What is the Career Clothes Closet?
The Career Clothes Closet will aid our students in looking their best in the professional world. As a student,
it may be hard to attain funds to purchase appropriate interviewing attire. Therefore, the Career Services
Center has implemented a program called the “Career Clothes Closet” that will ensure students a start in their
future endeavors. We will provide students with “new or gently used” clothing donated by alumnus, business
professionals, faculty, staff, students and other professional organizations. Students are not required to return
the clothing; it is for keeps for the benefit of their future.
In order to participate in this program, students must:
Bring a current SU I.D, unofficial transcript and complete an application of request (Hardship Application Form).
• Bring an updated resume for critiquing by one of the career counselors.
• Schedule a mock interview with our mentors/professionals/counselors.
• Attend two information sessions or two events sponsored by Career Services or other academic units.
After requirements are met, the student may choose their business attire of choice for the interviewing
experience. For more information on the Career Clothes Closet, call us at (225) 771-2200. All questions
concerning the Career Clothes Closet should be directed to Mrs. Tamara Foster-Montgomery or Ms. Kathy Scott.
Donations are solicited from alumnus, business professionals, faculty, staff and
students. Appropriate donation items include...
• Men’s business suits (black, navy or gray)
• Women’s business suits (black, navy or gray)
• Button-up business professional shirts for men and professional suit appropriate blouses for women
• Professional slacks for men and women
• Conservative ties
All donated attire MUST be…
• Appropriately cleaned
• Placed on hangers
Delivered to:
Career Services Center
E.C. Harrison Drive
T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1100 Baton Rouge. LA 70813
Tamara Foster-Montgomery • T.H. Harris Hall Suite 1100 • phone 225-771-2200 • tamara_montgomery@subr.edu
Career Clothes Closet (CCC) Open:
Fridays Only 12:00pm – 2:00pm