Permit Number:
Buffer Management Plan
This Section is provided to explain the maintenance plan for the Buffer Management Plan.
The Shoreline Development Buffer shall be established in natural vegetation. The buffer shall be
measured landward from the mean high-water line of tidal waters and tidal wetlands, and from
tributary streams and expanded for contiguous, sensitive areas, such as soils with slopes greater
than 15%, hydric soils, or highly erodible soils, whose development or disturbance may impact
streams, wetlands, or other aquatic environments. Clearing existing natural vegetation in the
Buffer is not permitted unless approved by the Department of Planning and Zoning under a
Forest Preservation Plan/Buffer Management Plan. New managed turf or lawn is prohibited.
The Buffer shall be established and managed to achieve a naturally vegetated area or vegetated
area, established and managed to protect aquatic, wetland, shoreline and terrestrial environments
from man-made disturbances. Under each enumerated purpose, state how your Buffer
Management Plan for Buffer achieves these purposes. Attach additional sheet if necessary. The
Department of Planning and Zoning may require additional information as it deems necessary for
approval on a case by case basis.
[1] Provide information on the basis of the calculation for the Buffer Mitigation.
[2] Project planting date.
[3] Method of removal, if applicable.
[4] Provide information on how your plan will maintain existing natural vegetation.
[5] Provide details on the maintenance plan for control of invasive species, pests, and
predation that shows invasive species and pest control practices.
[6] Provide details on the maintenance plan for how the plants will be maintained for at least
two (2) years.
I certify that all statements are true and accurate. I hereby grant permission to Talbot County
Staff and Officials to enter my property for inspection to assess compliance with the Buffer
Management Plan. I will notify the Talbot County Staff upon completion of the project. I
understand that I am responsible for the survival of all mitigation plantings. I understand that
failure to implement this plan is a violation of Critical Area Law.
Property Owner Signature Date
Approved by:
(Department of Planning and Zoning) Date
Revised: 02/02/15