©2020 Finance of America Commercial LLC is licensed or exempt from licensing in all other states | | NMLS ID #1133465 | 6230 Fairview Rd, Suite 300,
Charlotte, NC 28210 | (800) 227
-8107 | AZ Mortgage Banker License BK #0926974 | Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license
| Finance of America Commercial LLC only makes m
ortgage loans for business purposes. REV. 07.13.2020
Borrower & Business
Revised 07.13
Thank you for choosing Finance of America Commercial! We are committed to earning your business and becoming your
trusted partner. Please tell us about your business to begin the application process.
Borrower Information
Borrower Type: Individual Sole Proprietor Partnership LLP LLC Corporation
Name of Borrower/Business: ________________________________________________________________________________
Borrower/Business Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Prior Year Total Revenue: _____________________
Date the Business was formed: _____________________ Business EIN: _____________________
Registered to do business in what states: ______________________________________________________________________
Business Plan and Experience
Primary sources for acquiring lots/properties (i.e. auction, wholesale, MLS, etc): ______________________________________
Which areas of real estate do you operate in?
Fix & Flip New Construction Rentals Commercial Multi-Family Mixed-Use
Do you have a GC on staff or do you hire a 3rd party GC to complete rehab/construction? On staff 3
Do you plan on expanding operations out of markets or dollar ranges in which you have experience? Yes No
If yes, provide a detailed business plan explaining your approach and team.
Recent Business History
Use the chart below to summarize the details about the investment properties that you have flipped and/or built in the past
three (3) years (for the Business and all Guarantors). Document the details of these properties in the required Track Record form.
# of New Construction New Construction # of Fix & Flip Fix & Flip Total
Homes Built & Sold Gross Sales $ Homes Rehabbed & Sold Gross Sales $ Gross Sales $
Past 3 Years
(36 months)
Current Holdings
Tell us about your recent property purchases in the past three (3) years that you still own:
(Held by the Business and all Guarantors. Document the details for these properties in the required Track Record form.)
# of Properties Total Acquisition Cost $
Rental Properties
Properties Under Renovation or Construction
Tell Us About the Rest of Your Business
(Held by the Business and all Guarantors. Document the details for these properties in the required Track Record form)
# of Properties
Subdivided lots ready to build
Other property/land holdings
Total # of Rental Properties Owned
$ 0
$ 0.00
©2020 Finance of America Commercial LLC is licensed or exempt from licensing in all other states | | NMLS ID #1133465 | 6230 Fairview Rd, Suite 300,
Charlotte, NC 28210 | (800) 227
-8107 | AZ Mortgage Banker License BK #0926974 | Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license
| Finance of America Commercial LLC only makes m
ortgage loans for business purposes. REV. 07.13.2020
Borrower & Business
Revised 07.13
Borrower Disclosure Questions
Yes No Has the borrower or any of its directors, owners, members, mangers, officers, or principals been
convicted of or are currently accused of a felony, or any crime involving fraud, financial malfeasance, or
Yes No Is the borrower currently, or has it been party to a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, or any litigation
in the past two (2) years, or are there any outstanding judgements or liens against the borrowing entity?
Yes No Has the borrower had an ownership interest in a property from which it has given title or deed in lieu of
foreclosure, or a short sale, in the last two (2) years?
Yes No
Has the borrower or any of its directors, owners, members, mangers, officers, or principals entered into a
forbearance agreement?
If you answered Yes to any of the questions above, please provide a separate page with a detailed explanation.
we will pull credit and background reports as part of due diligence and both play a critical role in loan eligibility.
By signature below, I specifically represent to FACo and to FACo’s insurers, servicers, successors and assigns and agree and
acknowledge that: (1) I have full authority to submit this application on behalf of borrower and to apply my signature below (2)
the information provided in this application, including the Track Record and REO Schedule or similar schedule, is true and correct
as of the date below and any intentional or negligent misrepresentation of information contained in this application may result in
civil liability, including monetary damages, to any person who may suffer any loss due to reliance upon any misrepresentation
that I have made on this application, and/or in criminal penalties including, but not limited to, fine or imprisonment or both under
the provisions of Title 18, United States Code, Sec. 1001, et seq.; (3) all statements made in this application are made for the
purpose of obtaining financing; (4) any property financed by FACo will not be occupied by the borrower, its members, owners,
employees, guarantors or other related parties; (5) the Lender, its servicers, successors or assigns may retain the original and/or
an electronic record of this application, whether or not the Loan is approved; (6) the Lender and its agents, brokers, insurers,
servicers, successors, and assigns may continuously rely on the information contained in the application, and I am obligated to
amend and/or supplement the information provided in this application if any of the material facts that I have represented herein
should change prior to closing of any loan.
I ack
nowledge that any owner of any loan extended pursuant to this Application, its servicers, successors and assigns, may verify
or reverify any information contained in this application or obtain any information or data relating to the Loan, for any legitimate
business purpose through any source, including a source named in this application or a consumer reporting agency:
ted Name: Title:
Signature: Date:
Note: We do not permit originations of loans vested in the below:
- The borrowing entity is a Trust or the property is vested in a Trust
- No Guaranty loans vested, or owned by a Tax Qualified Plan (IRA or 401K)
click to sign
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