Organisational Information
Address: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Telephone: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Fax: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
E-mail Address: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date Plan Created: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date Plan Reviewed: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Plan Approved by: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The purpose of this plan is to increase our preparedness and guide the processes that we will use to prepare and respond
to an emergency situation. It will ensure that we will be able to meet the needs of our sta and clients in an emergency
event. In emergencies, prepared and connected businesses do best. We want our business to have the capability and
capacity to be both responsive and eective in and after an emergency.
Review of plan to be undertaken annually
Site map
page 1
Building Wardens
Name/s of Building Warden: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Designated person to coordinate an emergency response and pass information to Emergency Services)
The evacuation assembly areas are: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
People are to assemble at the designated evacuation points and await further instructions.
Emergency Resources
Equipment Location How often checked Checked and maintained by
First Aid Equipment
Emergency Kit
Battery Radio
Emergency Water Supply
Business Continuity Plan
Having access to cash and keeping vehicles half full of petrol will make you more resilient in an emergency. During a civil
defence emergency listen to local radio stations or go to for information.
Emergency Warning Systems
Equipment Location How often checked Checked and maintained by
Automatic alarms
Manual alarms
Intercom systems
Turning O Services
Equipment Location Audit Frequency Maintained By
Water Mains
Backow Preventers
Gas Mains
Shut o valves for water services
Shut of valves for gas
Main valves for heating system
Plant/Boiler Room
Emergency lighting
Emergency signage/exits
Outside lighting/security
It is important to discuss with all sta:
what happened, why it happened
how it was handled, if it could have been handled better
actions to take to prevent recurrence, when they should be completed and by whom
Emergency Exercises or Drills
A re drill will be conducted every 6 months and an emergency exercise will be conducted annually.
page 2
Initial Response
Likely Impact
What to do (Refer to pages 6-10 )
Volcanic Ash Fall
Hazardous Substance
page 4
Rating Risk 3
Rating Risk #
Damage to infrastructure (buildings, roads
Damage to utilities (water, power, internet,
Interruption to staffing
Drop Cover Hold
Stay away from windows and large items of
Assess tsunami risk (earthquake made it hard to
stand up/lasted longer than a minute)
Rating Risk #
Coastal inundation
Damage to infrastructure and utilities
Interruption to staffing
Evacuate if in tsunami evacuation zone
Rating Risk #
Water damage
Wind damage
Loss of electricity
Loss of building
Loss of stock
Loss of IT
Fasten exterior loose objects
Move documents and equipment above flood
water level
Turn off or check surge protection on IT and
electrical appliances
Rating Risk #
Loss of Electricity
Loss of air-conditioning
Interruption to roading and vehicles
Damage to roofs
Turn off air conditioning
Tape windows and doors shut
Wear a face mask
Avoid using vehicles
Poisoning of people and animals
Contamination of water ways and soil
Loss of air conditioning
Turn off air conditioning
Tape windows and doors shut
Wear a face mask
Follow instructions of Fire Service
Initial Response
Hazard Likely Impact
What to do (Refer to pages 6-10)
Human Pandemic
Violent oender
Medical emergency
Loss of Electricity
Loss of IT
Animal Epidemic
page 5
Rating Risk #
Interruption to staffing
Interruption to normal services and supplies
Stay home is unwell
Avoid group situations/work from home if possible
Wear a facemask
Wash hands regularly
Intensify workplace cleaning schedule
Rating Risk #
Closure of facilities (lockdown)
Stay out of sight
Lock windows and doors
Follow instructions of Police
Rating Risk #
Serious injury or illness
Dial 111
Apply first aid
Rating Risk #
Loss of IT
Loss of lighting
Loss of machinery
Use a generator
Revert to paper or manual based systems
Rating Risk #
Loss of information and access to systems
Revert to paper based system
Rating Risk #
page 3
Hazards Risk Analysis
For your business, assess the hazards listed on pages 4 & 5. Calculate the risk rating.
Rare Possible Likely
Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk
e.g. Tsunami
e.g Volcanic ash
e.g Human pandemic
e.g Flood
e.g Loss of electricity/IT
e.g Medical emergency
e.g Hazardous substance
In the event of a re:
Operate the re alarm
Evacuate to designated assembly point. Shut doors as you go, and leave lights on to assist with visibility
Call the Fire Service - dial 111 (insert prex if required). Clearly state the name and address of the building and nature
of the emergency.
The Building Warden should report to emergency services to advise on the success of the evacuation. If people are miss-
ing, the Building Warden should report this to the rst responding re ocer. .
Fire Safety Register
Equipment Location How often checked Checked and maintained by
Fire alarms and manual call points
Fire hose reels
Fire extinguishers
Fire blankets
Smoke alarms
Fire brigade inlets, sprinkler valve
Fire and smoke doors
Fire alarm indicator panel
Exit ways
Assembly areas
Fire Safety Systems
Fire evacuation notices
Fire evacuation procedures
Smoke detectors
Sprinkler systems
Fire extinguishers
Fire hose reels
Automatic closing doors
Smoke stop doors
Fire cells separated by re rated walls and re doors
All sta must know:
The location of the manual re alarm in their work area
How to break the glass and activate the alarm switch
After activating a re alarm sta must telephone 111 (insert prex if required) and learly state the name and address of
the building and nature of the emergency.
page 6
Responsibilities for Fire Safety
All sta must:
Be responsible for the safe and expedient evacuation of people in the workplace
Be familiar with and able to implement re safety strategies and evacuation procedures
Know what to do if a re is suspected or known in their work area
Attend mandatory and workplace specic re safety and evacuation training
Report any re hazard to the Manager or appropriate person
Ensure that reghting equipment in the area is accessible at all times
Make others aware of re safety or evacuation instructions as appropriate
Check the means of escape in your work area at regular intervals to ensure:
All exits are kept clear of obstacles at all times
Exit doors are not locked; barred or blocked so as they prevent occupants from leaving the building
Smoke control and re stop doors are not kept open
Stairways and passageways designed as a means of escape from re are not used for storage
Flammable materials are not stored near or within any area used as a means of escape from re.
Medical Emergencies
Sudden collapse of person:
Call for help
Be aware of your own safety
Collapsed or Unconscious?
Airway – tilt head back, clear mouth
Breathing – if no breathing evident, start CPR
Circulation – if no pulse, start CPR
Use gloves if available
Apply direct pressure
Elevate limb if possible
Call for an ambulance if necessary - dial 111 (insert prex if required). Clearly state the name and address of the building
and nature of the emergency.
During an earthquake:
Drop, cover and hold. Take cover under a table/desk or if no furniture is available drop to the oor, cover and hold
your head with your arms. Keep away from windows if possible
Do not attempt to run outside
If in a lift, stop it at the nearest oor and get out
If outdoors take no more than a couple of steps and drop cover hold. Move clear of buildings, large trees, high
banks, power poles, overhead power lines and other potential hazards.
page 7
After an earthquake:
If the earthquake was not long or strong or you are not in a tsunami zone:
If it is safe, stay inside (this is the safest place to be following an earthquake), listen to the radio and go to for information
Move everyone away from windows and outside walls
Pull curtains across broken windows
Leave doors open
Account for everyone
Assess and aid the injured
Identify hazards e.g. severed power and gas lines, broken glass, unstable structures
Disconnect equipment as appropriate
Gather vital records, equipment and resources
Keep a register of sta present, log when they leave and their intentions
Evacuate only if the building is badly damaged, there are ominous noises and it is clearly not safe to be inside or
there is signs of re. Take bags, phones, wallets and any emergency supplies
Building Wardens should:
If inside:
Instruct everyone to take cover (by calling earthquake)
Reassure people
If outside:
Instruct everyone to move clear of buildings, large trees, high banks, power poles, overhead power lines and other
potential hazards
If evacuating:
Take the roll of all occupants
Ensure that people have safe footwear, warm clothes, phones and wallets
Ensure that all rooms have been evacuated
Turn o all appliances and services
Take any emergency supplies you are able to carry
Supervise the evacuation to the assembly area
Listen to the radio and go to for information
If evacuating for tsunami do so immediately – a tsunami wave may arrive within minutes. Know where you will evacuate
to for a tsunami and practice this with your sta. For tsunami evacuation maps go to
After a long earthquake (more than one minute) or a strong earthquake (knocks you o your feet), evacuate immediately.
Go to higher ground or inland as far as you can. To nd out tsunami evacuation zones, contact your local council or look
up you location on the hazard portal at If you are unable to evacuate out of the tsunami
inundation area, go to the top oor of a reinforced concrete building.
If a tsunami is coming from a distant source (e.g. Peru) you will be given information and will be evacuated by the emer-
gency services.
Wait until the all clear has been given by emergency services or civil defence before returning. Tsunami can last for many
hours and the rst wave is not usually the biggest wave.
page 8
When a ood threatens you need to:
Listen to the radio and go to for advice and information
Follow Civil Defence advice and instructions
Disconnect electrical appliances and move items above the likely reach of oodwater
You may be asked to evacuate or you may make this decision on your own.
Turn electricity and gas o at the mains
Take emergency kit, if you need to evacuate
Do not walk or allow others to walk through ooded areas
Stay away from downed power lines and electrical wires
Stay together as a group if evacuating from your site. If Civil Defence ocials are involved in the evacuation, then Civil
Defence Centres will be established to receive evacuees.
After The Flood:
Do not return to the facility until authorities indicate it is safe to do so.
Before entering a building, a building inspector will need to inspect foundations for cracks or other damage. Keep
power o until an electrician has inspected your system for safety.
If you smell gas or hear blowing or hissing noise, open a window and quickly leave the building. Turn o the gas at
the outside main valve if you can and call the gas company from another property. If you turn o the gas for any
reason, it must be turned back on by a professional.
Until local authorities proclaim your water supply to be safe, boil water for drinking and food preparation vigorously
for ve minutes before using.
Do not prepare and eat any foodstu that has been contaminated by ood water.
Upon entering the building, don't use matches, cigarette lighters or any other open ames, since gas may be trapped
inside. Instead, use a torch if necessary to light your way.
Be careful walking around. After a ood, oors are often slippery and covered with debris.
Check for sewage and water line damage. If the facility has suered damage, call the insurance company right away
to le a claim.
Hazardous Substances Event
Stay inside. Turn o all air conditioning units and shut all windows and doors. Emergency services will advise you if you
need to evacuate. Listen to a local radio station and go to for information. Once the hazard
has passed, and on the advice of the emergency services, leave the building and allow ventilation of the building.
Gas Leak
In the event of a gas leak DO NOT SET OFF THE ALARM
Advise the Fire Service immediately (using a telephone well away from the gas leak)
Shut o the gas if you can do so safely
Initiate an evacuation by word of mouth
Do not use any electrical devices
Leave all lights as they are
Turn o any gas heaters
page 9
Procedures that minimise the risk of robbery:
Doors tted with tamper-resistant locks, catches and hinges
Windows locked and secured
Security lighting
Security/alarm system (with signage)
Signage indicating that a minimal amount of cash is held on site
In the event of a robbery:
Remain calm. If the security company calls give incorrect code (known as unset under duress”).
When able to check other occupants are all right. Secure all entrances and telephone 111 (insert prex if required)
and clearly state the name and address of the building and nature of the emergency. Do not touch anything the
oender(s) touched, or left behind.
Ask all witnesses to remain until the Police arrive.
Write down a description of the incident and oender(s). Suggest other witnesses do the same.
Safe transportation of cash:
Use an unmarked bag to carry cash
Vary the time and day when banking is done
Vary the route taken to the bank
Violent oender
Violence is unjust use of force or power, and includes verbal abuse, harassment and physical assault. If a violent oender
is in the area go into lock down – lock all windows and doors and stay out of sight.
If experiencing a personal threat:
Try to keep further than arms length away from the oender
If the oender is armed, follow their instructions without hesitation
Maintain an exit path for escape - avoid being trapped in a corner or small room if possible
Clear the area of all items that may be used as weapons or items that may cause damage
Telephone 111 (insert prex if required) and clearly state the name and address of the building and nature of the
emergency. Ask someone else to do this if you are unable
Preserve the scene until police arrive
Ask all witnesses to remain until the Police arrive.
Write down a description of the incident and oender. Suggest other witnesses do the same.
Try and remember as much as you can about the oender:
Ethnicity, accent
Skin and eye colour, hair colour and style
Scars, tattoos, piercings etc
Clothes and jewellery style, colour, brand,
Try and remember as much about the weapon as possible:
Size, shape, colour
Was it held in one hand or two?
Was the barrel/blade long or short?
page 10
Memorandum of Understanding between:
have agreed to provide support under such circumstances and subject to the terms of this agreement.
This agreement sets out the responsibilities of both parties in an event posing a risk to business continuity.
In an event posing a risk to business continuity, the Parties agree to support each other, where possible, with the
provision of facilities and/or equipment.
The Parties will pay each other for this support at reasonable rates. Due to the urgency of the situation, it may be
necessary to negotiate payment after support has been provided.
Support may be provided without charge.
Agreement to use each other’s services/facilities will be between Managers of the facilities named or respective
Incident Controllers during an event.
The Parties will treat each other’s facilities and equipment with the care and respect and to a standard reasonably
expected in the circumstances.
The Parties will comply with all relevant law and professional standards when using the other’s facilities and
............................................................................................................................................................................................ Manager Date ..................................................................................
Signed ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Manager Date ..................................................................................
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