City of Las Vegas
1700 N. Grand Avenue
Las Vegas, NM 87701
Business Registration/License Application
(505) 454-1401 FAX: (505) 425-7335
Check One: New Business Renewal New Location Date Closed
Business Name:
DBA: Type of Business:
Location Address:
Mailing Address:
Street City State ZIP
Business Phone: ( ) Other Phone: ( _)
Email Address:
Type of Ownership: Sole Proprietor Partnership Corp. LLC Non-Profit
Home Occupation: Yes No Insurance Carrier:
Contractor: Yes No Lic. #: Exp. Date: License Type(s):
If Applicable:
(If Yes, Include a copy of State of New Mexico Construction Verification Card)
Food Service–Will food be prepared or served? Yes No (If Yes, NM Environment Dept. must approve before Registration is Issued)
Department of Health License
( Dept. of Health License required before Registration is issued)
NM Tax ID#: _ - - -
(NM CRS Number Required before City Business Registration is Issued)
Business Registration: $35.00 Standard Registration
Business License (for specific businesses regulated under § 160-8):
Dance Halls, Auto Wrecker-Yards & Pawnbrokers ($60.00)
Game-rooms ($25 for 1 Machine, $50 for 2-4 Machines, $200 for 5+ Machines)
Traveling shows, circuses, & exhibitions ($35 for day 1, $10 daily thereafter, $200 deposit)
$ Late Penalty (RENEWALS are Due on or before March 15, thereafter 10% will be added to the license fee,
$ Total and $10 will be added to the registration fee, NMSA 1978, § 3-38-5(1988))
/Applicant Print Name Signature Date
Contact Person:
Print Name Date
Fire Chief Approval (505) 425-6321 Construction Industries Division 505-827-7030
604 Legion Drive 725 St. Michaels Drive
Las Vegas, NM 87701 Santa Fe, NM 87505 (If Applicable)
NM Environment Department (505) 454-2801 Zoning Approval (505) 454-1401, Ext. 3279
2538 Ridge Runner Road City of Las Vegas Community Development
Las Vegas, NM 87701
(If Applicable) 1700 N. Grand Avenue, Las Vegas, NM 87701
Will you be placing a new sign:
Yes No
If Yes, you will need a sign permit.
Contact Building Inspector.
Receipt #: ID #:
Date: Issued: