, providing for an orderly
procedure of referral of applicants for employment, preserving the legitimate interests of employees in their
employment status within the area and of eliminating discrimination in employment because of membership or non-
membership in the Union, the parties hereto agree to the following system of referral of applicants for employment.
Section 4.02. The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment.
Section 4.03. The Employer shall have the right to reject any applicant for employment.
Section 4.04. The Union shall select and refer applicants for employment without discrimination against such
applicants by reason of membership or non-membership in the Union and such selection and referral shall not be
affected in any way by rules, regulations, bylaws, constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of Union
membership policies or requirements. All such selection and referral shall be in accord with the following procedure.
Section 4.05. The Union shall maintain a register of applicants for employment established on the basis of the Groups
listed below. Each applicant for employment shall be registered in the highest priority Group for which he qualifies.
GROUP I All applicants for employment who have four or more
years’ experience in the trade, are residents of the geographical area constituting the normal
construction labor market, have passed a Journeyman Wireman's examination given by a duly
constituted Inside Construction Local Union of the I.B.E.W. or have been certified as a
Journeyman Wireman by any Inside Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, and, who
have been employed in the trade for a period of at least one year in the last four years in the
geographical area covered by the collective bargaining agreement.
Group I status shall be limited to one Local Union at one time. An applicant who qualifies for
Group I in a local union shall be so registered electronically and remain on Group I in that
local union unless and until the applicant designates another local union as his or her Group I
local union. If an applicant qualifies for Group I status in a local union other than his or her
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home local union and designates that local as his or her Group I local union, the business
manager of the new Group I status local union shall by electronic means notify the business
manager of the applicant’s former Group I status local union.
Note: The reference to electronically registered and electronically notified shall be done via the ERTS system already in
place. Group I would start at the member’s home local. When a member request Group I status in a new local the
Business Manager of that new local would verify that the member meets the requirements as stated in the Category I
language (no change). Notice would be sent to the new local ERTS administrator by the Business Manager, to enter the
member as Group I in the new local. ERTS would then send notice to the former local and the member would sign off
saying that he desired to move his Group I status and doing so voluntarily request removal from his former place on
Group I at the former Group I local. The Business Manager shall notify the employer of an employee whose group status
changes under this provision.
GROUP I (Alternate Language)
Note: The following is the only approvable Alternate Language to Category I - Group I - Referral Procedure language: Groups
II, III, and IV are unchanged.
GROUP I. All applicants for employment who have four or more
years’ experience in the trade, are residents of the geographical area constituting the normal
construction labor market, have passed a Journeyman Wireman's examination given by a duly
constituted Inside Construction Local Union of the I.B.E.W. or have been certified as a
Journeyman Wireman by any Inside Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, and, who
have been employed in the trade for a period of at least six months in the last four years in the
geographical area covered by the collective bargaining agreement.
Group I status shall be limited to one Local Union at one time. An applicant who qualifies for
Group I in a local union shall be so registered electronically and remain on Group I in that
local union unless and until the applicant designates another local union as his or her Group I
local union. If an applicant qualifies for Group I status in a local union other than his or her
home local union and designates that local as his or her Group I local union, the business
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manager of the new Group I status local union shall by electronic means notify the business
manager of the applicant’s former Group I status local union.
Note: The reference to electronically registered and electronically notified shall be done via the ERTS system already in
place. Group I would start at the member’s home local. When a member request Group I status in a new local the
Business Manager of that new local would verify that the member meets the requirements as stated in the Category I
language (no change). Notice would be sent to the new local ERTS administrator by the Business Manager, to enter the
member as Group I in the new local. ERTS would then send notice to the former local and the member would sign off
saying that he desired to move his Group I status and doing so voluntarily request removal from his former place on
Group I at the former Group I local. The Business Manager shall notify the employer of an employee whose group status
changes under this provision.
GROUP II All applicants for employment who have four or more years' experience in the trade and who
have passed a Journeyman Wireman's examination given by a duly constituted Inside
Construction Local Union of the I.B.E.W. or have been certified as a Journeyman Wireman by
any Inside Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee.
GROUP III All applicants for employment who have two or more years' experience in the trade, are residents
of the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market, and who have been
employed for at least six months in the last three years in the geographical area covered by the
collective bargaining agreement.
GROUP IV All applicants for employment who have worked at the trade for more than one year.
Section 4.06. If the registration list is exhausted and the Local Union is unable to refer applicants for employment to
the Employer within 48 hours from the time of receiving the Employer's request, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
excepted, the Employer shall be free to secure applicants without using the Referral Procedure but such applicants, if
hired, shall have the status of "temporary employees".
Section 4.07. The Employer shall notify the Business Manager promptly of the names and Social Security numbers of
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such "temporary employees" and shall replace such "temporary employees" as soon as registered applicants for
employment are available under the Referral Procedure.
Section 4.08. "Normal construction labor market" is defined to mean the following geographical area plus the
commuting distance adjacent thereto which includes the area from which the normal labor supply is secured:
The above geographical area is agreed upon by the parties to include the area defined by the Secretary of Labor to be
the appropriate prevailing wage area under the Davis-Bacon Act to which the Agreement applies.
Section 4.09. "Resident" means a person who has maintained his permanent home in the above defined geographical
area for a period of not less than one year or who, having had a permanent home in this area, has temporarily left with
the intention of returning to this area as his permanent home.
Section 4.10. An “Examination” shall include experience rating tests if such examination shall have been given prior
to the date of this procedure, but from and after the date of this procedure,
shall include only written and/or practical examinations given by a duly constituted Inside Construction Local Union
of the I.B.E.W. Reasonable intervals of time for examinations are specified as ninety (90) days. An applicant shall be
eligible for examination if he has four years' experience in the trade.
Section 4.11. The Union shall maintain an "Out of Work List" (Alternative: Available for Work List) which shall list the
applicants within each Group in chronological order of the dates they register their availability for employment.
Note: This Category II Language is to be utilized when a Local Union wants a provision for applicants to re-register every 30
Section 4.12. An applicant who has registered on the "Out of Work List" (Alternative: Available for Work List) must
renew his application every 30 days or his name will be removed from the List.
Section 4.13. An applicant who is hired and who receives, through no fault of his own, work of forty hours or less shall,
upon re-registration, be restored to his appropriate place within his Group.
Section 4.14(a). Employers shall advise the Business Manager of the Local Union of the number of applicants needed.
The Business Manager shall refer applicants to the Employer by first referring applicants in Group I in the order of
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their place on the "Out of Work List" (Alternative: Available for Work List) and then referring applicants in the same
manner successively from the "Out of Work List" (Alternative: Available for Work List) in Group II, then Group III,
and then Group IV. Any applicant who is rejected by the Employer shall be returned to his appropriate place within
his Group and shall be referred to other employment in accordance with the position of his Group and his place within
his Group.
Section 4.14(b). An applicant who is discharged for cause two times within a 12-month period
shall be referred to the neutral member of the Appeals Committee for a determination as to the applicant's continued
eligibility for referral. The neutral member of the Appeals Committee shall, within three* business days, review the
qualifications of the applicant and the reasons for the discharges. The neutral member of the Appeals Committee may,
in his or her sole discretion: (1) require the applicant to obtain further training from the JATC before again being
eligible for referral; (2) disqualify the applicant for referral for a period of four weeks, or longer, depending on the
seriousness of the conduct and/or repetitive nature of the conduct; (3) refer the applicant to an employee assistance
program, if available, for evaluation and recommended action; or (4) restore the applicant to his/her appropriate place
on the referral list. *The parties may extend this time period up to a maximum of two weeks if necessary. (Note: Italicized
is optional and must be negotiated locally.)
Section 4.15. The only exceptions which shall be allowed in this order of referral are as follows:
(a). When the Employer states bona fide requirements for special skills and abilities in his request for
applicants, the Business Manager shall refer the first applicant on the register possessing such skills and abilities.
(b). The age ratio clause in the Agreement calls for the employment of an additional employee or employees on
the basis of age. Therefore, the Business Manager shall refer the first applicant on the register satisfying the applicable
age requirements provided, however, that all names in higher priority Groups, if any, shall first be exhausted before
such overage reference can be made.
Section 4.16. An Appeals Committee is hereby established composed of one member appointed by the Union, one
member appointed by the Employer or the Association, as the case may be, and a Public Member appointed by both
these members.
Section 4.17. It shall be the function of the Appeals Committee to consider any complaint of any employee or applicant
for employment arising out of the administration by the Local Union of Sections 4.04 through 4.15 of the Agreement.
The Appeals Committee shall have the power to make a final and binding decision on any such complaint which shall
be complied with by the Local Union. The Appeals Committee is authorized to issue procedural rules for the conduct
of its
business but it is not authorized to add to, subtract from, or modify any of the provisions of this Agreement and its
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decisions shall be in accord with this Agreement.
Section 4.18. A representative of the Employer or of the Association, as the case may be, designated to the Union in
writing, shall be permitted to inspect the Referral Procedure records at any time during normal business hours.
Section 4.19. A copy of the Referral Procedure set forth in this Agreement shall be posted on the Bulletin Board in
the offices of the Local Union and in the offices of the Employers who are parties to this Agreement.
Section 4.20. Apprentices shall be hired and transferred in accordance with the Apprenticeship provisions of the
Agreement between the parties.
Note: This Category II language provides that employees be laid off from the highest Referral Group first, then the next group
follows. Group I applicants would be laid off last.
Section 4.21. When making reductions in the number of employees due to lack of work, Employers shall use
the following procedure:
(a). Temporary employees, if any are employed, shall be laid off first. Then employees in Group IV
shall be laid off next, if any are employed in this Group. Next to be laid off are employees in Group III, if
any are employed in this group, then those in Group II, and then those in Group I.
(b). Paragraph (a) will not apply as long as the special skills requirement as provided for in Section 4.15(a) is
(c). Supervisory employees covered by the terms of this Agreement will be excluded from layoff as long as they
remain in a supervisory capacity. When they are reduced to the status of Journeyman, they will be slotted in the
appropriate group in paragraph (a) above.
Worker Recall: (Optional Language)
“This is Optional Language that is approvable by the IBEW and recommended by NECA for use when the local parties
agree to adopt a “Journeyman Recall” provision in their local agreement. Where adopted locally, this language will eliminate
furloughs. To be approved, any language must include the following provisions:
1) Recall applies only to individuals who have actually worked for the employer,
2) The affected employee must be on the referral book or, if a classification other than journeyman, such
as CW/CE, available for assignment,
3) The recall provision will apply to the immediate past employer and/or any previous employer that the
individual is eligible for unemployment benefits chargeable to that employer, and
4) The recall period cannot exceed the period of time for which an individual is eligible for
unemployment benefits chargeable to that employer. NOTE: This time period may vary by state.
5) The recall provision cannot include apprentices.
Section 4.22. An employer shall have the right to recall for employment any former employee that the employer
has laid off, provided that:
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The former employee is in the highest level Group on the referral list containing applicants available for work,
regardless of the individual’s position on the list; or, if the former employee is a CW/CE, he or she is available for
assignment regardless of the individual’s position on the list;
(NOTE: The local parties may designate a classification other than CW/CE if appropriate under the particular agreement.)
The recall is made within 30 days from the time of layoff;
(NOTE: The local parties may negotiate a shorter or longer period of recall, provided the recall period does not exceed the
standard eligibility period for receiving unemployment benefits in their state .)
The former employee has not quit his most recent employer under this agreement within the two weeks prior
to the recall request; And the former employee is not an apprentice.”
(NOTE: The parties may adopt a different time frame.)
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Section 5.01. There shall be a local Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC) consisting of a total of
either 6 or 8 members who shall also serve as Trustees to the local apprenticeship and training trust. An equal number
of members (either 3 or 4) shall be appointed, in writing, by the local chapter of the National Electrical Contractors
Association (NECA) and the local union of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).
The local apprenticeship standards shall be in conformance with national guideline standards and industry policies to
ensure that each apprentice has satisfactorily completed the NJATC required hours and course of study. All
apprenticeship standards shall be registered with the NJATC before being submitted to the appropriate registration
The JATC shall be responsible for the training of apprentices, journeymen, installers, technicians, and all others
(unindentured, intermediate journeymen, etc.)
Section 5.02. All JATC member appointments, re-appointments and acceptance of appointments shall be in writing.
Each member shall be appointed for a (3 or 4 ) year term, unless being appointed for a lesser period of time to
complete an unexpired term. The terms shall be staggered, with one (1) term from each side expiring each year. JATC
members shall complete their appointed term unless removed for cause by the party they represent or they voluntarily
resign. All vacancies shall be filled immediately.
The JATC shall select from its membership, but not both from the same party, a Chairman and a Secretary who shall
retain voting privileges. The JATC will maintain one (1) set of minutes for JATC committee meetings and a separate
set of minutes for Trust meetings.
The JATC should meet on a monthly basis, and also upon the call of the Chairman.
Section 5.03. Any issue concerning an apprentice or an apprenticeship matter shall be referred to the JATC for its
review, evaluation, and resolve; as per standards and policies. If the JATC deadlocks on any issue, the matter shall be
referred to the Labor-Management Committee for resolution as outlined in Article I of this agreement; except for trust
fund matters, which shall be resolved as stipulated in the local trust instrument.
Section 5.04. There shall be only one (1) JATC and one (1) local apprenticeship and training trust. The JATC may,
however, establish joint subcommittees to meet specific needs, such as residential or telecommunication apprenticeship.
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The JATC may also establish a subcommittee to oversee an apprenticeship program within a specified area of the
jurisdiction covered by this agreement.
All subcommittee members shall be appointed, in writing, by the party they represent. A subcommittee member may
or may not be a member of the JATC.
Section 5.05. The JATC may select and employ a part-time or a full-time Training Director and other support staff,
as it deems necessary. In considering the qualification, duties, and responsibilities of the Training Director, the JATC
should review the Training Director's Job Description provided by the NJATC. All employees of the JATC shall serve
at the pleasure and discretion of the JATC.
Section 5.06. To help ensure diversity of training, provide reasonable continuous employment opportunities, and
comply with apprenticeship rules and regulations, the JATC, as the program sponsor, shall have full authority for
issuing all job training assignments and for transferring apprentices from one employer to another. The employer
shall cooperate in providing apprentices with needed work experiences. The local union referral office shall be notified,
in writing, of all job training assignments. If the employer is unable to provide reasonable continuous employment for
apprentices, the JATC is to be so notified.
Section 5.07. All apprentices shall enter the program through the JATC as provided for in the registered
apprenticeship standards and selection procedures.
An apprentice may have their indenture canceled by the JATC at any time prior to completion as stipulated in the
registered standards. Time worked and accumulated in apprenticeship shall not be considered for local union referral
purposes until the apprentice has satisfied all conditions of apprenticeship. Individuals terminated from apprenticeship
shall not be assigned to any job in any classification, or participate in any related training, unless they are reinstated
in apprenticeship as per the standards, or they qualify through means other than apprenticeship, at some time in the
future, but no sooner than two years after their class has completed apprenticeship, and they have gained related
knowledge and job skills to warrant such classification.
Section 5.08. The JATC shall select and indenture a sufficient number of apprentices to meet local manpower needs.
The JATC is authorized to indenture the number of apprentices necessary to meet the job site ratio as per Section 5.12.
Section 5.09. Though the JATC cannot guarantee any number of apprentices; if a qualified employer requests an
apprentice, the JATC shall make every effort to honor the request. If unable to fill the request within ten (10) working
days, the JATC shall select and indenture the next available person from the active list of qualified applicants. An
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active list of qualified applicants shall be maintained by the JATC as per the selection procedures.
Section 5.10. To accommodate short-term needs when apprentices are unavailable, the JATC shall assign unindentured
workers who meet the basic qualification for apprenticeship. Unindentured workers shall not remain employed if
apprentices become available for OJT assignment. Unindentured workers shall be used to meet job site ratios except
on wage and hour (prevailing wage) job sites.
Before being employed, the unindentured person must sign a letter of understanding with the JATC and the employer
- agreeing that they are not to accumulate more than two thousand (2,000) hours as an unindentured, that they are
subject to replacement by indentured apprentices and that they are not to work on wage and hour (prevailing wage)
job sites.
Should an unindentured worker be selected for apprenticeship, the JATC will determine, as provided for in the
apprenticeship standards, if some credit for hours worked as an unindentured will be applied toward the minimum
OJT hours of apprenticeship.
The JATC may elect to offer voluntary related training to unindentured; such as Math Review, English, Safety,
Orientation/Awareness, Introduction to OSHA, First-Aid and CPR. Participation shall be voluntary.
Section 5.11. The employer shall contribute to the local health and welfare plans and to the National Electrical Benefit
Fund (NEBF) on behalf of all apprentices and unindentured. Contributions to other benefit plans may be addressed
in other sections of this agreement.
Section 5.12. Each job site shall be allowed a ratio of ____ apprentice(s) for every ____ Journeyman Wiremen(man) .
(Note: The local parties will determine the job site ratio; however, the ratio shall not be less than two apprentices for every
three journeymen or fraction thereof. Should the parties agree to a ratio higher than the minimum 2 to 3, the following table
must be modified to reflect the larger number of allowable apprentices.)
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Number of Journeymen Maximum Number of Apprentices/
1 to 3 2
4 to 6 4
etc. etc.
The first person assigned to any job site shall be a Journeyman Wireman.
A job site is considered to be the physical location where employees report for their work assignments. The employer's
shop (service center) is considered to be a separate, single job site. All other physical locations where workers report
for work are each considered to be a single, separate job site.
Section 5.13. An apprentice is to be under the supervision of a Journeyman Wireman at all times. This does not imply
that the apprentice must always be in sight of a Journeyman Wireman. Journeymen are not required to constantly
watch the apprentice. Supervision will not be of a nature that prevents the development of responsibility and initiative.
Work may be laid out by the employer's designated supervisor or journeyman based on their evaluation of the
apprentice's skills and ability to perform the job tasks. Apprentices shall be permitted to perform job tasks in order
to develop job skills and trade competencies. Journeymen are permitted to leave the immediate work area without
being accompanied by the apprentice.
Apprentices who have satisfactorily completed the first four years of related classroom training using the NJATC
curriculum and accumulated a minimum of 6,500 hours of OJT with satisfactory performance, shall be permitted to
work alone on any job site and receive work assignments in the same manner as a Journeyman Wireman.
An apprentice shall not be the first person assigned to a job site and apprentices shall not supervise the work of others.
Section 5.14. Upon satisfactory completion of apprenticeship, the JATC shall issue all graduating apprentices an
appropriate diploma from the NJATC. The JATC shall encourage each graduating apprentice to apply for college
credit through the NJATC. The JATC may also require each apprentice to acquire any electrical license required for
journeymen to work in the jurisdiction covered by this Agreement.
Section 5.15. The parties to this Agreement shall be bound by the Local Joint Apprenticeship Training Trust Fund
Agreement which shall conform to Section 302 of the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 as amended, ERISA,
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and other applicable regulations.
The Trustees authorized under this Trust Agreement are hereby empowered to determine the reasonable value of any
facilities, materials, or services furnished by either party. All funds shall be handled and disbursed in accordance with
the Trust Agreement.
Section 5.16. All Employers subject to the terms of this Agreement shall contribute the amount of funds specified by
the parties signatory to the local apprenticeship and training trust agreement. The current rate of contribution
is:_______. (percent of the gross monthly payroll) – (or) – (cents per hour for each hour worked or cents per hour for each
hour paid.) This sum shall be due the Trust Fund by the same date as is their payment to the NEBF under the terms
of the Restated Employees Benefit Agreement and Trust.
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Section 6.01. It is agreed that in accord with the Employees Benefit Agreement of the National Electrical Benefit Fund
("NEBF"), as entered into between the National Electrical Contractors Association and the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers on September 3, 1946, as amended, and now delineated as the Restated Employees Benefit
Agreement and Trust, that unless authorized otherwise by the NEBF the individual Employer will forward monthly to
the NEBF's designated local collection agent an amount equal to 3% of the gross monthly labor payroll paid to, or
accrued by, the employees in this bargaining unit, and a completed payroll report prescribed by the NEBF. The
payment shall be made by check or draft and shall constitute a debt due and owing to the NEBF on the last day of each
calendar month, which may be recovered by suit initiated by the NEBF or its assignee. The payment and the payroll
report shall be mailed to reach the office of the appropriate local collection agent not later than fifteen (15) calendar
days following the end of each calendar month.
The individual Employer hereby accepts, and agrees to be bound by, the Restated Employees Benefit Agreement and
An individual Employer who fails to remit as provided above shall be additionally subject to having his agreement
terminated upon seventy-two (72) hours’ notice in writing being served by the Union, provided the individual Employer
fails to show satisfactory proof that the required payments have been paid to the appropriate local collection agent.
The failure of an individual Employer to comply with the applicable provisions of the Restated Employees Benefit
Agreement and Trust shall also constitute a breach of this Agreement.
Section 6.02. The individual Employer shall contribute and forward monthly to the Local Union Health
and Welfare Trust Fund an amount equal to ( _______ % of his gross monthly labor payroll) (or ) ( ______ cents for each
hour ____ )* which he is obligated to pay to the employees in this bargaining unit, and a completed payroll report prescribed
by the Trustees. The payment and payroll report shall be mailed to reach the Trustees or their designated agent not later than
15 calendar days following the end of each calendar month. The individual Employer hereby accepts, and agrees to be bound
by, the Health and Welfare Agreement and Trust. Note: *Use either a percentage of gross monthly labor payroll or cents
per hour for each hour worked or cents per hour for each hour paid.
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Section 6.03. The individual Employer shall contribute and forward monthly to the Local Union Vacation
Trust Fund an amount equal to ( ______% of his gross monthly labor payroll) (or) ( ______ cents for each hour _____ )*
which he is obligated to pay to the employees in this bargaining unit, and a completed payroll report prescribed by the Trustees.
The payment and payroll report shall be mailed to reach the Trustees or their designated agent not later than 15 calendar days
following the end of each calendar month. The individual Employer hereby accepts, and agrees to be bound by, the Vacation
Agreement and Trust. Note: *Use either a percentage of gross monthly labor payroll or cents per hour for each hour worked
or cents per hour for each hour paid.
Section 6.04. Individual Employers who fail to remit as provided in Sections 6.02 and 6.03 shall be additionally subject to
having this Agreement terminated upon 72 hours notice, in writing, being served by the Union, provided the individual
Employer fails to show satisfactory proof that the required payments have been made.
Note: Adoption of NEAP is subject to local negotiations and agreement. If the following fund is utilized, this language must
be verbatim.
(Note: Regarding contributions; Use the first phrase if the contribution amount is the same for all bargaining unit employees
and use the other two phrases if the contribution amount differs by classification. If the contribution amounts differ, either list
the classifications and contribution amounts below or refer to the section of the Pattern Agreement Guide where NEAP is
listed (Article 3.05B.)
Section 6.05. It is agreed that in accord with the IBEW–District Ten–NECA Individual Equity Retirement Plan
Agreement entered into between the National Electrical Contractors Association, Inc., and the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on December 11, 1973, as amended,
and now delineated as the National Electrical Annuity Plan Agreement and Trust, that unless authorized otherwise by
the National Electrical Annuity Plan (NEAP), the individual employer will forward monthly to NEAP's designated
collection agent (an amount equal to _______) (or) (the amount set forth below) (or) (the amount set forth in
section______) (the contribution obligation) together with a completed payroll report prescribed by the NEAP. The
payment shall be made by check or draft and shall constitute a debt due and owing to NEAP on the last day of each
calendar month, which may be recovered by suit initiated by NEAP or its assignee. The payment and the payroll report
shall be mailed to reach NEAP not later than 15 calendar days following the end of each calendar month.
The individual Employer hereby accepts, and agrees to be bound by, the National Electrical Annuity Plan Agreement
and Trust.
An individual Employer who fails to remit as provided above shall be additionally subject to having his agreement
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terminated upon 72 hours notice in writing being served by the Union, provided the individual employer fails to show
satisfactory proof that the required payments have been paid to the appropriate collection agent.
The failure of an individual employer to comply with the applicable provisions of the National Electrical
Annuity Plan Agreement and Trust shall also constitute a breach of his labor agreement.
Section 6.06. The individual Employer shall contribute and forward monthly to the Local Union ______ Supplemental
Unemployment Benefit Fund an amount equal to (______% of his gross monthly labor payroll) (or) (______cents for each
hour _____)* which he is obligated to pay to the employees in this bargaining unit, and a completed payroll report prescribed
by the Trustees. The payment and payroll report shall be mailed to reach the Trustees or their designated agent not later than
15 calendar days following the end of each calendar month. The individual Employer hereby accepts, and agrees to be bound
by, the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Agreement and Trust. Note: *Use either a percentage of gross monthly labor
payroll or cents per hour for each hour worked or cents per hour
for each hour paid.
Section 6.07(a). The failure of an individual Employer to comply with the provisions of Sections 6.01 through 6.06 shall also
constitute a breach of this labor agreement. As a remedy for such a violation, the Labor-Management Committee and/or the
Council on Industrial Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry, as the case may be, are empowered, at the request of
the Union, to require an Employer to pay into the affected Joint Trust Funds established under this Agreement any delinquent
contribution to such funds which have resulted from the violation.
(b). If, as a result of violations of this Section, it is necessary for the Union and/or the Trustees of the Joint Trust
Funds to institute court action to enforce an award rendered in accordance with Subsection (a) above, or to defend an action
which seeks to vacate such award, the Employer shall pay any accountants' and attorneys' fees incurred by the Union and/or
Fund Trustees, plus costs of the litigation which have resulted from the bringing of such court action.
Note: Funds of this nature come in many varied forms. As such, the IBEW has established the following criteria that must be
met in order for such a fund to be approved.
Within the contract clause establishing the Administrative Maintenance/Receiving Trust Fund, the following needs to be
clearly stated:
1) the fund is to be administered solely by the Chapter or employers;
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2) the fund may not be used in any manner detrimental to the Local Union or the IBEW; and,
3) the enforcement for delinquent payments to the fund shall be the sole responsibility of the fund or the Chapter
or Employers and not the Local Union.
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Note: This Category I Language is not required in non-NECA Bargaining Agreements. Employers who are not members of
NECA are not participants in this Industry Fund per their Letter of Assent language.
Section 7.01. Each individual Employer shall contribute an amount not to exceed one percent (1%) nor less than .2 of
1% of the productive electrical payroll as determined by each local Chapter and approved by the Trustees, with the
following exclusions:
1) Twenty-five percent (25%) of all productive electrical payroll in excess of 75,000 man-hours paid for
electrical work in any one Chapter area during any one calendar year but not exceeding 150,000 man hours.
2) One hundred percent (100%) of all productive electrical payroll in excess of 150,000 man-hours paid for
electrical work in any one Chapter area during any one calendar year.
(Productive electrical payroll is defined as the total wages including overtime paid with respect to all hours worked by
all classes of electrical labor for which a rate is established in the prevailing labor area where the business is transacted.)
Payment shall be forwarded monthly to the National Electrical Industry Fund in a form and manner prescribed by the
Trustees no later than fifteen (15) calendar days following the last day of the month in which the labor was performed.
Failure to do so will be considered a breach of this Agreement on the part of the individual Employer.
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Note: The Local Union and NECA Chapter should consult legal counsel regarding the requirements for establishing and
maintaining a Local LMCC.
Section 8.01. The parties agree to participate in a Labor-Management Cooperation Fund, under authority of Section
6(b) of the Labor Management Cooperation Act of 1978, 29 U.S.C. §175(a) and Section 302(c)(9) of the Labor
Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. §186(c)(9). The purposes of this Fund include the following:
1) to improve communications between representatives of Labor and Management;
2) to provide workers and employers with opportunities to study and explore new and
innovative joint approaches to achieving organizational effectiveness;
3) to assist workers and employers in solving problems of mutual concern not susceptible
to resolution within the collective bargaining process;
4) to study and explore ways of eliminating potential problems which reduce the
competitiveness and inhibit the economic development of the electrical construction industry;
5) to sponsor programs which improve job security, enhance economic and community
development, and promote the general welfare of the community and industry;
6) to engage in research and development programs concerning various aspects of the
industry, including, but not limited to, new technologies, occupational safety and health, labor relations,
and new methods of improved production;
7) to engage in public education and other programs to expand the economic development
of the electrical construction industry;
8) to enhance the involvement of workers in making decisions that affect their working
lives; and,
9) to engage in any other lawful activities incidental or related to the accomplishment of
these purposes and goals.
Section 8.02. The Fund shall function in accordance with, and as provided in, itsAgreement and Declaration of Trust
and any amendments thereto and any other of its governing documents. Each Employer hereby accepts, agrees to be
bound by, and shall be entitled to participate in the LMCC, as provided in said Agreement and Declaration of Trust.
Section 8.03. Each employer shall contribute . Payment shall be forwarded monthly, in a form
and manner prescribed by the Trustees, no later than fifteen (15) calendar days following the last day of the month in
which the labor was performed. The Chapter, NECA, or its designee, shall be the
collection agent for this Fund.
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Section 8.04. If an Employer fails to make the required contributions to the Fund, the Trustees shall have the right to
take whatever steps are necessary to secure compliance. In the event the Employer is in default, the Employer shall be
liable for a sum equal to 15% of the delinquent payment, but not less than the sum of twenty dollars ($20), for each
month payment of contributions is delinquent to the Fund, such amount being liquidated damages, and not a penalty,
reflecting the reasonable damages incurred by the Fund due to the delinquency of the payments. Such amount shall
be added to and become a part of the contributions due and payable, and the whole amount due shall bear interest at
the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum until paid. The Employer shall also be liable for all costs of collecting the
payment together with attorneys' fees.
Section 9.01. The parties agree to participate in the NECA-IBEW National Labor-
Management Cooperation Fund, under authority of Section 6(b) of the Labor Management Cooperation Act of 1978,
29 U.S.C. §175(a) and Section 302(c)(9) of the Labor Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. §186(c)(9). The purposes
of this Fund include the following:
1) to improve communication between representatives of labor and management;
2) to provide workers and employers with opportunities to study and explore new
and innovative joint approaches to achieving organization effectiveness;
3) to assist worker and employers in solving problems of mutual concern not
susceptible to resolution within the collective bargaining process;
4) to study and explore ways of eliminating potential problems which reduce the
competitiveness and inhibit the economic development of the electrical construction industry;
5) to sponsor programs which improve job security, enhance economic and
community development, and promote the general welfare of the community and the industry;
6) to encourage and support the initiation and operation of similarly constituted
local labor-management cooperation committees;
7) to engage in research and development programs concerning various aspects of
the industry, including, but not limited to, new technologies, occupational safety and health, labor
relations, and new methods of improved production;
8) to engage in public education and other programs to expand the economic
development of the electrical construction industry;
9) to enhance the involvement of workers in making decisions that affect their
working lives; and
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10) to engage in any other lawful activities incidental or related to the
accomplishment of these purposes and goals.
Section 9.02. The Fund shall function in accordance with, and as provided in, its Agreement and Declaration of
Trust, and any amendments thereto and any other of its governing documents. Each Employer hereby accepts,
agrees to be bound by, and shall be entitled to participate in the NLMCC, as provided in said Agreement and
Declaration of Trust.
Section 9.03. Each employer shall contribute one cent (1¢) per hour worked under this Agreement up to a maximum
of 150,000 hours per year. Payment shall be forwarded monthly, in a form and manner prescribed by the Trustees,
no later than fifteen (15) calendar days following the last day of the month in which the labor was performed.
Chapter, NECA, or its designee, shall be the collection agent for this Fund.
Section 9.04. If an Employer fails to make the required contributions to the Fund, the Trustees shall have the right to
take whatever steps are necessary to secure compliance. In the event the Employer is in default, the Employer shall
be liable for a sum equal to 15% of the delinquent payment, but not less than the sum of twenty dollars ($20), for each
month payment of contributions is delinquent to the Fund, such amount being liquidated damages, and not a penalty,
reflecting the reasonable damages incurred by the Fund due to the delinquency of the payments. Such amount shall
be added to and become a part of the contributions due and payable, and the whole amount due shall bear interest at
the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum until paid. The Employer shall also be liable for all costs of collecting the
payment together with attorneys' fees.
Section 9.05. The 1 cent-per-hour contribution for the National LMCC is to be paid from the Local LMCC
Fund. There will be no increase in the wage/fringe package for this contribution.
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Section 10.01. There shall be a Joint Safety Committee consisting of three members representing the Chapter and three
members representing the Union. The duties of this Committee shall be to develop and recommend safe work rules that are
equal to or greater than the Standards of Construction as established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, or
other applicable federal or state laws. Such rules and the other safety rules provided in this Article, are minimum rules and
not intended to imply that the Union objects to the establishment and imposition by the Employers of additional or more
stringent safety rules to protect the health and safety of the employees.
Section 10.02. It shall also be the function of this Committee to study these safe work rules and recommend their update to
the parties to this Agreement for possible inclusion in this Agreement. This Committee shall meet at least once each quarter
and also when called by the Chairman or when called by a majority of the current Committee members.
Section 10.03. Members of the Joint Safety Committee shall be selected by the party they represent. Their term of office shall
be three years unless removed by the party they represent. The term of one Chapter and one Union representative shall expire
each year with successors to be determined in the same manner as the original appointments were made. A Committee member
is eligible to succeed himself.
Section 10.04. Neither the Union, nor any member of the Committee, nor any employee representative performing safety- or
health-related functions under this Agreement, shall be liable to any Employer, to any employee, or to any other person for
any act or failure to act in the capacity of an employee representative or committee member.
Section 10.05. Two Journeymen shall work together on all energized circuits of 440 volts AC or 250 Volts DC or respective
higher voltages. Journeymen shall be used in assisting a Journeyman Wireman while splicing cable.
Section 10.06. Cable Splicers shall not be required to work on wires or cables when the difference in potentials is over 200
Volts between any two conductors or between any conductor or ground unless assisted by one Journeyman. In no case shall
Cable Splicers be required to work on energized cables carrying in excess of 480 Volts.
Section 10.07. No employees shall be compelled to use a powder-actuated tool. Only qualified employees shall be permitted
to use powder-actuated tools.
Section 10.08. The Employer shall furnish all safety equipment, including hard hats and steel-toed shoes when such are
required and shall also furnish proper individual protective gear to workers engaged in burning and welding operations.
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Section 10.09. The safe work practices that are in effect on utility company property that are more stringent than those in this
Agreement shall apply to work performed on that property under the terms of this Agreement.
Section 10.10. It is the Employer's exclusive responsibility to insure the safety of its employees and their compliance
with these safety rules and standards.
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Note: The following language is the only language to be included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, verbatim,
regarding Substance Abuse.
Section 11.01. The dangers and costs that alcohol and other chemical abuses can create in the electrical contracting industry
in terms of safety and productivity are significant. The parties to this Agreement resolve to combat chemical abuse in any
form and agree that, to be effective, programs to eliminate substance abuse and impairment should contain a strong
rehabilitation component. The local parties recognize that the implementation of a drug and alcohol policy and program must
be subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Such policies and programs must also be
administered in accordance with accepted scientific principles, and must incorporate procedural safeguards to ensure fairness
in application and protection of legitimate interests of privacy and confidentiality. To provide a drug-free workforce for the
Electrical Construction Industry, each IBEW local union and NECA chapter shall implement an area-wide Substance Abuse
Testing Policy. The policy shall include minimum standards as required by the IBEW and NECA. Should any of the required
minimum standards fail to comply with federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations, they shall be modified by the local
union and chapter to meet the requirements of those laws and regulations.
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Note: The following language is the only language to be included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, verbatim,
regarding the Code of Excellence. Details of the local Code of Excellence program are to be maintained in a separate
Section 12.01. The parties to this Agreement recognize that to meet the needs of our customers, both employer and employee
must meet the highest levels of performance, professionalism, and productivity. The Code of Excellence has proven to be a
vital element in meeting the customers’ expectations. Therefore each IBEW local union and NECA chapter shall implement
a Code of Excellence Program. The program shall include minimum standards as designed by the IBEW and NECA.
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(Note: The following language is optional and must be negotiated locally. If utilized, must be verbatim.)
Section 13.01___. It is agreed that the individual Employer, in accord with the National Electrical 401(k) Plan
Agreement and Trust (“Agreement and Trust”) as entered into between the National Electrical Contractors Association
and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, as amended, will participate in the National Electrical 401(k)
Plan (“NEFP”).
The individual Employer recognizes that applicable rules require contributions to be transmitted to a 401(k) plan as
soon as they can reasonably be segregated from the general assets of the employer. The Trustees of the NEFP strongly
encourage all contributing employers to regularly remit to the NEFP or its designee any and all bargaining unit
employee elective deferrals within seven business days of the date when the Employer receives or withholds such
employee elective deferrals. However, in recognition that some employers may be unable reasonably to segregate
participant contributions from their general assets more frequently than the standard monthly processing cycle for
participant contributions to pension plans, as noted in U.S. Department of Labor Field Assistance Bulletin 2003-2, all
contributions must be remitted by the fifteenth (15th) of the month following the month in which the amounts would
otherwise have been payable to the participant. In all events, contributions not remitted by this date shall constitute a
debt due and owing to the NEFP. In making such contributions, the individual Employer shall utilize the NEFP’s
electronic remittance system. Further, in agreeing to participate in the NEFP, the individual Employer agrees to
cooperate with the NEFP by submitting all reasonably requested documents and information necessary for the NEFP
to perform all required testing of the NEFP under the tax laws.
The Chapter and/or the individual Employer, as the case may be, and the Local Union certify that no existing defined
benefit plan was terminated or modified in any manner solely as a condition upon or as a result of the adoption of the
NEFP. This provision does not interfere with the rights and obligations of such local plan(s)’ trustees to make changes
to the plan(s) pursuant to the needs of the plan(s), their fiduciary duty, and the requirements of ERISA, the Pension
Protection Act, or other laws and regulations.
Inasmuch as the NEFP is intended to offer bargaining unit employees the opportunity to defer current salary into a
retirement savings plan and not to replace any existing employer-funded defined benefit plan, no employer
contributions will be required or accepted on behalf of individuals for hours worked under the terms of this agreement.
The individual Employer hereby accepts, and agrees to be bound by, the Agreement and Trust.
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An individual Employer who fails to remit employee elective deferrals as provided above shall be subject, in addition
to all remedies afforded by law or in the Agreement and Trust, to having its participating in the NEFP suspended or
terminated at the discretion of the Trustees of the NEFP upon written notice to the individual Employer. An individual
Employer who fails to remit as provided above shall be additionally subject to having this agreement terminated upon
seventy-two (72) hours’ notice in writing being served by the Union, provided the individual Employer fails to show
satisfactory proof that the required payments have been paid to the appropriate local collection agent.
The failure of an individual Employer to comply with the applicable provisions of the Agreement and Trust shall also
constitute a breach of his labor agreement.
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Should any provision of this Agreement be declared illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provisions shall
immediately become null and void, leaving the remainder of the Agreement in full force and effect and the parties shall,
thereupon, seek to negotiate substitute provisions which are in conformity with the applicable laws.
Whenever the male gender is used in this Agreement, the female gender is also intended.
________________________________ LOCAL UNION ________, IBEW®
BY_____________________________ BY__________________________
TITLE__________________________ TITLE_______________________
DATE__________________________ DATE________________________
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Non-Resident Employees (Portability)
(CAT I Language)
An Employer signatory to a collective bargaining agreement or to a letter of assent to an agreement with another
IBEW Local Union, who signs and assent to this Agreement, may bring up to four bargaining unit employees
employed in that Local Union’s jurisdiction into this Local’s jurisdiction and up to two bargaining unit employees
per job from that Local’s jurisdiction to this Local’s jurisdiction for specialty or service and maintenance work.
All charges of violations of this section shall be considered as a dispute and shall be processed in accordance
with the provisions of this agreement for the handling of grievances with the exception that any decision of a
Local labor-management committee that may be contrary to the intent of the parties to the National Agreement
on Employee Portability, upon recommendation of either or both the appropriate IBEW International Vice
President or NECA Regional Executive Director, is subject to review, modification, or rescission by the
Council on Industrial Relations.
Local 102
Article II, Section 12
Local 164
Article II, Section 09(e)
Appendix “E” - MOU for Apprentices on Prevailing Wage Work (Not CAT I Language):
When indentured apprentices are not available from Local 164's JATC within two (2) business days of the
contractor's request, the contractor shall be allowed, upon notification to Local Union 164, to port in apprentices
who are currently in their employ from other Local Union jurisdictions. This is job specific and the apprentices
that are ported into Local 164’s jurisdiction may not be transferred to another project within Local 164's territory
without the Local's approval. The apprentices brought in through portability must be removed when they are
replaced by apprentices referred from Local 164's JATC regardless of that apprentice's pay scale.
The apprentices brought into Local 164 through portability must be cleared into Local 164 as per the Agreement
on Employee Portability and must be in compliance with the IBEW Local 164 Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Local 400
Article II, Section 07
Local 456
Article II, Section 02(b)
Memorandum of Understanding for Apprentices on Prevailing Wage Work (Not CAT I Language)
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When indentured apprentices are not available from Local 456's JATC within two (2) business days of the
contractor's request, contractors shall be allowed, upon notification to Local Union 456, to port in apprentices
currently in their employ from other Local Union jurisdictions. This is job specific unless agreed to by Local Union
Those apprentices brought in through portability must be removed when they are replaced by apprentices referred
from Local 456's JATC regardless of that apprentice's pay scale.
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Agreement on Employee Portability
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Q & A for IBEW-NECA Agreement On Employee Portability
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New Jersey Option to the National Portability Agreement
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Management Rights Clause
(CAT I Language)
The Union understands the Employer is responsible to perform the work required by the owner. The Employer
shall, therefore, have no restrictions except those specifically provided for in the collective bargaining
agreement in planning, directing and controlling the operation of all his work, in deciding the number and kind
of employees to properly perform the work, in hiring and laying off employees, in transferring employees from
job to job within the Local Union’s geographical jurisdiction, in determining the need and number as well as the
person who will act as Foreman, in requiring all employees to observe the Employer’s and/or owner’s rules and
regulations not inconsistent with this Agreement, in requiring all employees to observe all safety regulations,
and in discharging employees for proper cause.
Local 102
Article II, Section 11
Local 164
Article II, Section 09(a)
Article II, Section 2.14: The scheduling of rotating manpower on a jobsite shall be the responsibility of the
Employer and the Foreman. (Not CAT I Language- Part of Emergency Shorter Workweek Provision)
Local 400
Article II, Section 02
Local 456
Article II, Section 01(c)
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Right to Reject Referrals
(CAT I Language)
The Employer shall have the right to reject any applicant for employment.
Local 102
Article XIV, Section 03
Local 164
Article IV, Section 03
Local 400
Article IV, Section 03
Local 456
Article VI, Section 03
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Favored Nations Clause
(CAT I Language)
The Union agrees that if, during the life of this Agreement, it grants to any other Employer in the Electrical
Contracting Industry on work covered by this Agreement, any better terms or conditions than those set forth in
this Agreement, such better terms and conditions shall be made available to the Employer under this Agreement
and the Union shall immediately notify the Employer of any such concession.
Local 102
Article II, Section 04(b)
Local 164
Article II, Section 02
Article II, Section 04: The Union agrees that it will require all outside firms doing electrical work within this
area to comply with all of the terms of this agreement. (Not CAT I Language)
Local 400
Article II, Section 08
Local 456
Article II, Section 01(b)
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Statements of Journeyman Responsibility
Local 102
2.06 All Journeyman shall install work in accordance with the electrical code of the municipality where this work
is being done. No employee shall do work contrary to the code when asked to do so by his superiors, supervisors
or Employers.
2.16 Referred applicants for employment shall report to the work site with all certifications, requested in writing
by the prospective Employer, necessary for the type of work to be performed and with the proper credentials
required to document the individual as a citizen of, or the eligibility for employment within, the USA. Failure to
do so shall make the individual ineligible to be hired by the employer.
2.17 All classifications of workers performing work under this Collective Bargaining Agreement are required to
have, and must provide proof of, current OSHA 30 training certification.
4.10 No employee shall leave an uncompleted job without proper cause or due notice to the Employer.
Local 164
6.08 No employee shall leave an uncompleted job without proper cause or due notice to Employer.
12.05 A Journeyman Wireman shall be required to make corrections on improper workmanship, for which he
is responsible, on his own time and during regular working hours, unless errors were made by order of the
Employer, or the Employer’s representative.
12.06 All electrical work in this jurisdiction shall be installed in a safe and workmanlike manner and in strict
accord with Municipal Rules and Code requirements, also in accord with contract specifications.
24.03 In the Union's and Employer's interest of having the proper image projected to the customer and for the
well-being of said employee, the Employer is to require that all workmen be dressed appropriately for their
respective job and work situation. This is to include the appropriate use of protective equipment.
24.04 All workmen employed under the terms of this agreement, as a safety precaution, shall wear hardhats
when required. The Employer shall furnish said hardhats.
Local 400
2.10(c) Journeyman Wiremen shall install all electrical work in a safe and workmanlike manner and in accordance
with applicable code and contract specifications.
2.10(d) Journeyman Wiremen shall be required to make corrections on improper workmanship, for which they are
responsible on their own time and during regular working hours, unless done by orders of the Employer, the
Employers representative or the Foreman who is responsible for contract specifications. Employers shall notify
the Union and/or the job Foreman of workmen who fail to adjust improper workmanship and the Union assumes
responsibility for enforcement of this provision.
11.01 In the Unions and the Employers interest of having the proper image projected to the customer and for
the well-being of said employee, the Employer is to require that all workmen be dressed appropriately for their
respective job and work situation. This is to include the appropriate use of protective equipment, clothing,
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hardhats and work shoes for safety purposes. Shorts and sneakers/tennis shoes are not to be worn at any time.
The Union agrees that the Employee is to comply with the above requirements.
11.03 All workmen employed under the terms of this Agreement, as a safety precaution, shall wear helmets while
performing electrical work. The Employer shall furnish said helmets.
11.04 Any Employee not found in compliance with OSHA safety standards will be subject to disciplinary action,
which could include termination.
Local 456
3.25 The Employer agrees that Journeymen and Apprentices shall install all electrical work in accord with
state and municipal rules and code requirements, also the contract specifications and in a safe and workmanlike
3.26 A Journeyman shall be required to make corrections on improper workmanship for which he is responsible
on his own time and during regular working hours, unless errors were made by orders of the Employer or
the Employer's representative. Employers shall notify the Union of workmen who fail to adjust improper
workmanship and the Union assumes responsibility for the enforcement of this provision.
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Prohibition of Journeyman Holding License & Permit
Local 102
2.01 No workman while he remains subject to employment by Employers operating under this Agreement,
shall himself become a contractor for the performance of any electrical work. Therefore, he will not be allowed
to hold a New Jersey State Electrical License with Business Permit. In the Pennsylvania jurisdiction, no
workman shall provide electrical service to customers as an independent electrical contractor.
Local 164
2.08 No workman while actively employed or seeking employment through the referral procedure, will be
allowed to hold a New Jersey Electrical Contractors License with a Business Permit, nor shall he become a
contractor for the performance of any electrical work.
Local 400
2.10(a) Employees, except those meeting the requirements of “Employer”, as defined herein, shall not contract
for any electrical work.
2.10(b) No member of Local Union No. 400, while remaining a member and subject to employment by Employers
operating under this Agreement, shall themselves be become a contractor for the performance of electrical
work. Therefore they shall not be permitted to hold a New Jersey Electrical License with a Business Permit.
Local 456
2.01(a) No member of Local Union No. 456 or any member of the IBEW will be allowed to hold a New Jersey
Electrical License with a business permit, nor shall he become a contractor for the performance of any electrical
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Continuing Education for Journeymen/Foremen
Local 102
18.01 Policy on Continuing Education. Effective September 5, 2011, all Journeymen Wiremen will be
required to obtain a minimum of 10 hours of additional tra de rela ted training and/or education every 36
calendar months (excluding OSHA 30) through the Local No. 102 JATC.
Local 164
Local 400
3.08(b) No Journeyman shall be appointed as a Foreman, Assistant General Foreman or General Foreman unless
he/she has completed a Foreman training course given by Local Union No. 400, IBEW. Journeyman Wiremen
who have been employed as Foreman or are working under Portability of Manpower as outlined in Article II,
Section 2.07 will not be required to complete a Foreman training course. The Foremen’s training course shall
be administered jointly, by Local Union No. 400 and the JATC. This course shall be available to all Journeymen
working under the terms of this Agreement.
3.08(c) All General Foremen, Assistant General Foremen, Lead Foremen, Foremen and Print Readers on all jobs
in this jurisdiction shall be qualified Journeymen.
13.06 Apprentices may operate Lulls if they have an up-to-date- certification training card.
Appendix B Continuing Education:
All Journeymen shall complete twelve (12) hours of continuing education over a three (3) year period and carry a
card attesting to such.
Twelve (12) hours of continuing education classes shall be administered through the JATC. It will be the
responsibility of the Journeyman to attend these classes on his/her own time.
Local 456
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Journeymen Recall
Local 102
2.15 An employer shall have the right to recall for employment any former employee that the employer has
laid off, provided that:
(a) The former employee is in the highest priority Group on the referral list containing applicants available for
work, regardless of the individual’s position on the list.
(b) The recall is made within 180 calendar days of layoff.
(c) The former employee has not quit his most recent employer under this agreement 180 days prior to the recall
(d) The former employee is not an apprentice
(e) The former employee must have been originally referred through Local Union 102’s hiring hall.
Local 164
Local 400
Local 456
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Section IV: IBEW Rights
Union Recognition/Exclusive Right of Referral
Reservation of Final Approval of CBA
Union Security
Picket Language
Union Right to Discipline Members
Union Job Access
Work Preservation Clause
Prohibition of Employer Interest in Non-union Entities
Policy Regarding Use of IBEW/Union Label
Determination of Jurisdiction
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Union Recognition/Exclusive Right of Referral
Local 102
2.02 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of all its employees performing work
within the jurisdiction of this Union for the purposes of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages,
hours of employment and other conditions of employment.
14.02 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment.
Local 164
2.01 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of all its employees performing work
within the jurisdiction of the Union for the purposes of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages,
hours of employment and other conditions of employment.
4.02 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment.
Local 400
2.06(a) The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive representative of all its employees performing
work within the jurisdiction of the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages,
hours of employment and other conditions of employment. All IBEW signatory contractors must provide, three
days prior to the commencement of work on a project, notification to IBEW Local 400 of the start date of any
project performed within its geographic jurisdiction. The notification may be sent via email to
jobstart@ibew400.org. In the case of work that is being performed for an emergency situation or when the
contractor has fewer than three days’ notice before performing the work, same day notification to the Local is
4.02 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment.
Local 456
2.05(a) The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive representative of all its employees
performing work within the jurisdiction of the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates
of pay, wages, hours of employment and other conditions of employment.
6.02 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment.
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Reservation of Final Approval of CBA
Local 102
1.03 This Agreement shall be subject to change or supplement at any time by mutual consent of the parties hereto.
Any such change or supplement agreed upon shall be reduced to writing, signed by the parties hereto, and submitted
to the International Office of the IBEW for approval, the same as this Agreement.
Local 164
11.03 This Agreement shall be subject to change or supplement at any time by mutual consent of the parties hereto.
Any such change or supplement agreed upon shall be reduced to writing, signed by the parties hereto, and submitted
to the International Office of the IBEW for approval, the same as this Agreement.
Local 400
1.03 This Agreement shall be subject to change or supplement at any time by mutual consent of the parties hereto.
Any such change or supplement agreed upon shall be reduced to writing, signed by the parties hereto, and submitted
to the International Office of the IBEW for approval, the same as this Agreement.
Signature Page “Subject to the approval of the International President, IBEW”
Local 456
1.03 This Agreement shall be subject to change or supplement at any time by mutual consent of the parties hereto.
Any such change or supplement agreed upon shall be reduced to writing, signed by the parties hereto, and submitted
to the International Office of the IBEW for approval, the same as this Agreement.
16.05 This Agreement is subject to approval by the International President of the IBEW and the National Office
of NECA.
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Union Security
Local 102
2.03(a) All employees shall, as a condition of their employment, on the eighth (8th) day, following the date of
their employment or the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later, apply for membership in, and, if
accepted thereafter remain members of the Union in good standing.
2.03(b) All employees who are members of the Union on the effective date of this Agreement or at any time
thereafter shall be required to remain members in good standing during the term of this Agreement.
2.03(c) As used in this section "membership in good standing" means the tender, when due, of the periodic dues
and initiation fees uniformly required by the Union.
Local 164
3.01 All employees who are not members of the Union shall as a condition of employment, on the 30
following their employment or following the effective dates of this Agreement, whichever is the later, apply for
and, if accepted, become and remain members of the Union.
3.02 All employees who are members of the Union on the effective date of this Agreement or at any time
thereafter shall be required to remain members during the term of this Agreement.
3.03 All employees who on the effective date of this Agreement or anytime thereafter are members of the
IBEW shall be required as a condition of their employment to maintain their membership in the IBEW during
the term of this Agreement.
19.06 The parties hereto agree that, should any portion of this Article be found to be in violation of the
National Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, then, that portion will be deleted automatically, and the
parties will confer and agree upon substitute language which will not be in violation thereof. It is further agreed
that the parties will in every manner engage in hiring and employment practices within the letter and spirit of
the said Act. It is further agreed that, should the said Act at any time be amended, this agreement will be
amended so as to provide the most complete union security and union hiring hall practices permitted by the Act.
Local 400
2.11 All Employees who are members of the Union on the effective date of this Agreement or any time
thereafter shall be required to remain members in good standing, during the term of this Agreement. Member in
good standing means the tender when due of initiation fees and dues regularly required by the Union.
2.17 All Employees shall, as a condition of employment, on the thirtieth (30th) day following the date of their
employment or the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later, apply for membership in, and, if
accepted thereafter remain members of the Union in good standing.
Local 456
2.05(c) All employees covered by the terms of this Agreement shall be required to become and remain members
of the Union as a condition of employment from and after the eighth day following the date of their employment
or the effective date of this Agreement whichever is later.
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16.02 In the event that amendments, modifications or changes are made in existing laws which will permit a
different form of Union security than contained in this Agreement or a reestablishment of terms and conditions
contained in prior agreements between the parties but no longer permitted by law, such provisions shall be
substituted for or otherwise included in as part of the terms of this Agreement.
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(CAT II Language)
On all jobs requiring five (5) or more Journeymen, at least every fifth Journeyman, if available, shall be (50) years
of age or older.
Local 102
Local 164
Article III, Section 05
Local 400
Local 456
Article III, Section 27
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Picket Language
Local 102
2.07 This Agreement does not deny the right of the Union or its representatives to render assistance to other
labor organizations by removal of its members from jobs when necessary and when the Union or its proper
representatives decides to do so; but no removal shall take place until notice is first given to the Employer
2.08 When such a removal takes place, the Union or its representative shall direct the workmen on such job to
carefully put away all tools, material, equipment or any other property of the Employer in a safe manner. The
Union will be financially responsible for any loss to the Employer for neglect in carrying out this provision, but
only when a safe place is provided for these by the Employer.
Local 164
12.01(e) It shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement for any employee covered therein to refuse to cross a
picket line or to refuse to enter upon the premises of an Employer if such refusal does not constitute a violation
of the Taft-Hartley Act.
Local 400
2.14 This Agreement does not deny the right of the Union or its representatives to render assistance to other
labor organizations by removal of its members from jobs when necessary and when the Union or its proper
representatives decide to do so, but no removal shall take place until notice is first given to the Employer
involved. When such a removal takes place, the Union or its representative shall direct the workmen on the job
to carefully put away all tools, material, equipment or any other property of the Employer in a safe manner.
The Union will be financially responsible for any loss to the Employer for neglect in carrying out this provision,
but only when a safe place is provided for these by the Employer.
Local 456
2.03(a) This Agreement does not deny the right of the Union or its representatives to render lawful assistance to
other labor organizations by removal of its members from jobs when necessary and when the Union or its
proper representatives decide to do so, but no removal shall take place until verbal and written notice is first
given to the Employer involved and the Division Chairman.
2.03(b) When such lawful removal takes place, the Union or its representatives shall direct the workmen on such
job to carefully put away tools, material, equipment or any other property of the Employer in a safe manner.
The Union will be financially responsible for any loss to the Employer for neglect in carrying out this provision
but only when a safe place is provided for these by the Employer.
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Union Right to Discipline Members
Local 102
Local 164
Local 400
Local 456
2.08 The Union has the right to discipline its members for violation of its law, rules and agreements.
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Union Job Access
Local 102
4.13 The representative of the Union shall be allowed access to any shop or job at any reasonable time where
workmen are employed under the terms of this Agreement.
6.02 “….Should any dispute or trouble arise on the job, the workmen on such job shall continue working and the
steward shall notify the Business Manager of the Union, who shall proceed to the job and use his best efforts to
adjust the trouble at the earliest possible time.”
Local 164
Local 400
2.13 A representative of the Union shall be allowed access to any shop or job at any reasonable time, where
workers are employed under the terms of this Agreement.
Local 456
2.09(b) Should any dispute or trouble arise on the job, the workmen on such job shall continue to work and the
Steward shall notify the Business Manager of the Union, who shall proceed to the job and use his best efforts to
adjust the trouble at the earliest possible time.
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Work Preservation Clause
Work Preservation Clause -Work Preservation Clause
(CAT II Language) In order to protect and preserve, for
the employees covered by this Agreement, all work heretofore performed by them, and in order to prevent
any device or subterfuge to avoid the protection and preservation of such work, it is hereby agreed as follows:
If and when the Employer shall perform any on-site construction work of the type covered by this Agreement,
under its own name or under the name of another, as a corporation, company, partnership, or any other business
entity including a joint venture, wherein the Employer, through its officers, directors, partners, or stockholders,
exercises either directly or indirectly, management control or majority ownership, the terms and conditions of
this Agreement shall be applicable to all such work. All charges or violations of this Section shall be considered
as a dispute and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement covering the procedure
for the handling of grievances and the final and binding resolution of disputes.
(a) As a remedy for violations of this Section, the Labor-Management Committee, the Council on Industrial
Relations for the Electrical Contracting Industry, and/or an independent arbitrator, as the case may be, are
empowered, in their discretion and at the request of the Union, to require an Employer to (1) pay to affected
employees covered by this Agreement, including registered applicants for employment, the equivalent of wages
lost by such employees as a result of the violations; and (2) pay into the affected joint trust funds established
under this Agreement any delinquent contributions to such funds which have resulted from the violations.
Provision for this remedy herein does not make such remedy the exclusive remedy available to the Union for
violation of this Section nor does it make the same or other remedies unavailable to the Union for violations
of other Sections or other Articles of this Agreement.
(c) If, as a result of violations of this Section, it is necessary for the Union and/or the Trustees of the joint trust
funds to institute court action to enforce an award rendered in accordance with subsection (b) above, or to
defend an action which seeks to vacate such award, the Employer shall pay any accountants' and attorneys'
fees incurred by the Union and/or Fund Trustees, plus cost of the litigation, which have resulted from the
bringing of such court action.
Local 102
Local 164
Article II, Section 09(b)-(d)
Local 400
Local 456
Article II, Section 11(a)-(c)
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Prohibition of Employer Interest in Non-Union Entities
Local 102
Local 164
2.07 The Employer shall not directly or indirectly hold an ownership interest or serve as an officer, director
or supervisory employee in any other firm, concern or similar entity which engages in the performance of
electrical construction work through employees whose wages, fringe benefits or working conditions are less
beneficial than those provided by this agreement. The word "Employer" as used in this paragraph shall include
any and all persons having an ownership interest or engaged in the management or supervisory activities of the
Employer, except such persons who may have, at such time as the alleged violation of this paragraph has
occurred, severed all relationship with or employment by the Employer.
Local 400
Local 456