Student’s Name ______________________________ Student’s ID _______________ Revised 3/21/19
Business Administration
Associate in Science Degree
Transfer-Oriented Program
This program is a Transfer-Oriented Degree intended to be completed before you continue your education at the
baccalaureate level. Individual articulation agreements may exist with specific universities so that your degree is completely
accepted with all credits transferring. Please check with your Academic Advisor to ensure you enroll in the appropriate courses
for seamless transfer.
First Semester (Fall) – 15 credits
Gen Ed: Written Communication
ENG*101 (or ENG*101E): Composition
Gen Ed: Social Phenomena (1 of 2)
ACC*113: Principles of Financial Accounting
BMG*202: Principles of Management
Unrestricted Elective (or MAT*137 or MAT*137E, Intermediate Algebra,
if student placement requires this course)
Second Semester (Spring) – 15-16 credits
ACC*117: Principles of Managerial Accounting
Gen Ed: Oral Communication
BBG*115: Business Software Applications
BMK*201: Principles of Marketing
Gen Ed: Social Phenomena (2 of 2)
Gen Ed: Scientific Knowledge &
Third Semester (Fall) – 15-16 credits
Choose from one of the following:
BBG*231: Business Law I
BBG*234: Legal Environment of Business
Gen Ed: Written Communication II
ENG*102: Literature & Composition
Gen Ed: Aesthetic Dimensions
Gen Ed: Scientific Reasoning
Directed Business Elective
(see choices below)
Note: If you are planning to attend Central
Connecticut State University, you should take
MAT*158, Functions, Graphs & Matrices
Fourth Semester (Spring) – 15 credits
BMG*204: Managerial Communications
CST*201: Intro to Management Information Systems
Directed Business Elective
(see choices below)
Note: BFN*201, Principles of Finance, is
recommended for students wishing to transfer to a
University business program
Gen Ed: Quantitative Reasoning
MAT*167: Elementary Statistics
Gen Ed: Historical Knowledge
*Note: You must Complete One science course that includes a laboratory. It can be in either the Scientific Reasoning or
Scientific Knowledge category
Directed Business Electives: BBG*234, Legal Environment of Business, BBG*295, Cooperative Work Experience,
BFN*201, Principles of Finance, BMG*220, Human Resource Management, BBG*294, Business Internship, BES*118, Small
Business Management, BMG*210, Principles of Organizational Behavior, MAT*158, Functions, Graphs, and Matrices