1. Building Permit Application: Shall be typed-in and filled out completely only for the work being proposed.
2. Acknowledgement of Covenants and Restrictions: Property owner's signature required.
3. Plat of Survey: Two plats are required; one (1) original signed by an Illinois State Licensed Land Surveyor**
and one (1) copy shall be submitted. A current survey, drawn no smaller than 1"=30' scale, must show all
easements, property and building lines, setbacks and every existing building and improvement on the property.
Depiction of well and septic locations shall be drawn only on the copy of the survey*.
4. Septic Work: To include; Site Plan/Septic System Layout: three (3) plan sets, Percolation Test: two (2)
originals, Application for Sewage Disposal System: two (2) originals, all prepared, original signed and
sealed by an Illinois State Licensed Professional Engineer.**
5. Architectural Plans & Specifications: Original signed and sealed by an Illinois State Licensed Architect or
Illinois State Licensed Structural Engineer**. All architectural plans & specifications to be printed out in black
and white only.
- Two (2) plan sets for residential homes and all other construction, remodeling and repair permits.
- Four (4) plan sets for commercial construction, remodeling and repair permits.
6. Energy Efficiency Compliance: Illinois State Law requires all new buildings, additions, alterations or
renovations comply with the 2015 Illinois Energy Code. An applicable Energy Efficiency Compliance Report
(REScheck or COMcheck) shall be submitted with the permit application or the Architectural plans shall
contain a statement and show compliance with the Prescriptive Method.
7. RRP Rule: In a rule issued by the USEPA, aimed at preventing lead poisoning among children and adults
Contractors performing any renovation/repair projects that disturb lead-based paint in residences built prior to
1978 shall submit the necessary certifications when applying for a permit.
8. Tree Preservation Plan: A residential teardown or addition of 50% or more of existing dwelling footprint shall
require a tree plan be prepared by a Registered Landscape Architect or an I.S.A., A.H.S., A.S.C.A. Certified
Arborist based upon a plat of survey or the engineered site/septic plan for all new residential construction.
Three (3) certified sets of the tree preservation plan shall be submitted when applying for a permit of
this type.
9. Developer's Architectural Approval: Letter may be required depending on the subdivision.
10. Plumbing Contractor Letter of Intent: Work proposed requiring plumbing; Illinois State Law requires an
original signed and sealed or notarized Contractor's Letter of Intent and one (1) copy of the Plumbing
Contractor's valid (#055) License/Certificate shall be submitted with the permit application.
11. Permit Application/Document Submittal: All submissions shall be in person by a responsible party.
Submittals by any other means will not be accepted.
*If the work proposed is on the opposite side of the house from the septic system, the location of the septic system and
well may be drawn in on the survey. However, if the work proposed is on the same side of the house as the septic
system, an As-Built drawing of the septic system original signed and sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer** or
Licensed Septic Installer shall be required.
**Illinois State Law requires the proper sealing and signing of all plans and specifications. An original signature shall be
a hand-written inked type. All certifications are subject to their respective Illinois Department of Professional Regulation
Act's for design professionals.
Rev. 8/17