Revised 7-15-13 Page 5 of 7
Detailed, written description (i.e., cover letter) of the proposed project review:
Describe the scope of your project
Describe how your project is compatible with the existing neighborhood**
Include existing and proposed lot coverage calculations
Include existing and proposed floor area ratio calculations
Include existing and proposed heights
Lot coverage and floor area ratio worksheet (sample found with permit application)
Photographs of existing structure (all exterior sides of structure)
Streetscape photograph(s) of the existing front elevation of the property submitted for review
along with the front elevations of the two (2) adjacent properties to the left and right. The
photo should depict the existing block-face appearance of the 5 existing properties.
Streetscape photograph(s) of the proposed front elevation of the property submitted for
review along with the front elevations of the two (2) adjacent properties to the left and right.
The photo should depict the proposed block-face appearance of the 4 existing properties with
the proposed replacement structure super-imposed on the subject property.
Drawn to scale and dimensioned tree survey (indicating any trees by species type and
diameter at breast height (dbh) to be removed and/or heritage trees with critical roots zone(s)
to be impacted by new development****)
Drawn to scale and dimensioned existing site plan/survey
Existing drainage patterns must be indicated
Drawn to scale and dimensioned proposed site plan
Proposed drainage patterns must be indicated
Drawn to scale and dimensioned floor plans and elevations of the existing structure
Elevations must include existing grade, average grade, and finished floor heights
Drawn to scale and dimensioned floor plans and elevations of the proposed structure
Elevations must include existing grade, average grade, and finished floor heights
Drawn to scale and dimensioned existing roof plan which reflects the existing square footage
of roof to be demolished/encapsulated and the existing square footage to remain
Drawn to scale and dimensioned landscape/lighting plan
(Please bring material sample(s) to ARB meeting (if applicable))
ii. Addition/Alteration to an existing structure (Construction cost > $50,000, multi-family or commercial
uses only)
Electronic (pdf) copy of the application/packet documents on a CD; only 1 CD is required
plan packet
(see page 3 for quantity) of the following:
Detailed, written description (i.e., cover letter) of the proposed project review:
Describe the scope of your project
Describe how your project is compatible with the existing neighborhood**
Include existing and proposed lot coverage calculations
Include existing and proposed floor area ratio calculations
Include existing and proposed heights
Lot coverage and floor area ratio worksheet (sample found with permit application)
Photographs of existing structure (all exterior sides of structure)
Drawn to scale and dimensioned tree survey (indicating any trees by species type and
diameter at breast height (dbh) to be removed and/or heritage trees with critical roots zone(s)
to be impacted by new development****)
Drawn to scale and dimensioned existing site plan/survey
Existing drainage patterns must be indicated
Drawn to scale and dimensioned proposed site plan
Proposed drainage patterns must be indicated
Drawn to scale and dimensioned floor plans and elevations of the existing structure
Elevations must include existing grade, average grade, and finished floor heights
Drawn to scale and dimensioned floor plans and elevations of the proposed structure
Elevations must include existing grade, average grade, and finished floor heights
Drawn to scale and dimensioned existing roof plan which reflects the existing square footage
of roof to be demolished/encapsulated and the existing square footage to remain
Drawn to scale and dimensioned landscape/lighting plan
(Please bring material sample(s) to ARB meeting (if applicable))
iii. New Construction
does not include replacement structures under the demolition review process
Electronic (pdf) copy of the application/packet documents on a CD; only 1 CD is required
plan packet
(see page 3 for quantity) of the following: