Town of Vernon
Office of the Town Clerk
14 Park Place
Vernon, Connecticut 06066
(860) 870-3662
[ I am / We are ] no longer conducting and transacting business in said Town of Vernon,
Connecticut, under the full name of ______________________________________________
TYPE OF BUSINESS: ________________________________________________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________
The full name of every person conducting or transacting said business, together with the
post office address of each said person is as follows:
c Name____________________________ Mailing Address _________________________
d Name____________________________ Mailing Address _________________________
e Name____________________________ Mailing Address _________________________
STATE OF CONNECTICUT : ___________________________
ss. Vernon _________________, 200___ ___________________________
COUNTY OF TOLLAND : ___________________________
Personally appeared _________________________________________________________
who subscribed and swore to the truth of the foregoing certificate, and acknowledged that
_________________________________________________ executed the same, before me.
Town Clerk (Asst.) – Notary Public
Received and Filed _____________________ @ _______________
Town Clerk (Asst.)