Rev. 8/14
Buena Vista University
Interim Travel Course Application
Personal Information:
Name______________________________DOB__________________ID #_________________
Gender: ___Male ___Female Circle one: 1
year 2
year 3
year 4
year 5
Citizenship: __USA __Other (please specify_________) Do you have a valid passport? Yes No
Campus Address:_______________________________________________________________
Campus Telephone:__________ Major____________________________ CGPA____________
Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________
Course Information:
Time of Travel: Interim _____ May ______
Travel Course Destination: ____________________________________________________
Medical Release:
Because travel can be quite rigorous and demanding, we believe that only those students who are in good
physical and mental health should plan to participate. For that reason, we ask that the student (or his/her
parent/guardian if the student is under the age of 18) carefully read, then sign and date the following
“I certify that I am in good physical and mental health and that I do not suffer from any special conditions
which would prevent me from successfully taking part in the travel study course noted above. I further
understand that, in the event of an emergency, BVU, or its representative(s), reserves the right to arrange
medical treatment and/or notify my parent(s) or legal guardian for same. Further, I affirm that I will truthfully
and fully complete the medical information form required by the university.”
_________________________ ______________________________ ____________________
Name (please print) Student/Parent Signature Date