Building Safety Department
1200 E. Broad Street, Mansfield, Texas 76063
e-mail: permits@mansfieldtexas.gov
Website: www.mansfieldtexas.gov
4/14/2020 Residential Permit Permit Application.doc
1. Project Information
Job Address: County:
Lot/Tract: Block: Subdivision/Survey: Type of Building:
Type of Work:
New Addition Alteration Repair ___________ Move Other_____________
Water Supply:
City Well
Size of Service =
Sanitary Sewer:
City Private, If Private, Attach Perc Test And Proposed Design of Septic System
Roof Covering Type:
Comp. Wood Tile Built-Up Membrane Other
FOUNDATION TYPE: Foundations Regardless Of Type Are Required To Be Prepared By A Texas Licensed Professional Engineer.
Concrete Spread Footing Concrete Slab On Grade – Steel
Post Tension, If Post Tension, Attach Engineer's Letter Other:
Lot size: (Sq. Ft.)= 1
Floor = 2
Floor = Garage = Other =
Building Height = No. of Stories = Total Building Area: (Sq. Ft. Under Roof) =
Building Facades:
Total sq. ft. of all sides of building = Total sq. ft. of masonry facades =
Provide a brief description of the project / proposed scope of work:
Please Read Carefully
Attach plot plan with this application showing dimensions, setbacks and easements from the property lines. All existing
and proposed structures should be shown on the plan with dimensions to property lines.
Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical and irrigation.
The City of Mansfield does not regulate or enforce deed restrictions and/or covenants which might be associated with
this property. The City of Mansfield recommends the verification of any deed restrictions and/or covenants prior to
starting improvements.
This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, or if
construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced.
I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions
of laws and ordinances governing granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the
provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction.
I hereby certify that this construction complies with the residential masonry requirements of the Zoning Ordinance,
Section 7800.B.32.
Please Print Name: Date: