(Chapter III)
Agency Name:
Agency Contact: Email: Phone:
Caltrans District #:
1. Notice to the public
a. Race, color and national origin (Sample notice in Appendix B)
b. Translated into non-English languages and consistent with the agency’s Limited
English Proficiency (LEP) Plan (Chapter III-4)
2. List of locations where notice is posted, at a minimum (Chapter III-4)
a. Agency’s website
b. Public areas of the agency’s office(s), including reception desk and meeting rooms
c. Stations or stops
d. Transit vehicles
3. How to file a title VI discrimination complaint and complaint form must be on agency’s
website (Chapter III-5 and Appendix C and D)
4. List of any public transportation Title VI investigations, complaints or lawsuits filed since
last submission (see Appendix E)
5. Public Participation Plan - Promoting Inclusive Public Participation (Chapter III-5)
a. Summary of outreach efforts made
b. Outreach plan to engage minority and limited English proficient populations (can be
a component of a larger outreach for those that are traditionally underserved)
6. Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
a. Four Factor Analysis (Chapter III-7)
i. The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be
encountered by the program or recipient.
ii. The frequency with which LEP persons come into contact with the program.
iii. The nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by
the program to people’s lives.
iv. The resources available to the recipient for LEP outreach, as well as the costs
associated with that outreach.
b. Safe Harbor Provision – applies to the translation of written documents only
(Chapter III-9)
c. Describe how the agency provides language assistance services by language
(Chapter III-8)
d. Describe how the agency provides notice to LEP persons about the availability of
language assistance
Kern Council of Governments