CARE Act Emergency Student Grant Application
Student Name: ____________________________________________
Have you incurred additional expenses for housing, food, technology, course materials, medical, or
childcare due to the disruption of campus operations because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
c Yes c No
If yes, please indicate the category of expense and the amount:
_____ Rent or Mortgage $________________
_____ Food $________________
_____ Technology (internet/software/hardware) $________________
_____ Course Materials $________________
_____ Child Care $________________
_____ Medical $________________
_____ Other: Explain_________________ $________________
Do you anticipate ongoing or additional expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic? c Yes c No
If yes, please explain:
I understand that I may be asked to provide supporting documentation for any of the information
provided above. The information I have provide is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. If I
receive a CARES Act Emergency Student Aid Grant, I will use the funds for expenses related to the
disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19, including housing, food, technology, course
materials, medical, or childcare.
Student Signature Date
Please email application to Opel Oliver (ooliver@platt.edu) or Lucesita Joseph (Ljoseph@platt.edu)
click to sign
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