PEChanga Fire Department
Burn Site Application and Burning Guidelines
PFD P-025 (Rev. 8/6/13) Page 1 to Fire Dept / Page 2 to Property Owner Page 2 of 2
Property owner name: ______________________________________
Type of burn: Open Recreational
(Check one)
This burn site is valid from: ______________________________
Approval issued by: ___________________________________
Contact fire department for questions / phone number: (951) 770-6001
Pechanga Approval Process for Burning
Step 1. Submit an application for burning at Pechanga Fire department.
Step 2. Prepare burning site according to guidelines provided.
Step 3. Ensure Application has not expired.
Step 4. Prior to burning, contact Ranger dispatch at (951)770-6196 for notification.
Provide your name, house number/location of burning and application approval number.
Step 5. Follow guidelines provided for burning.
Burning Guidelines
(Reference Pechanga Fire Safety Ordinance No. 2013-0519-01)
• The responsible party and or property owner shall be responsible for compliance with Pechanga Fire
Safety Ordinance No. 2013-0519-01.
• Ensure maximum pile size is 4 feet wide by 2 feet high for recreational fires.
• Provide an area of no less than ten (10) feet around the circumference of each burn pile, fire circle, etc.
The area must be clear of all combustible materials including vegetation and overhanging branches.
• Provide no less than 50 feet between burn site and any structures.
• Provide adequate means for fire extinguishing such as a charged garden hose or 5 gallon pressurized
water extinguisher and a shovel.
• Total extinguishment of fire shall be the responsibility of the person burning.
• Fires must be constantly attended by an adult capable of using fire extinguishing equipment and who
are familiar with this notification information, until the fire is completely extinguished.
• The approved application is void during “Red Flag Alerts”, and no burning is permitted.
• Burning of any waste other than vegetative debris is prohibited at all times within the Pechanga Indian