Business Edge Visa Platinum Credit Card Application
(800) 239-5515
Member Number Desired Credit Limit
Section A – Business Information
Name of Business (to be embossed on card: 24 characters or less) Legal Name of Business (if different from previous box)
Business Street Address (physical address; no P.O. Box) City State Zip Code
Business Billing Address (if different from Business Street Address) City State Zip Code
Federal Tax ID Number Business Phone Number Legal Structure of Business (please select one)
Sole Proprietorship/Self-Employed Corporation/Not-For-Profit
General Partnership/LLP Association
Annual Revenue Annual Net Profit
Business Phone Number Line of Business
Professional Sales Farming/Agriculture
Manufacturing Retail Other __________________
Service Construction
Email Address
The Authorized Officer(s) is personally liable for all charges on the Account by any cardholder.
Section B – Authorized Officer(s) Information
Name (First, M.I., Last) % of Ownership # of Years with Business Date of Birth Social Security Number
Title Annual Salary from Business Other Income Source of Income
Home Street Address (physical address; no P.O. Box) City State Zip Code
Housing (choose one)
Rent Own
Monthly Housing Payment Estimated Home Value Mortgage Balance
Email Address Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number
Name (First, M.I., Last) % of Ownership # of Years with Business Date of Birth Social Security Number
Title Annual Salary from Business Other Income Source of Income
Home Street Address (physical address; no P.O. Box) City State Zip Code
Housing (choose one)
Rent Own
Monthly Housing Payment Estimated Home Value Mortgage Balance
Email Address Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number
Section C – Miscellaneous Information
Please check Yes or No and provide written explanations for any ‘Yes’ answers. Yes No
Has your business or any owners ever been involved in bankruptcy proceedings?
Are there any tax liens against your business or any owners?
Is your business or any owners involved in any lawsuits?
Does your business or any of its owners own a controlling interest in other businesses?
Does your business or any of its owners have any outstanding judgments?
Has your business or any owners ever had a foreclosure?
Section D – Authorized Cardholders
By submitting an application, I acknowledge and agree on behalf of the Business entity and myself as the Owner/Authorized Officer: 1) that all
information provided in connection with this application is correct; 2) that Family Security Credit Union may check my credit and employment history
and make whatever inquiries necessary in the course of granting credit, reviewing credit, or collecting any credit extended; 3) that the Credit Union
will retain this application whether or not it is approved and I authorize the Credit Union to answer questions about the Credit Union’s experience
with my credit; 4) that if approved for a Visa credit card that the account will be used for business purposes only; 5) that the Business entity and I,
personally and in my individual capacity, will each be liable for all charges, fees, and finance charges on all of the cards and accounts issued
pursuant to this request or any future requests to add additional cards or accounts; 6) that on behalf of the Business entity and myself, I pledge all
shares and/or deposits (including amounts in draft accounts) and payment and earnings maintained by the Business entity and/or myself now or
hereafter may have with Family Security Credit Union whether held jointly, individually, or in trust as security for any and all monies advance or
purchases made by the use of the card and any interest accrued thereon to satisfy all liabilities incurred under the “VISA CREDIT CARD
AGREEMENT.” Upon default, I authorize Family Security Credit Union to debit the amount owed by the Business Entity and/or myself out of any
account (except Individual Retirement Accounts) with the Credit Union. Furthermore, I understand that such a security interest is a condition of the
Credit Union granting the Business entity and/or myself this loan.
I hereby acknowledge, that I, as the Owner/Authorized Officer, have removed the attached credit card agreement and statement of billing rights and
will retain for the Business entity and/or my records.
__________________________________________ ______________
Signed individually and on behalf of Business Date
__________________________________________ ______________
Signed individually and on behalf of Business Date
For Credit Union Use Only
Denied (Adverse action notice sent)
Approval Code: Credit Score: Approval Rate:
Signature: Date:
click to sign
click to edit
Section E – Additional Cards for Employees
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Name of Cardholder (First, M.I., Last) Social Security Number Date of Birth
Home Phone Number Credit Limit Desired for Employee?
Terms and Conditions
In this Agreement, the words "you" and "your" mean the business and individual(s), if any, applying for a credit card or signing this Agreement.
“Credit Union”, "we", "us" and "our" means Family Security Credit Union. "Card" means the credit card and any duplicates and renewals we issue.
"Account" means your credit card line of credit account with us.
CREDIT CARD AGREEMENT: You acknowledge receipt of and agree to the terms of this Agreement by using the Card or retaining the Card. If
you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you must immediately cut the Card in half, call us at 800-239-5515 and deliver the destroyed card
to us. You agree we may revoke the Card and Account at any time without notice to you.
1. Responsibility. If we issue you a Card, you agree to repay all debts and finance charges arising from the use of the Card/Account
(including any fees associated with your use). Each of you will
be jointly and severally responsible for repayment. You also agree to be fully responsible for any use of the Card/Account by anyone else, including
minors, to whom you give the Card/Account information (including any fees associated with the use of the Card/Account) and this responsibility
continues until the Card is recovered and the Account is cancelled by us. You cannot disclaim responsibility by notifying us, but we will close the
Account for new transactions if you so request if you return all Cards. You agree not to use the card for any illegal purpose whatsoever, including
illegal internet gambling, but you agree to repay the amount of any such transaction made by you or someone you authorized. You also agree that
the Card/Account will be used for business/commercial purposes only.
2. Lost Card Notification. If you believe the Card has been lost or stolen, you agree that you will immediately call us at 800-991-4695.
3. Liability for Unauthorized Use. You will be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card/Account. If You authorize someone to use Your
Card/Account for any purpose at any time, then any use of the Card/Account by that person at any time thereafter is not unauthorized even
if it
the authority given. You agree that use by any employee or agent of Yours is an authorized use. Depending upon the circumstances, you may
qualify for zero liability under the VISA zero liability program. Please contact VISA for details.
4. Credit Line. If we approve your application, we will establish a self-replenishing line of credit for you and notify you of its amount when we issue
the Card. You agree not to let the Account balance exceed this approved credit line. Each payment you make on the Account will restore your credit
line by the amount of the payment which is applied to principal. If you request an increase in your credit line, we may require you to make your
request in writing before considering your request. We may, at any time and for any reason not prohibited by law, reduce your credit line from time
to time, refuse to make an advance or revoke your card and terminate this Agreement. Good cause includes your failure to comply with this
agreement or our adverse reevaluation of your creditworthiness. You may also terminate this Agreement at any time, but termination by either
you or us does not affect your obligation to pay the account balance. The Cards remain our property, and you must recover and surrender to us all
Cards upon our request and upon termination of this Agreement.
5. Credit Information. You authorize us to investigate your credit standing when opening, renewing or reviewing your Account, and you authorize
us to disclose information regarding your Account to credit bureaus and other creditors who inquire of us about your credit standing.
6. Payments. Each month you must pay at least the minimum payment shown on your statement by the date specified on the statement or no later
than 25 days from the statement closing date, whichever is later. If your statement says the payment is "Now Due," your payment is due no later
than 25 days from the statement closing date. You may pay more frequently, pay more than the minimum payment or pay the Total Statement
Balance in full. If you make extra or larger payments, you are still required to make at least the minimum payment each month your Account has a
balance (other than a credit balance). The minimum payment is 2.5% of your Total Statement Balance or $25.00, whichever is greater. The Credit
Union also has the right to demand immediate payment of any amount by which you are over your credit limit. Subject to applicable law, your
payments may be applied to what you owe the Credit Union in any manner the Credit Union chooses. If payment is not received by the Credit Union
on or before the due date, then you agree to pay a late payment fee of $25.00.
7. Disputed Debts. You agree not to attempt to settle a disputed debt by making a partial payment without obtaining our prior written
permission to do so. You agree that any payment concerning a disputed debt, including an instrument tendered as full satisfaction of a debt, will be
sent to Family Security Credit Union, 2204 Family Security Place SW, Decatur, Alabama 35603.
8. FINANCE CHARGE. The FINANCE CHARGE is the amount of money that you pay for the money you borrow. The FINANCE CHARGE
will be the currently effective ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR) that is disclosed to you in the Truth In Lending disclosure or any
subsequent change in terms. You have a 25 day grace (no FINANCE CHARGE) period on your purchase balance and for new purchases if you paid
the Total New Balance for purchases on your last statement by the end of the grace period. You also have a 25 day grace period for new purchases
if you did not have a purchase balance on your last statement. The grace period starts on the statement closing date. If you do not pay the Total
New Balance for purchases by the end of the grace period, the FINANCE CHARGE will be imposed on the unpaid purchase balance from the first
day of the next billing cycle and on new purchases from the date of the transaction. The FINANCE CHARGE is imposed on cash advances, balance
transfers, and convenience checks from the date of the transaction on your Account. Separate average daily balances are calculated for
purchases, cash advances/convenience checks, and balance transfers. We figure the FINANCE CHARGE on your Account by applying the periodic
rate to the “average daily balance” of your account (including current transactions). To get the “average daily balance” we take the beginning
balance of your account each day, add any new purchases/advances/balance transfers, and subtract any payments or credits. This gives us the
daily balance. Then, we add up all the daily balances for the billing cycle and divide the total by the number of days in the billing cycle.
This gives us the “average daily balance.” The FINANCE CHARGE will continue to accrue on your Account until what you owe under this
Agreement is paid in full.
9. Interes
t. Card interest rates
for this Account are variable. We will add a margin, depending on your credit score, to the index to get the
APR applicable to your Card/Account. The index used to establish the rate is the Prime Rate reported by the Federal Reserve on the first business
day of the month prior to the month in which the rate will take effect. Changes in the variable rate will apply to the entire balance
outstanding as of the date of the change. There is no limit on the amount by which variable rates may increase, except that we will not charge
a rate that exceeds the maximum allowed by law.
10. Default. You will be in default if you fail to make any minimum payment or other required payment by the date that it is due. You will also be in
default if (a) your ability to repay us is materially reduced by a change in your employment, an increase in your obligations, bankruptcy or insolvency
proceedings involving you, your death or your failure to abide by this Agreement, (b) you break any promise you have made to us under this Agreement
or any other agreement you have with us, (c) any statement you have made in this Agreement, in connection with this Agreement or in connection
with any other agreement you have with us is not true, or (d) we should otherwise feel insecure in receiving payment of the Account balance for
whatever reason. If you are in default, we have the right to demand immediate payment of your full Account Balance at once without notice to you.
If immediate payment is demanded, you agree to continue paying finance charge, at the periodic rate charged before default, until what you owe
has been paid, and any security given for your Account may be applied towards what you owe. Except when prohibited by law, in the event of a
default, you agree to pay all costs of collecting the amount you owe under this agreement including reasonable attorney's fees and costs. The law
may provide that you are not responsible for attorney’s fees unless your balance exceeds a certain amount (such as $300) and in such case the
attorney’s fee provision does not apply.
11. Using the Card. If we issue you a Card, you may use it in person, by mail, over the telephone, or on the internet to make purchases from
merchants and others who accept VISA. In addition, you may obtain cash advances from the Credit Union, from other financial institutions
participating in the VISA program and from automated teller machines (ATMs), such as VISA ATM Network, which provide access to the VISA or
system. (Not all ATMs provide such access). We may issue you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) which may be used to obtain cash advance(s)
from an ATM. This PIN is confidential and should not be disclosed to anyone. It is important to observe safety precautions when using an ATM
machine. Always observe your surroundings and use a different ATM if the environment around the machine appears to be unsafe in any way. Use
a different machine if the machine appears to have been altered. The monthly statement will identify the merchant, electronic terminal or
financial institution at which transactions were made, but sales, cash advance, credit or other slips cannot be returned with the statement. You will
retain the copy of such slips furnished at the time of the transaction in order to verify the monthly statement. We may make a reasonable charge
for photocopies of slips you request. For security reasons, we may block the use of the Card/Account in certain geographic areas. We have no
liability to you or others in the event such a block should occur.
12. Returns and Adjustments. Merchants and others who honor the Card may give credit for returns or adjustments, and they will do so by sending
us a credit slip which we will post to your Account. If your credits and payments exceed what you owe us, we will hold and apply this credit balance
against future purchases and cash advances, or if it is $1 or more, refund it on your written request or automatically after 6 months.
13. Additional Benefits/Rewards. We may offer additional benefits, including cash back incentives, and rewards, from time to time, at no
additional charge, on your Account. You acknowledge and agree that we are not obligated to offer such services and they may be withdrawn at any
14. Foreign Transactions. Purchases and cash advances made in foreign countries and foreign currencies will be billed to you in U.S.
Dollars. The conversion rate to dollars will be determined in accordance with the operating regulations established by Visa, and you agree to accept
those terms and to pay a foreign transaction fee equal to 1% of the amount of the transaction. The currency conversion rate used on the processing
date may differ from the rate that would have been used on the date of the transaction and/or the statement posting date.
15. Plan Merchant Disputes. We are not responsible for the refusal of any plan merchant or financial institution to honor your Card. We are subject
to claims and defenses (other than tort claims) arising out of goods or services you purchase with the Card only if you have made a good faith
attempt, but have been unable to obtain satisfaction from the plan merchant, and: (a) your purchase was made in response to an advertisement we
sent or participated in sending you, or (b) your purchase cost more than $50 and was made from a plan merchant in your state or
within 100 miles
your home. An
y other disputes you must resolve directly with the plan merchant.
16. Security Interest. As a condition of our granting you credit, you grant the Credit Union a consensual lien on all shares and/or deposits
in the Credit Union. You also agree and acknowledge that the Credit Union has a statutory lien over said shares and/or deposits. If you
are in default, we can apply any shares and/or deposits without prior notification. You agree that any cross- collateralization provision
contained in any other agreement wherein you pledge collateral to secure all debts owed to the Credit Union will extend to this Account,
and you agree that any security interest in any collateral will also secure this account. You grant the Credit Union a purchase money
security interest on goods purchased with the Card.
17. Effect of Agreement. This Agreement is the contract which applies to all transactions on your Account even though the sales, cash advance,
credit or other slips you sign or receive may contain different terms. We may amend this Agreement from time to time by sending you any advance
written notice required by law. Any amendment to this Agreement will take effect on the day it is mailed unless advance notice is required by law.
Your use of the Card thereafter will indicate your agreement to the amendments. To the extent the law permits, and we indicate in our notice,
amendments will apply to your existing Account balance as well as to future transactions.
18. Statements and Notices. Statements and notices will be mailed to you at the most recent address you have given the Credit Union or delivered
electronically as per your consent. Notice sent to any one of you will be considered notice to all of you. You must notify us of any address change.
19. General Terms. No delay in enforcement of our rights under this Agreement will result in any loss of our rights or relieve you of any of your
obligations. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid, the rest of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. The paragraph
headings are for convenience only and do not form a part of this Agreement. The terms and conditions of this Agreement are governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama and any applicable Federal law without regard to their choice of law provisions.
20. Fees. In addition to the fees disclosed to you in a tabular format, you agree to pay the following additional fees: $5.00 for re-issuing a
card; and 1% of the converted transaction amount for each international multi-currency or single-currency transaction. We may charge other fees for
services that will be disclosed to you at the time the service is requested or on our Truth in Savings disclosure, as amended from time to time.
21. Skip-A-Payment: From time to time, solely at the option of the Credit Union, you may be given the option, for a fee, to skip a payment. If you elect
to take advantage of the offer to skip a payment, the interest finance charge will continue to accrue during the month you choose to skip a payment
and you must resume regular payments on the following payment due date.
22. Arbitration: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement and/or Account shall be settled by binding arbitration.
You further agree that any such arbitration shall take place in Morgan County, Alabama. Judgment upon any award rendered by the
arbitrator may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall determine the prevailing party, and the costs and
expenses of the arbitration proceeding, including the arbitrator's fees, shall be borne by the non-prevailing party, unless otherwise required by
law. No provision of this Agreement, nor the exercise of any right under this agreement, shall waive the arbitration requirement or limit the right
of the Credit Union to: (1) obtain provisional or ancillary remedies, such as injunctive relief, writ of attachment, or protective order from a court
having jurisdiction before, during, or after the pendency of any arbitration, (2) exercise self- help remedies, such as set-off; (3) evict, foreclose
against or sell any real or personal property collateral by the exercise of a power of sale under a mortgage or other security agreement
or instrument, a deed of trust, or app licable law; (4) exercise any other rights under this agreement upon the breach of any term or condition
herein; or, (5) to proceed with collection of the Account through all other legal methods, including, but not limited to, proceeding in court to
obtain judgment. Any and all arbitration under this contract will take place on an individual basis; class arbitrations and class actions are not
VISA Platinum Business Disclosure
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
for Purchases, Cash
Advances, & Balance
11.15% to 18.0% depending on your credit history
This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate, Plus Margin, reported by the Federal Reserve
How to Avoid Paying Interest
on Purchases
Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you interest on new
purchases, provided you have paid your previous balance in full by the due date each month. We will begin
charging interest on cash advances on the transaction date.
Minimum Interest Charge None
Annual Fee None
Application Fee None
Transaction Fees
Balance Transfer
Cash Advance
Foreign Transaction
1% of the converted transaction amount for each international multi-currency or single-currency
Penalty Fees
Late Payment
You have been approved for a Family Security Credit Union Visa Platinum Business Edge Credit Card. Please see the
below disclosure for rate and fee information
Interest Rate, Interest Charges, and Fees
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
for Purchases, Cash
Advances, & Balance
________ %
This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate, Plus Margin of ____________, reported by the
Federal Reserve
How to Avoid Paying Interest
on Purchases
Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you interest on new
purchases, provided you have paid your previous balance in full by the due date each month. We will begin
charging interest on cash advances on the transaction date.
Minimum Interest Charge None
Annual Fee None
Application Fee None
Transaction Fees
Balance Transfer
Cash Advance
Foreign Transaction
1% of the converted transaction amount for each international multi-currency or single-currency
Penalty Fees
Late Payment
Please see the “Family Security Credit Union Business Credit Card Agreement – Terms and Conditions of the Account
for complete terms and conditions of your credit card account.