Office of Early Learning and School Readiness
Preschool and School Age Child Care
Medication Form
Revised 7/11/2016
This form meets Ohio Administrative Code. Programs may use this form or build their own.
A Medication Form is a request for the administration of prescription and non-prescription medication.
A separate form must be completed for each medication.
Except in cases of emergency, families provide the first dose of any newly prescribed medication so that they may personally
observe the child's reaction.
Section I - Request for Administration of Medication
All prescription medicine must be current within the last twelve months, kept in its original container and have a legible
label containing the child's name and written instructions for use from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or dentist.
All medicines must be kept in a place inaccessible to children. An inhaler or nonprescription medication may be available
to a school child with a special health condition with parental permission in accordance with the program's policy.
Section II - Authorized Staff Member Medication Log
Dosage Date/Time Dosage Amount Trained and Authorized Staff Member Signature