Chevy Chase Village Building Permit Application Page | 2 of 3
Building Permit Filing Requirements:
Application will not be reviewed until the application is complete
” Copy of stamped drawings approved by Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services (DPS) and
the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC), if required. Every page of drawings must be clearly stamped.
” This application form, signed by resident.
” Boundary Survey
” Site Plan (see: Village Site Plan Checklist to ensure completeness)
” Building plans and specifications
” Tree Preservation Plan requested of Village arborist (see: Village Tree Inspection Request form). All
required tree protections must be fully installed before any work begins.
” Filing Fee (due at time of application). Fees schedule is listed in Chapter 6 of the Village Code.
” Damage deposit or performance bond (due when Building Permit is issued). Amount of required deposit or
bond will be set by Village Manager.
Once this permit application is complete, the Village Manager will review the application and accompanying
documents and, under most circumstances, act on the application within 5 to 10 working days.
If the Montgomery County permit is suspended, revoked or lapsed, the Village permit is automatically
suspended, revoked or lapsed.
No signs advertising the architect, contractor, or any other service provider may be posted on the work site.
I hereby certify that I have the authority to make the foregoing application, that the application
is correct, that I have read and understood all requirements and that the construction will
conform to the regulations of the Montgomery County Zoning Code, the Village Code including
Urban Forest code, and any covenants and easements on the subject property.
Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
To be completed by Village staff:
Is this property within the historic district? Yes No Staff Initials: _________
Date application filed with Village: __________ Date permit issued:__________ Expiration date:_________