Plan literature
I confirm that I have read a copy of the plan literature including the Product Guide, Key Information Document, Terms and
Conditions and Fund Guide.
My application
I confirm that all of the information I have provided in this application, along with any supporting forms, questionnaires,
statements, reports or other information are true and complete.
I am aware that I am contractually required to make payments to RL360 on the frequency I have indicated, and if I stop paying
before the end of the payment term and cancel my plan, early exit charges will apply. I understand that if I stop payments during my
plans establishment period I will receive no money back, the only exception to this being where I have used my right to cancel.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am not subject to any legislation that would make my investment into
this plan unlawful.
Financial adviser
I have appointed
(company name)
to act as my financial adviser.
I agree to RL360 disclosing all information relating to my plan to my appointed financial adviser. I will let RL360 know in writing
if I decide to change my appointed financial adviser.
I understand that my Illustration is not guaranteed by RL360 or my adviser, and only oers an indication of what I might get
back under a limited number of scenarios. I accept that RL360 is not responsible for monitoring whether my plan's performance
matches the assumptions made in my Illustration.
Key Information Document (KID)
I confirm that I have included a signed KID with this application.
I understand that the KID sets out the details of my plan, and by signing it I acknowledge that I am aware of the charges that will
be deducted.
I am also aware that the details that I have provided in Section 02 – Plan Requirements must match my signed KID. If they are
dierent RL360 will ask me to sign a new KID matching Section 02 – Plan Requirements before it can allow my plan to start.
I am aware that RL360 does not provide investment advice, is not responsible for managing funds and does not determine
whether or not funds are suitable for me. I understand that my plan oers access to a range of funds and that these are
managed by external companies. I accept that ultimate responsibility for fund selection lies with me and/or my appointed
adviser; if funds underperform and as a consequence my plan drops in value, I accept this is not the fault of RL360.
I request that RL360 allocates my payments to the funds selected as part of this application. In order for RL360 to do this I
confirm the following:
a) I agree to RL360 acting on instructions received from me or my appointed adviser, and I will read the documentation issued
by the fund manager for each fund prior to selecting it for my plan.
b) I am aware that some funds may have terms and conditions that could:
i) restrict RL360 from realising a cash value when requested and prevent RL360 paying out benefits from the plan in a
timely fashion.
ii) result in RL360 having to pay back some or all of the sale proceeds if an adjustment has to be made after the payment. If
RL360 is required to make such a repayment and the plan value is too low to cover it, or I have cancelled my plan, I agree
to compensate RL360 for any loss that it has suered as a result.
c) I accept that RL360 has the right to sell funds linked to the plan without requiring my permission. RL360 may do this if it
decides that a fund may have harmful legal or tax consequences under law.
d) I am aware that there may be fees to pay when RL360 sells one or more of the funds linked to my plan. Any fees due when
selling a fund should be detailed by the fund manager in the fund documentation.
e) I confirm that I am aware of the fees that I must pay in relation to my chosen funds.
I confirm that I have the necessary powers to take out this plan and enter into a contract with RL360.
I also confirm that my company has not been, and is not in the process of being, struck-o, dissolved, wound-up or terminated.