WKC-9488 (R. 03/2009) Page 1 of 2
Voluntary and Informed Consent for
Disclosure of Health Care Information
The provision of your social security number is mandatory
under Wisconsin Statutes and will be used to identify the
claimant. Failure to provide it may result in penalties or delayed
payment of benefits.
Personal information you provide may be used for secondary
purposes [Privacy Law, s. 15.04(1)(m)].
Office of Risk Management
780 Regent Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53715-2635
(608) 890-4792 Risk Management/Worker’s Compensation
(608) 262-4792 Occupational Safety and Health
(608) 263-4419 Environmental Affairs
(608) 263-7330 Fax
website: http://www.wisconsin.edu/wc
By law, all health care providers must provide to any employee, employer, worker's compensation insurer or their
representative any information reasonably related to any alleged work injury. However, determining the relationship of prior
medical records to a work injury can be difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, to assist in the timely investigation of your
claim, this document authorizes the health care provider to release medical information without attempting to determine the
extent of its relationship to your alleged work injury.
You are not required to sign this document. You may refuse to sign this document without jeopardizing your right to collect
worker’s compensation benefits. However, by assisting in the investigation of your claim, you are likely to receive benefits
quicker than if you refuse to authorize the release of medical information.
Health Care Provider Name and Address
Street Address
P.O. Box
Patient (Employee) Name
Employer Name
Patient Social Security Number
Patient Birth Date
WC Claim No.
The patient named above hereby authorizes the health care provider named above to disclose all records checked below in
its possession relating to the patient's health, treatment and evaluation to:
Name and Address of Party Authorized to Receive Protected Information
780 REGENT ST, MADISON, WI 53715-2635
or its designated representatives, and to furnish to them a legible, certified duplicate of all records, writings, reports, test
results and x-rays in its possession containing such information. This authorization includes all records, reports,
correspondence, or other materials in the possession of the health care provider authorized, even if those materials were
not generated by the health care provider, and the redisclosure of such materials is hereby authorized. This release is for
use in the investigation, preparation, evaluation, and/or hearing of the worker's compensation claim described above.
Physical Only. Release all records, correspondence, and any other information from whatever source
regarding the patient's physical health, treatment and evaluation including, but not limited to, any made or
provided by any physician, nurse, chiropractor, osteopath, dentist, physical therapist, hospital, or any other
health care provider.
This consent constitutes a waiver of any privilege created by state or federal statute, regulation, rule or other authority,
including but not limited to Wis. Stat. §§ 146.81 and 146.82, and 45 C.F.R. § 164.508.
Physical and Other. Release all records, correspondence, and any other information from whatever source
regarding the patient's physical and mental health, drug and alcohol abuse, HIV and AIDS tests, treatment,
and evaluation including, but not limited to, any made or provided by any physician, psychiatrist, psychologist,
nurse, chiropractor, osteopath, dentist, physical therapist, hospital or any other health care provider.
This consent constitutes a waiver of any privilege created by state or federal statute, regulation, rule or other authority,
including but not limited Wis. Stat. §§ 51.30, 146.025, 146.81 and 146.82, 42 C.F.R., Chap. 1, subpart C, § 2.31 and 45
C.F.R. § 164.508.
Patient Signature (or Person Authorized to Sign for Patient) for Option B:
Patient Signature (or Person Authorized to Sign for Patient):
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In signing this consent form, I acknowledge that I understand that:
I am authorizing release of the records and information listed above.
I am waiving any privilege that may otherwise prevent disclosure of the records and information listed above.
I understand that the health care provider named above, whom I am authorizing to disclose my protected health
information, may not condition my treatment, payment, enrollment or eligibility for benefits (if applicable) on whether I
sign this authorization, except: (1) if my treatment is related to research, or (2) health care services are provided to me
solely for the purpose of creating protected health information for disclosure to a third party.
I may revoke this authorization at any time by a written request to the party authorized above to receive information,
except that the party authorized above to receive such information may rely upon any personal health information
received before the revocation of this authorization.
I may obtain a copy of the disclosed records and information, upon written request to the party authorized above to
receive information.
My personal health information disclosed pursuant to this authorization may be redisclosed and may no longer be
protected by federal law. My personal health information may be released to any of the following: the employer, the
worker’s compensation insurer, the Department of Workforce Development, other parties to this matter or their
attorneys; the Labor and Industry Review Commission; any court on any action or proceeding relating to this matter;
experts retained or consulted by any party; and any of their agents, employees, or representatives. I specifically
authorize and consent to any such disclosure and redisclosure.
I am entitled to a copy of this consent form after I sign it.
If you have any questions about this document, you should contact the Worker's Compensation Division at (608) 266-
1340. You should not sign this document if the name of the health care provider is blank.
This consent is subject to revocation at any time. If not revoked, this consent is effective for two (2) years from date
signed. This authorization expressly waives any requirement that it must be used within a certain number of days after the
date of signing, or that it must be dated within any time period before the date it is used. This authorization shall also
extend to records of future treatment, after the date of signing of this authorization, as long as such treatment occurs while
this authorization is still in effect. A photocopy copy shall be as valid as the original.
Patient Signature (or Person Authorized to Sign for Patient):
If not signed by patient, authority/designation to sign is based on the fact that the patient is:
A minor Incompetent Disabled Deceased Other: