I paid for these goods or services by other means (continued…)
* What was the merchant’s response?
*Note: if selecting this dispute reason, you must supply a copy of proof of other means of payment. Proof can include another Bank Card statement,
copy of the front and back of a canceled check or a cash receipt.
Non-receipt of goods or services
Merchandise not received
Service not received
*Describe in detail what service or merchandise was ordered:
I expected delivery/services on (date):
Expected time at:
Merchant unwilling or unable to provide service:
no (if yes, explain)
Did you cancel the merchandise/service prior to delivery date?
yes n
o (if yes, explain)
Is this pre-paid merchandise/service where the balance was not paid and the merchant can provide the goods or service? yes no
Was the merchandise delivered late or to the wrong location? yes no
If yes, provide date and location where the merchandise was delivered
Did the cardholder return the merchandise? yes no If yes, date returned: Return Method:
Did the merchant provide return instructions? yes no If yes, what were the instructions?
*Describe your attempt to resolve with the merchant:
Date of most recent contact:
Spoke with:
* Contact method:
* What was the merchant’s response?
A credit transaction posted as a debit in error
A credit for $
was posted to my account as a debit.
You must supply a copy of the credit receipt received from the merchant.
ibe your attempt to resolve with the merchant:
Date of most recent contact:
* Contact method:
* What was the merchant’s response?
Incorrect Transaction Amount
The amount of this transaction posted for $ but should have posted for $
cannot be $0.00)
If available, please supply a copy of your receipt.
Is this a no-show transaction or pre-payment transaction and balance not paid? yes no
*Describe your attempt to resolve with the merchant:
Date of most recent contact:
Spoke with:
* Contact method:
* What was the merchant’s response?