12410 SE 32
St, Suite 100, Bellevue WA 98005 | T: 425.974.1011 | F: 425.974.1032 | www.nwrealtor.com
I hereby apply for REALTOR
membership in the
Seattle King County Association of REALTORS
Enclosed is my payment in the amount of $________,
which includes a one-time application fee of $100.
(see page 2 schedule)
I understand annual dues are not refundable even if a
member leaves the business, area or member office.
Broker Information: I am a: Broker Managing Broker Designated Broker
Name (as it appears on your license):
_________________________________________ Email (required): ________________________________
Nickname: ________________________________ Cell phone: __________________________________
Home Address (Required): Home phone: _________________________________
Street ____________________________________ Home FAX: __________________________________
City _______________________ Zip _______________ Web Address: ________________________________
RE License # (Required): _____________________ MLS Lag #: __________________________________
RE Expiration: _____________________________ DOB (mm/dd/yy): ______________________________
Which do you want as your primary mailing address? Firm Home
Have you been a member in any other REALTOR® Assn? Yes No Name of Assn:
Brokerage Firm Information
Firm Name: _______________________________ Firm Phone: __________________________________
Firm Address: Firm FAX: ___________________________________
Street ____________________________________ Firm Email: __________________________________
City ________________________ Zip ___________
If you are a Designated Broker Applicant - Please include a copy of your DOL Real Estate Firm Application
Transfer of REALTOR
Membership. REALTORS
who have paid their current year dues at another Association of
and have attached a letter of good standing to this application may qualify for a reduced amount which may
exclude State and/or National REALTOR
Pay by Check, Cash or Charge (see page 2 for pro-rated dues and tax deductibility information)
MC VISA DISC AX #:____________________________________ Exp Date: ___________
Cardholder: ______________________________ Signature: _______________________________
As a condition of membership, I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS
(NAR), including the
obligation to arbitrate any existing or future disputes with another member in accordance with the Association's arbitration procedures. I
will complete approved Code of Ethics training classes, as required by NAR. I also agree to abide by the constitution, bylaws, rules and
regulations of the local association, the state association and the national association. I consent that the Association, through its
membership committee or otherwise, may invite and receive information and documentation about me from any member or other
person, and I further agree that any information and comment furnished to the Association by any person in response to the invitation
shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action by me for slander, libel, or defamation of character. I
agree to receive electronic communications from the Association and to pay annual dues as a condition of my continuing membership.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________________