Overview of Adjunct Instructor Hiring Procedure Revised 2/7/2012
Because WSUV hires nearly 100 adjunct instructors each semester, it is important to plan early and to follow a
standardized and efficient process for identifying and bringing the appropriate instructors on board in a timely fashion.
Finance & Operations and Academic Affairs have collaborated in developing a standard procedure for hiring adjuncts to
be used by all Vancouver campus Units.
The procedure consists of this document plus the accompanying “Step-by-Step Adjunct Hiring Procedure”. Together,
these two documents outline the necessary steps and tell who is responsible for each step. Our goal is to make the
adjunct hiring process smoother for everyone involved.
Budget Planning
Academic Units are responsible for tracking dollars spent and staying within Unit budgets. Academic Units should create
tools to closely monitor and manage adjunct expenditures on a semester-by-semester basis.
The Faculty Information Form (FIF or SFIF) is the primary means of communicating proposed adjunct expenditures to
Finance & Operations. It is important to fill it out accurately and completely. Questions regarding how to properly fill
out the FIF should be addressed to Finance & Operations.
Paperwork Deadlines
Because the hiring volume is so high and timing is critical, the Academic Units will be required to complete Steps #1 -
#8 of the “Step-by-Step Adjunct Hiring Procedure” at least one month prior to the start of each semester (or summer
session). That being said, it is understood that unforeseen circumstances may arise and last minute changes may
become necessary. Finance & Operations and Academic Affairs will remain flexible and willing to work through such
situations with the Academic Units, provided that there has been ongoing communication with regard to potential
problems. In any event, it will be critical to have ALL steps completed one week prior to the start of the semester (or
session) to assure that adjuncts will receive a paycheck.
Standard WSU Adjunct Appointment Letter
WSU requires the use of a standard Appointment Letter for all adjuncts, which can be found on the University’s web site
under The New Hire. Select the “Non-Tenure Track, Temporarycategory on this web page, then select “Letters for
Regional Campus Appointments”, and then Lecturer/0200 Offer Letter”. Since Pullman HRS makes frequent changes
to faculty offer letters, you are advised to pull this template up every time you go to issue a new adjunct letter. The
letter should be personalized to the campus or unit, as indicated in the template. In addition, it should be modified as
a. If the adjunct is being reappointed, delete the paragraph that discusses citizenship and employment
authorization (I-9), and delete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form List of Acceptable
Documents under “Enclosures”.
b. For spring/fall adjuncts only: In the paragraph near the end that asks for the letter to be returned, add
“and the enclosed Conditions for Temporary Employment form” after “Please return a signed copy of
this letter…”. List the Conditions for Temporary Employment form under “Enclosures”.
c. The letter should be returned to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Washington State University,
14204 NE Salmon Creek Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98686-9600. Request that the letter be returned
within 10 days of receipt.
d. If the adjunct is being reappointed, change the last sentence of the letter to state, “The faculty of the
College/Department are delighted that you have chosen to continue your career at Washington State
University Vancouver.”
e. Letters for adjunct faculty members do not require the signature of the Department Chair. Therefore,
delete the Department Chair signature line and replace it with a line for the Academic Director’s
signature. Print an original letter on WSUV letterhead, have the Academic Director sign it, and then
forward it to Academic Affairs, along with other documentation as required by this procedure. Only one
original of the letter is required. Include a mailing envelope with your department’s budget code in the
upper left corner. Academic Affairs is responsible for mailing the letter and tracking its return.
Credentials Exceptions
Academic Affairs has developed a new Credentials Exception form to be completed and forwarded to Academic Affairs
(along with the Appointment Letter) whenever one of the following circumstances occurs:
a) Whenever an adjunct faculty member without a terminal degree (in most disciplines, a doctoral degree) will be
teaching a course at the graduate level, or whenever an adjunct faculty member without a masters degree will
be teaching a course at the undergraduate level, OR;
b) Whenever the adjunct does possess the necessary degree, but in a different and unrelated field, OR;
c) Whenever an adjunct for whom there has already been Credentials Exception for one course will be teaching a
new and different course.
A writable template for the Credentials Exception accompanies this procedure. Please note that your input to this form
will not save on the computer. After you fill it out, it must be printed out and sent to Academic Affairs (hard copy or
Official Adjunct Faculty Files for the Vancouver Campus
Academic Affairs will maintain the official adjunct faculty files for the Vancouver campus and will comply with
retention policies as set forth by the University for the “Unit” level. Academic Affairs will therefore maintain originals
of certain key documents, such as the Appointment Letter, official transcript, and Conditions for Temporary
Employment. Academic Affairs will also be responsible for providing Pullman HRS with copies of any adjunct faculty
documents they require, with the exception of W-4, Direct Deposit, and electronic I-9 information, which must be
provided directly to Pullman Payroll by the Academic Unit.
Academic Units are free to maintain their own files on each adjunct faculty member. However, due to privacy of
information requirements, Units must never maintain any hard copy I-9, W-4, or Direct Deposit information in their
files. Units may request copies of fully-executed Appointment Letters, Conditions for Temporary Employment, or official
transcripts from Academic Affairs.
Forms and Documents
The following table lists all of the forms and documents relevant to the adjunct hiring process. The table also outlines
retention requirements. Academic Units may retain copies of any of these items other than I-9, W-4, and Direct
Deposit documentation.
Document Hard Copy Original Copy Frequency
Faculty Information Form AA Per semester or
(FIF or SFIF) session/per
Conditions for Temporary AA Same as FIF
Employment (CTE)
Temps Appointment Display ELECTRONIC Same as FIF
(for spring/fall only)
Personnel Action Form Adjunct Same as FIF
(for summer only)
Appointment Letter AA HRS-Pullman Same as FIF
CV/Resume AA HRS-Pullman Same as BDS
3 Letters of Recommendation AA HRS-Pullman Initial hire
Official Transcript of Highest AA Same as BDS
Credentials Exception AA If required, for each new
I-9 Documentation ELECTRONIC Initial hire or
as required
W-4 Payroll-Pullman Initial hire
Direct Deposit Payroll-Pullman Same as above
“List of Acceptable Documents” List given to new adjuncts for I-9 information purposes.
Step-by-Step Adjunct Hiring Procedure
Revised 2/7/12
Academic Unit: Preparation of Hiring Packet - To Be Done 1 Month Prior to Start of
Semester or Session
New Adjuncts
Important Notes
Complete Faculty
Information (FIF) for
spring/fall adjuncts or
Summer Faculty
Information Form (SFIF)
for summer adjuncts.
Overloads - A box has been added to the spring/fall FIF
for overloads. However, the use of full-time faculty
(permanent or temporary) to assume overloads in the
spring or fall is subject to AA approval. If a request for
overload is received, Finance & Operations will notify
Academic Affairs at Step #1. If an exception is made for a
spring or fall overload, the process will be the same as the
adjunct process, i.e. an appointment letter will be
necessary. For tenured/tenure-track faculty teaching
summer courses, no appointment letter is necessary.
Email "List of I-9
Acceptable Documents"
to adjunct. Adjunct will
come in for I-9 set up
after the Appointment
Letter is fully executed.
Send hard copy original
of FIF (or SFIF) Finance &
Operations (F&O).
Collect a CV/Resume and
3 Letters of
Recommendation from
the adjunct.
Letters of Recommendation - These must come from
professionals in the field or faculty (at WSUV or
elsewhere) who can speak to the candidate's abilities to
teach the course in question or in the discipline.
Have the adjunct request
an official transcript of
the highest degree,
which must be sent
directly to Academic
Affairs (AA).
Requests for Official Transcripts - The adjunct should
request an official transcript of their highest degree to be
sent directly from the university that granted the degree
to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Washington
State University, 14204 NE Salmon Creek Avenue,
Vancouver, WA 98686-9600.
Academic Unit: Preparation of Hiring Packet - To Be Done 1 Month Prior to Start of
Semester or Session
New Adjuncts
Important Notes
Prepare Appointment
Letter using WSU's
standard template for
Lecturer/0200 Offer
Letter - Regional
Campus. Refer to the
attached "Overview of
Adjunct Instructor Hiring
Procedure" for
important instructions
on how to customize
this letter.
Complete a Credentials
Exception form, if
Credentials Exception - This new form, which
accompanies this procedure, must be completed by the
Academic Director for adjuncts who do not possess a
doctoral degree in the teaching discipline for graduate
courses, or a master's degree in the teaching discipline
for undergraduate courses. The Credentials Exception
must address the candidate's unique preparation to
teach the content in the proposed course and why an
instructor with a terminal degree is unavailable. A
new Credentials Exception is required with each new
course taught.
Send complete packet to
AA: CV, 3 Letters of
Credentials Exception (if
required), Appointment
Letter (provide only one
original), and mailing
envelope with
department budget code
in the upper left hand
It is not necessary to include the FIF (or SFIF) in the
package because AA will have already received this from
Academic Affairs: Appointment Review
New Adjuncts
Important Notes
Review hiring packet and
approve or deny the
appointment via
signature on the FIF (or
SFIF)and Appointment
Mail signed Appointment
Letter to adjunct, along
with Conditions for
Temporary Employment
(spring/fall adjuncts
Once the completed
documents are received
back from the adjunct,
AA will be responsible
for providing Pullman
with copies of any
documents required for
their files.
Academic Unit: Final Steps
New Adjuncts
Important Notes
Have adjunct come in for
I-9 set-up and request
W-4 and Direct Deposit
information (optional).
Forward these items to
Pullman Payroll.
W-4 and Direct Deposit Information - Units must not
keep copies of this type of documentation in their files.
For summer adjuncts
only - upon receipt of
hard copy of Personnel
Action Form (PAF) and
salary schedule, provide
the adjunct with a hard
copy of the PAF.
PAF - For summer adjuncts only - the PAF is considered
to be part of the contract and must therefore be
presented to the adjunct in hard copy prior to the start of
the summer session. Spring and fall adjuncts must
instead sign and return the Conditions for Temporary
Employment form.
FTAW Calculations for Fall and Spring Adjuncts
Credits FTAW
1 6.67%
2 13.33%
3 20.00%
4 26.67%
5 33.33%
6 40.00%
7 46.67%
8 53.33%
9 60.00%
10 66.67%
11 73.33%
12 80.00%
13 86.67%
14 93.33%
15 100.00%
Lecture and Lab credits use the same calculation
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a) Whenever!a!faculty!member!without!a!terminal!degree!(in!most!disciplines,!a!doctoral!degree)!will!be!teaching!a!
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Academic!Director:!_______________________________! Date:!_______________________!
Approved!by:!____________________________________! Date:!_______________________!