Member self-assessment form
Membership of the Croydon adult social service user panel (CASSUP) is a
very responsible and important role. To help you decide if it’s for you, we have
listed the key qualities and experience you will need in order to do the role
effectively. Please complete the form and, where indicated, give an example.
This can be either work related or something from your personal life.
Induction and training will be provided and there will be support from the
resident involvement team.
Post code:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Qualities and experience I have Yes No Not
Are you a resident of Croydon, or a carer for a resident
of Croydon?
Are you (please tick one of the following three options)
A Croydon adult social service user or
A carer of a Croydon adult social service user or
Actively concerned about improving Croydon adult
social services for service users
I can commit the time needed to make the CASSUP a
success at least 3 hours per month
I am willing to participate in the training sessions
I am able to work well as part of a group and contribute
to group discussions
Please give details below of an example of group work you have taken
part in, including what you did (this can be paid or volunteer work, helping
a play group, joining a book club etc.)