Name of Applicant Permit type (check one)
Mailing Address
Building; new
Building; renovation
City of Long Beach
Phone Plumbing only City of Ilwaco
E-mail Mechanical only
Alt Contact Other ____________________ #:__________________________
Site Address Property Owner
Assessor’s Parcel No. Address:
City, State ZIP Code
Lot size / Zoning Phone
Architect/Designer License #
General Contractor License #
Plumbing License #
Mechanical License #
Other License #
Design Review/Planning Review Project Valuation
Construction Type Occupancy Type
Description of Project
1. Does the proposal divide the ownership of a single lot or build across the property lines of 2 or more lots?..........
2. Is the project located within 200 feet of any surface water?.....................................................................................
3. Does the proposal involve or require the crossing or filling of any wetlands, drainage systems, or ditches?...........
4. Is the property located in an area that is subject to flooding?...................................................................................
5. Are there any existing structures, water supply systems, or sewage disposal systems on the property?.................
6. Does the proposal require the displacement, removal, or placement of materials in excess of 50 cubic yards?......
7. Does the proposal change the existing use or classification of the subject property?...............................................
Foundation Property lines located Setbacks measured Footings Stemwall Slab on Grade
Framing Wall Sheathing Roof Sheathing Rough Plumbing Fuel-Gas Electrical (LnI)
Fire Marshal Partial Insulation Wallboard Special____________ Special____________ Special____________
Fire Marshal Final Building Final C/O issued on:
NOTE: The City of Long Beach assumes no responsibility to notify applicants of state or federal permit requirements. If you think your project may
require a state or federal permit, contact the City of Long Beach Community Development Department for information.
I hereby certify that I prepared or directed the preparation of this application and the attached site development plans and construction documents and that, to the
beast of my knowledge the information provided is complete, accurate, and a true representation of the proposed development. I understand that the City of Long
Beach relies on the representations made herein in determining whether this application may be approved, and that false or inaccurate information may result in
severe consequences, including (but not limited to) the removal at my expense of any site improvement constructed under this application. I further attest that I have
the legal authority to submit this application, and I agree to comply with any and all conditions of approval related to this development proposal. I further agree to
provide any additional information that may be required, and I understand that if the scope of the project is modified in any way, then a new application may be
required. I agree to begin work within six months of the City’s approval of this application, which approval will not be granted until all applicable fees have been
paid, and I acknowledge that if work is not commenced within this period a new application and additional fees will be required.
Applicant: Date
Owner (if different):
Received by: Date Approved by: Date
click to sign
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click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Common Trouble Areas
Lot Size
/ Zoning
Lot size is simply how many square
feet is the lot you a building on. If your lot is
1/2 acre or more, you can list acreage
Zoning is asking for your zoning
district, not if you are residential or
commercial. The City of Long Beach contains
20 different zoning districts, and the City of
Ilwaco has 10. Because each zone has its
own rules, the zoning district is to be listed
in order to keep your project in compliance.
Project Valuation
This area is probably the most
when and how to enter the dollar
amount. This is the value of the proj
being permitted. For ALL new
this value is determined by the Building
Official and should be left blank by the
applicant. For renovations of more than 50%
of a buildin
g, it should be determined by a
contractors bid (not estimate) or by the
Building Official. For smaller projects it can
be determined by contractors bid or
estimate or by the Building Official. For
homeowners doing their own home
remodel under 50%, the value of the project
should be 2x the cost of materials, of which
the cost list must be provided at submittal.
Design Review/Planning Review
For Long Beach, enter the case number
that was at the top of your design review approval
letter, DR-2017-00.
For Ilwaco, enter the date you received
approval from the City of Ilwaco and submit the
approval letter as part of the permit package.
The 7 questions. Answering “Yes” to any or all of these
does not mean you won’t be granted a permit. But
answering incorrectly can cause delay in the process. Most
commonly #’s 5, 2, and 7 are misunderstood or simply
filled out incorrectly because they were not read
completely. Please read each question carefully, and if you
are still unsure how to answer, please call the Building
Dept of the City of Long Beach at 360-642-4421 or stop in.
Building Permit Application Checklist
Completed Building Permit Application Form
2 copies of building plans*
Plot plan, foundation, framing layout, roof framing, elevations of each side, energy
code compliance sheet, and engineering calculations.
Design Review approval letter (Long Beach) or Planning Review approval letter (Ilwaco)
Call to the Building Department to verify any other out of the ordinary requirements
Homeowners doing their own work still need to provide drawings that show the proposed alterations.
The drawings do not need to be professionally prepared but MUST have accurate dimensions and
adequately show current and proposed conditions of the building.
Commercial properties undergoing alterations at level 2 and 3 (as described in the International Existing
Building Code) are required to be prepared by a Washington State registered architect and stamped as
All inspection requests are to be scheduled 24hrs in advance. LnI electrical and any other required
special inspections are required to be completed before any final inspection by the City.
*Mechanical only and plumbing only permits are only required to provide 1 copy of plans or spec sheets
for unit being installed.