Budget Worksheet Request for Travel or Program Funds
Organization Name: ____________________________________
Fiscal Year ____________
Budget Category
entry/admission fee)
Travel (vehicle, hotel,
airfare, car rental,
fuel/mileage, taxi,
parking, public
(misc. supplies,
food/drink, printing)
Income-Money the
organization is
(fundraising, dues,
department funding,
gifts, co-sponsorship,
Grand Totals
Request for Travel Funds
Organization Name: ____________________________________
Respond to the following for each program request form.
1) Please provide a description and purpose of requested travel:
2) Dates of travel:
3) Travel destination (city, state):
4) What are the registration or admission costs associated with this travel per person?
5) How many travelers will this budget request support?
6) What other funding sources, apart from student fees, will be used to support this travel?
Funding Type
7) Does this organization charge dues? If yes, what is the total amount collected annually?
8) How will this travel benefit the Illinois Central College community? Are there other communities
(groups outside of ICC) served by this travel?
9) What strategies have or will the organization pursue to control costs associated with this travel?
10) If the organization does not receive funding or only partial funding, will participants still travel?
11) Name of advisor who will be traveling with the student organization (must be a current ICC
faculty or staff member).
12) How does this activity support the mission of the College?
Individual submitting this form: _____________________________________________________
Individual’s position within the student organization: ____________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: _____________________________________
*Return this form along with the Budget Form to Student Life Office, Room 303A, East Peoria campus.
Request for Program Funds
Organization Name: __________________________
Academic Year: ____________
Respond to the following for each program request form.
1) Please provide a description and purpose of program:
2) Name of advisor who will be overseeing this event (must be a current ICC faculty or staff
3) Who is the program's audience?
4) What strategies have or will the organization pursue to control costs associated with this program?
5) If this program does not receive funding or only partial funding, will the program still occur?
6) If the program does not occur, what will be the impact on the students of Illinois Central College?
7) How many students will be involved in implementing this program? (Including advisors)