Businesses of Thornton Advisory
Commission Application
9500 Civic Center Drive, Thornton, CO 80229 303-538-7230
Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission
The Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission represents Thornton businesses and makes recommendations to
City Council on issues impacting the ability of businesses to be successful in Thornton. The Commission recommends
to Council the use of the Vendor Fee funds on an annual basis which is the source of funds used in commercial
graffiti removal, Thornton business development programming, the shop-local campaign the
Business Improvement Grant (BIG) Program.
Commission Membership and Qualifications
Membership consists of a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 15 individuals. Applicants must be a business owner or
manager. It is the intent that the members represent City of Thornton interests and may be a resident and/or an
owner/manager in the City of Thornton. Members are appointed at the discretion of City Council. Meetings are held
on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Name of Applicant (First, Middle, Last (include Sr., Jr., etc.)
Home Address (include City, State ZIP+4) Residence Ward No.
Phone Number: Alternate Phone Number:
Do you have relatives presently working for the City of Thornton? Yes No If yes, please list.
Council Resolution C.D. No. 2011-130 requires Businesses of Thornton Advisory Commission members be either
business owners or managers. Do you currently own or manage a business? Owner Manager
Business Address (include City, State ZIP+4) Business Ward No.
Tell us briefly what specific talents, expertise, experience, previous civic activities, and/or volunteer service you would bring to
this board if appointed.
Please read the following, then type your name and date in the signature block below, and
electronically, using the “Submit by Email” button in order to complete the commission application.
I certify that the facts and statements contained in this commission application are true and correct. I further
understand that false statements shall be sufficient cause for rejection of this application or for grounds to apply
the penalty provisions of the Code of Ethics.
I understand that falsification, omission or misrepresentation will result in a rejection of this application. Any
falsification, omission or misrepresentation is evidence of perjury in the second degree.
Your typed name here Date
constitutes your signature.
Submit by emailSubmit by email