If you break the rules you will not earn points during that activity period. If your
behavior is disruptive to the camp and you are out of control, you many be
transferred to the Special Handling Unit (SHU). Breaking rules is a violation of
your Juvenile Court Order and may be reported to your Judge. If you continue to
violate your court order, your probation officer may make a recommendation for a
change of plan in a report to your judge. It is your probation officer’s job to let
your parents and the Judge know about your behavior.
If a staff writes an SIR about something you did, it means you have broken
important rules and this behavior must be documented. An SIR might contain
recommendations for special services to correct your behavior. This could
include a report to your Judge, contact with your parents, and/or removal from
the dorm. See below for the Appeal and Hearing process.
Staff will write a PIR anytime physical or chemical intervention is used on you in
order to manage a crisis situation. A PIR might contain recommendations for
special services to correct your behavior. This could include a report to your
Judge, contact with your parents, and/or removal from the dorm. See below for
the Appeal and Hearing process.
You have the right to appeal any penalty given to you as a result of the SIR/PIR.
The DPO II or AD shall hear your appeal and make a final decision. You may
appeal the DPO II’s or AD’s decision with the Camp Director. The Camp Director
shall make the final decision in writing and provide it to you. If you still think that
the decision is unfair, you may contact the Ombudsman. If you do not know what
to do at the hearing, your probation officer or another advocate will help you. All
decisions made as a result of an SIR/PIR shall be reviewed by the Director to
ensure fairness.
You may be sent/transferred to the SHU if you break the rules or if it is necessary
for safety reasons. You will be kept in SHU until you are ready to return to the
dorm (or your camp if the SHU is at another location). If your behavior does not
improve, you may stay at the SHU longer. Your probation officer or the AD shall
review your case at least every 24-hours to see if you can return.
Catholic and Protestant services are held every weekend. Tell staff if you are of
a different faith and they will contact the chaplain to get someone from your faith
to see you. Ask staff if you want to talk to the chaplain about a problem.
If you have a complaint/grievance about anything while you are in camp, this is
how you can get help:
1. Talk to the staff or the on-duty AD (Supervisor) if you feel comfortable doing
2. Fill out a “Grievance” (complaint) form. These forms are found in the dorm,
dining hall and school. If you need help filling out the form, ask staff for
3. Place the “Grievance” form in the “Grievance” box in the dorm. You may
also give the “Grievance” form to any staff, social worker, advocate,
Chaplain, nurse, mental health therapist, teacher, your lawyer, a volunteer,
or your Judge. Someone will talk to you about it, usually within 24 hours.
4. Your complaint/grievance will be answered on the same form. If no one
can answer it, it will go to the Director.
5. If the AD says “no” to your complaint, you may appeal it to the Director. The
Director will have a hearing about your complaint/grievance. If the Director
needs to know more about your complaint/grievance, it may take more
You are expected to go to school five (5) days a week (Monday – Friday). You
can transfer grades and credits to your home school or the new school you may
go to after you are released from camp. If you earn enough credits you may get
your High School Diploma. You may also take the Graduate Equivalency
Diploma (G.E.D.) exam to earn your G.E.D. Tell your teachers if you have
trouble speaking, reading, or writing English. Let someone know if you were in
a Special Ed. Class at your previous school. If you have any other questions
ask your teachers, they will help you.
In the event of an emergency, which may include, but not be limited to:
earthquake, fire, flood, power outage, disturbance, fight, O.C warning, medical
incident, etc., staff, which includes probation staff, teachers, mental health staff,
health services, or other staff will instruct you on what to do. The staff’s
instructions in an emergency may include, but is are not limited to: remain on
your bed, take cover (under your bed, desk, table, doorway, etc.), exit the
building, move to a designated area of the camp (such as the field, blacktop,
gym, special housing unit, dining hall, office, etc.). It is very important that you
listen to all staff instructions and that you follow staff instructions during an
emergency and after the emergency. During the emergency and when out of
harm’s way, continue to remain calm and follow the additional instructions given
by staff. When it is appropriate, state any issues or concerns to staff which you
may have in such a way that does not hinder the response to an emergency.