February 13, 2020
President’s Conference Room
Workforce Development and Conference Center
Action Items:
1. Approval of December 5, 2019 meeting minutes
2. Action Item #1 - Reallocate Distribution of the Tuition Differential Funds - (Victoria Riecke/Sherika Charity)
3. Action Item #2 - Extend Vending Funds Allocation for Student Services Positions(Amy Bradshaw/Victoria Riecke)
Review/Discussion/Information Items:
1. Investments Review (Amy Bradshaw)
2. Master Site Plan Review (Amy Bradshaw)
3. Local funds update (Victoria Riecke)
a. FY20 as of January 2020
4. Facilities projects update (Mike Verdú)
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
December 5, 2019
4:04pm – 5:15pm
Board Members Present:
CAPT Rick Rush, Chair
Kathy Graziano, Vice Chair
Eldon Burton
Dr. Jack Manzari
Fred Babik, Ex-Officio
Board Members Not Present:
Stephen Baril
College Staff Present:
Amy Bradshaw, Vice President of Finance and Administration
Victoria Riecke, Budget Manager
Mike Verdú, Director of Facilities
Chair Rick Rush called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m.
Action Items:
1. Approval of October 10, 2019 meeting minutes
a. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. Upon a motion by Kathy Graziano and seconded by Fred Babik, the
committee approved the meeting minutes from the October 10, 2019 meeting. The motion carried 5-0-0.
2. Request funding for Downtown Campus illuminated exterior building signs (Mike Verdú)
a. The committee held a discussion on the action item. Upon a motion by Dr. Manzari and seconded by Kathy Graziano, the
committee approved the action item. The motion carried 5-0-0.
Review/Discussion/Information Items:
1. Update on FY18 Audit (Amy Bradshaw)
a. The committee discussed two audit findings. They were “2018-77: Improve Direct Loan Reconciliationsand “2018-78: Resolve
Federal Department of Education Findings, “ the latter of which compliance requirements tested by the U.S. Department of
Education found that the college did not conduct testwork to avoid duplication of effort. These findings require Reynolds to
implement a plan of corrective action and management should continue to monitor the progress of the corrective action plan to
resolve compliance findings. Both were a result of employee turnover. Dr. Sass, Dean of Enrollment, has overhauled the
department and is setting up new policies and procedures.
2. Review Finance and Facilities related College Board Policies (Amy Bradshaw)
a. Audit Reports Review Policy The committee asked that policies remain a standing item to review regularly. The committee
asked for an annual audit reports update. The committee discussed the policy and upon a motion by Dr. Manzari and seconded
by Kathy Graziano, the committee approved the policy. The motion carried 5-0-0.
b. Local Funds Request and Review Policy The policy was tabled for discussion. The policy was the last item discussed at the
meeting. At 5:00pm, Fred Babik was excused from the meeting and subsequently did not vote on the local funds request and
review policy. The college has always used population data to determine the locality requests. Localities like to see similar
numbers or increases year to year so that they can properly budget. Dr. Manzari suggested that FTEs also be considered when
making the request. He also shared that the Local Jurisdictions should contribute even more than they do today, as tuitions
continue to rise and State funding continues to shrink. Amy will share information on how other schools calculate their locality
contributions. The committee agreed that the current policy would remain unchanged. Upon a motion by Kathy Graziano and
seconded by Eldon Burton, the committee approved the policy. Dr. Manzari did not approve the motion. The motion carried 3-1-
c. Master Site Plan PolicyAmy shared minor changes were made to the policy. Amy shared the college would be strategically
looking at how to allocate space on campus as it becomes available. The committee asked to review the most recent master site
plan. Amy will bring the document to the next meeting. Upon a motion by Dr. Manzari and seconded by Kathy Graziano, the
committee approved the policy. The motion carried 5-0-0.
d. Naming of Building, Rooms and Other Facilities PolicyAmy shared that minor revisions were made to the policy. The
committee discussed the policy and upon a motion by Dr. Manzari and seconded by Kathy Graziano, the committee approved
the policy. The motion carried 5-0-0.
e. Reimbursement of Travel Expenses The committee discussed the policy and upon a motion by Dr. Manzari and seconded by
Kathy Graziano, the committee approved the policy. The motion carried 5-0-0.
f. Vending, Auxiliary, and Student Life Budgets Policy The policy was reviewed and revised in June 2019. This policy was an
informational item for the committee as no further changes were made to the policy since June 2019.
3. Solar energy (Jack Manzari)
a. Dr. Manzari shared information on how the college could benefit from utilizing solar energy by adopting the Power Purchase
Agreements for shared energy. Mike Verdú shared that he spoke with the VCCS Vice Chancellor of Facilities and he indicated
that the VCCS is working on an RFP for solar energy that all 23 community colleges could utilize. The hope is this would provide a
better price point for all schools. Amy will present this idea as well to Dr. Pando as it may be an option for the Goochland
4. Local funds update (Victoria Riecke)
a. Victoria provided a brief update on the local funds reports as of October 2019.
5. Facilities projects update (Michael Verdú)
a. Mike provided a brief update on the current facilities projects. He shared the new location the college is considering for the
Verizon cell phone tower on the Parham Road Campus. Phase 1 of the exterior CCTV security upgrades is completed and the
cameras will begin recording in the near future.
There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 5:15pm.
Action Item #1
Approval Request to Reallocate Distribution of the Tuition Differential Funds
The Tuition Differential has been in place at Reynolds since the fiscal year 2010. The current tuition differential rate is $4.10 per
credit hour, of which $2.00 per credit hour is allocated for faculty salary increases, as recommended by the Chancellor and approved
by the College Board.
$2.10 per credit hour is designated to support student services through the hiring of faculty, student support positions, and
scholarships. Currently, the distribution is 60% for full-time teaching positions, 20% for student support, and 20% for financial aid
The financial aid assistance funds are distributed as scholarships/grants for students. Previously, the distribution was capped at $500
per student. To help students succeed, in FY2019 the financial aid department overhauled the program and created three Reynolds
grants. They are the Completion, Student Success, and the Second Chance grants. There is an application process with the financial
aid office administering and awarding the grants. In FY2019, the office awarded 72 grants for a total of $38,773. The remaining funds
were carried over to FY2020, where the office awarded 197 grants for a total of $90,260.
The grants invest in our students and are returned to the college as tuition revenues. Effective FY2021 the college is proposing to
absorb the cost of the full-time teaching positions and to designate those funds for financial aid assistance. The change based on the
FY2020 budget is to add approximately $209,000 for financial aid assistance with an approximate distribution of 20% for a student
support position and 80% for financial aid assistance. The additional investment in our students will help towards student success
and completion. Further information on the grants is below.
Request for Reynolds Tuition Assistance Grant
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College provides tuition assistance funds to students to address issues of access and
completion. In order to be considered for these funds, students must meet the following preliminary criteria:
Have a completed and current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on record;
Demonstrate need for assistance;
Be in good academic standing at the College;
Be in a curricular program;
Courses taken must be required for the student’s program of study noted on the Reynold Tuition Assistance
Grant Form (No. 30-0004);
Receipt of these funds cannot result in the generation of a refund to the student due to overpayment;
Meet certain criteria such as GPA or other requirements for the specific fund being requested; and
Submit a written request a completed Form No. 30-0004 to the Financial Aid Office. (Please note: Review of
all requests for the Reynolds Tuition Assistance Grant will begin by the following dates:
Term Timeframe
Fall Semester 2
Tuesday of July
Spring Semester
Tuesday of November
Summer Term 2
Tuesday of April
Applications may be submitted each semester for consideration, but may not be necessary in the case of the
Completion Grant. Awards are issued on a rolling basis until there are no funds available for the academic year.
Students who are requesting a renewal of these funds must:
Meet all of the preliminary criteria (above);
Submit the Request for Reynolds Tuition Assistance Grant Form (No. 30-0004), unless receiving the Completion
Grant; and
Complete all courses with a passing grade (A, B, C, D, S) while receiving the funds. Students will not be eligible
for renewal of the JSR TA Grant if they receive W, R, U, F, or I grades, while receiving any Reynolds Tuition
Assistance Grant.
Award Types
The following awards are available to assist students.
Award Description
Completion Grant
Grant awarded to students who are within 18 credits of completing a degree program
or within 12 credits of completing a certificate or career studies certificate program,
but do not have the financial resources to complete. These may include students who:
Have received aid, but who do not have enough aid to fully cover the cost of tuition
and fees;
Have run out of federal and / or state aid eligibility to cover costs; and / or
Are loan-only students who demonstrate financial need.
No more than 12 credits per semester will be awarded. Awards are
automatically renewed through the completion of the remaining 18 credits (or
less) of the degree program or remaining 12 credits (or less) of the
certificate/career studies certificate program for which he/she has applied for
under the grant, if the student meets preliminary criteria andcompletes courses
with a passing grade (A, B, C, D, S) while receiving the funds. Students will not be
considered for W, R, U, F, or I grades.
Student Success Grant
Last dollar grant that provide students assistance for up to eight (8) credits at the in-state
rate. This award may be grants up to two consecutive semesters.
Second Chance Grant Grant that provides students tuition and fee assistance for the following:
Up to six (6) credits at the in-state rate for students who demonstrate promise, but
who do not meet requirements of satisfactory academic progress guidelines per
Title IV and state guidelines. Any second chance grant beyond the six (6) credit limit
must provide documentation of mitigating circumstances and be approved by the
Dean of Enrollment.
Reynolds Form No. 30-0004 Request for Tuition Assistance
ral Information
Student’s Name: ________________________________
Student Email Address: ___________________________
Program of Study: _________________________________
Empl ID: ___________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Other _________________________________
Award Request
Please indicate the fund you are seeking to receive (check
one only)
Completion Grant
Student Success Grant
Second Chance Grant
Please indicate the term and year for which you are
requesting assistance (check one only)
Fall Semester ________________
Spring Semester ______________
Summer Semester ____________
Please indicate your reason for requesting tuition assistance
(check one only)
I am a student who is within 18 credits of completing my degree
program (Completion Grant)
I am a student who is within 12 credits of completing my
certificate or career studies certificate program (Completion
I am in need of grant assistance to help cover the difference
between my financial aid and total tuition and fees
(Completion, Student Success or Second Chance).
I am in need of grant assistance to help cover the cost of tuition
and fees that I cannot cover with my own resources
(Completion, Student Success or Second Chance).
I do not meet satisfactory academic progress and in need of
funds to help me regain Title IV and state aid eligibility (Second
Please provide any additional information you believe will assist the committee who reviews this application.
Student Name: ___________________________________ Student ID: ________________
_ For Office Use Only
Program of Study: _____________________________________
Grant Name:__________________________________________
EFC: ________________________________________________
Total Federal Aid Awarded: _____________________________
Total State Aid Awarded: _______________________________
Total Institutional Aid Awarded (excluding JSR TA): __________
Amount of JSR TA Awarded: _____________________________
Financial Aid Rep Signature _________________________________________ Date_________________________
Action Item #2
Approval Request to Extend the Vending Funds Allocation for Student Services Positions
In November of 2017, the college requested vending funds to provide additional advising and enrollment support to the students.
The decline in enrollments impacted the college’s ability to add additional positions which resulted in the request. The College Board
approved the funds to support five student services positions for three years, to end on June 30, 2020. The total amount approved
was $1.2 million: $800,000 for five positions and $400,000 for the college president’s discretion to use to retain students. These
funds were to be used over three years with the college absorbing the positions at the end of three years.
Turnover in staffing resulted in the hiring delay of the initial positions until late FY2018. Additional turnover in staffing and a
reorganization at the college projects the total expended amount at approximately $300,000 by the end of FY2020, with a budget
balance of $500,000. The budget balance of $500,000, coupled with the unspent president’s $400,000 discretionary funds, totals
$900,000. The college is requesting to extend the $900,000 for another three years, through the end of FY2023. These funds are
critical to support the college’s investments in students.
Budget Balance
# of positions filled
FY2018 $9,300 $9,262 $38
3 Full Time [hired in April 2018]
FY2019 $317,000 $163,663 $153,337
5 Full Time, 1 Part Time
FY2020 $295,097 $121,222 $173,875 2 Full Time, 2 Part Time
Total $621,397 $294,147 $327,250
Cash Transfers
Expense Net Chg
Jurisdictional Capital (Construction)
$ 1,036,334 $ 393,489 $ 180,745 $ 79,962 $ 494,272 $ 1,530,606 $ 344,267 $ 1,186,338 $ 728,927 $ 335,439
Jurisdictional Operating
$ 946,899 $ 136,211 $ 85,544 $ 50,667 $ 997,565 $ 149,232 $ 848,333 $ 234,776 $ 98,565
Auxiliary Services
$ 2,738,889 $ 406,545 $ (180,745) $ 793,325 $ (567,524) $ 2,171,365 $ 347,073 $ 1,824,292 $ 1,093,780 $ 687,235
$ 4,784,924 $ 228,050 $ 269,612 $ (41,563) $ 4,743,362 $ 613,207 $ 4,130,155 $ 593,720 $ 365,670
Student Life
$ 820,719 $ 220,000 $ 170,992 $ 49,008 $ 869,727 $ 143,093 $ 726,634 $ 314,085 $ 94,085
Total Local Board Funds
$ 10,327,765 $ 1,384,295 $ - $ 1,399,435 $ (15,141) $ 10,312,625 $ 1,596,872 $ 8,715,753 $ 2,965,288 $ 1,580,993
Expense Detail
Restricted Fund Balances
Jurisdictional Capital (Construction) Jurisdictional Capital (Construction)
Georgiadis Hall - exterior lighting
$ 26,501
Georgiadis Hall - exterior lighting
$ 15,568
PRC Warehouse study
$ 7,900
PRC Warehouse study
$ 12,260
DTC Security Cameras, Phase 1
$ 45,561
DTC Security Cameras, Phase 1
$ 1,439
Stream Restoration Design
$ -
Stream Restoration Design
$ 30,000
MS4 Bioretention filter
$ -
MS4 Bioretention filter
$ 150,000
DTC Exterior Signage
$ -
DTC Exterior Signage
$ 135,000
Total Jurisdictional Capital (Construction)
$ 79,962
Total Jurisdictional Capital (Construction)
$ 344,267
Jurisdictional Operating Jurisdictional Operating
Operating Expense
$ 85,544
Operating Expense
$ 149,232
Total Jurisdictional Operating
$ 85,544
Total Jurisdictional Operating
$ 149,232
Auxiliary Services Auxiliary Services
Biotech Parking Lease
$ 194,907
Biotech Parking Lease
$ 142,561
Parking Deck Debt Payment
$ 326,956
Parking Deck Debt Payment
$ 44
Parking Deck Gate and Software
$ 8,293
Parking Deck Gate and Software
$ 6,137
Parking Deck Repairs & Restoration
$ 234,565
Parking Deck Repairs & Restoration
$ 109,435
Parking Deck Reserves & Operating Expense Balances
$ 16,104
Parking Deck Reserves & Operating Expense Balances
$ 53,896
Code Blue Equipment & Maintenance
$ -
Code Blue Equipment & Maintenance
$ 12,500
Live Safe Application
$ 12,500
Live Safe Application
$ (2,500)
Parking Lot LED light replacement [yr 3 of 3]
$ -
Parking Lot LED light replacement [yr 3 of 3]
$ 25,000
Total Auxiliary Services
$ 793,325
Total Auxiliary Services
$ 347,073
Operating Expense
$ 183,140
Operating Expense
$ 394,128
Exceptional Expense
86,472$ Exceptional Expense 219,079$
Total Vending
$ 269,612
Total Vending
$ 613,207
Student Life Student Life
Operating Expense
$ 170,992
Operating Expense
$ 143,093
Total Student Life
$ 170,992
Total Student Life
$ 143,093
Entry Guard parking gate budgeted in Auxiliary, but moved to capital projects for financial statements.
On 11/2/17, the Board approved use of $2,000,000 in funds over three years to support
the new Culinary School as needed.
Student Services positions, Petty Cash and Financial Aid corrections.
Reynolds Community College
FY2020 Local Funds Summary Report
January 31, 2020
Carry Forward
Cash Balance
1 of 9
Local Board Reports, Jan2020 -Local Board Summary
Dept Description Budget Expense
% Budget
430000 Community Board Obligations 6,610$ 44$ 6,566$ 99% Pando
430010 Community Outreach Program 13,210$ 1,304$ 11,906$ 90% Littlefield
430020 Community Information 26,530$ 11,683$ 14,847$ 56% Littlefield
440010 Professional Development Allocations 51,990$ 17,748$ 34,242$ 66% VP/AVP/Dean
450061 Tutorial Assistance- PRC 12,273$ 12,273$ -$ 0% Britt
450062 Tutorial Assistance- DTC 12,273$ 12,273$ -$ 0% Britt
460000 President's Office 8,210$ 1,921$ 6,289$ 77% Pando
460001 Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs 1,500$ 1,500$ (0)$ 0% Britt
Enrollment Services
1,000$ -$ 1,000$ 100% Sass
Associate Vice President of Strategic Planning, Institutional
Effectiveness & Technology
800$ -$ 800$ 100% Merrill
Vice President of Finance and Administration
1,000$ 146$ 854$ 85% Bradshaw
Vice President of Community College Workforce Alliance
800$ -$ 800$ 100% Creamer
Special Events to Support the Mission of the College
2,010$ 237$ 1,773$ 88% Littlefield
4,670$ -$ 4,670$ 100% Pando
Associate Vice President of Human Resources
600$ -$ 600$ 100% Woodson
Vice President of Institutional Advancement &Strategic
600$ -$ 600$ 100% Littlefield
480000 Student Aid 90,700$ 26,414$ 64,286$ 71% Littlefield
Total 234,776$ 85,544$ 149,232$ 64%
There is 41.67% of the fiscal year remaining.
Reynolds Community College
FY2020 Jurisdictional Operating Report
January 31, 2020
2 of 9
Jurisdictional Operating
click to sign
click to edit
State Local Combined
Fee collection 1,073,280$ 257,419$ 400,835$ 658,254$ 415,026$ 39%
Interest Income 500$ -$ 500$ 100%
Other revenue 20,000$ 957$ 5,710$ 6,668$ 13,332$ 67%
Reserves -$ -$ -$ 100%
Total Revenue 1,093,780$ 258,376$ 406,545$ 664,921$ 428,859$ 39%
Biotech Lease (Navy Hill) 337,468$ 194,907$ 194,907$ 142,561$ 42%
Parking Deck Debt Service 327,000$ 326,956$ 326,956$ 44$ 0%
Parking Deck Access System Maintenance 14,430$ 8,293$ 8,293$ 6,137$ 43%
Parking Deck Repairs 29,000$ 5,300$ 5,300$ 23,700$ 82%
Parking lot curb & pavement repair [GC/PRC]
300,000$ 223,321$ 223,321$ 76,679$ 26%
Parking Deck Cleaning & Maintenance 15,000$ 5,944$ 5,944$ 9,056$ 60%
Equipment Maintenance & Supplies 20,000$ 2,923$ 2,923$ 17,077$ 85%
Annual Inspection - Code Blue 7,500$ -$ 7,500$ 100%
Repairs- Code Blue 5,000$ -$ 5,000$ 100%
Live Safe Application 10,000$ 12,500$ 12,500$ (2,500)$ -25%
Personnel Expense 453,476$ 106,933$ 106,933$ 346,542$ 76%
Snow Removal (including overtime) 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ 100%
Utilities & Miscellaneous Expense 40,000$ 13,181$ 13,181$ 26,819$ 67%
Parking Lot LED light replacement [yr 3 of 3] 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ 100%
Total Expense 1,593,873$ 106,933$ 793,325$ 900,258$ 693,615$ 44%
Net Income (Loss) 1 (500,093)$ 151,442$ (386,779)$ (235,337)$
FY20 Budget Variance approved to come from Reserves if needed.
There is 41.67% of the fiscal year remaining.
Original Budget $200,000, additional $100,000 approved by the Board in September 2019.
Reynolds Community College
FY2020 Auxiliary Services Report
January 31, 2020
3 of 9
SUMMARY of Revenue and Expense
Description Budget Actual Remaining
% Remaining
Revenue 593,720$ 228,050$ 365,670$ 62%
Operating Expense 577,268$ 183,140$ 394,128$ 68%
Revenue less Expense Total 16,452$ 44,910$ (28,458)$ -173%
Reserve funded Exceptional Expense 305,551$ 86,472$ 219,079$ 72%
Dept Description Budget Expense Remaining
% Remaining
410000 Advance College Academy & Early College Academy 1,000$ -$ 1,000$ 100% Corbin
430030 Creative Marketing 90,000$ 72,127$ 17,873$ 20% Littlefield (Smith)
430040 Community Relations & Public Affairs 18,000$ 6,155$ 11,845$ 66% Littlefield (Schilling)
440080 Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning 2,770$ 810$ 1,960$ 71% Corbin
440100 Staff Development [on hold] 20,000$ -$ 20,000$ 100% Pando
440120 Library Consortium 3,500$ 691$ 2,809$ 80% Britt (Wu)
440140 Science Night 950$ 483$ 467$ 49% Britt (Burton)
450021 Tutorial Assistance (PRC) 51,000$ 5,232$ 45,768$ 90% Britt
450022 Tutorial Assistance (DTC) 51,000$ 10,032$ 40,968$ 80% Britt
450024 Student Art Show 700$ -$ 700$ 100% Sofinski
450220 Honors Program 2,300$ 121$ 2,179$ 95% Britt (Neal)
450240 Art Collection 2,000$ 590$ 1,410$ 71% Pando
450710 Welcome Center/Recruitment 11,000$ 11,000$ -$ 0% Sass
450720 the Kitchens Team 10,000$ 3,557$ 6,443$ 64% Burton
452060 Cultural Enrichment Programming [on hold] 16,000$ -$ 16,000$ 100% Littlefield (Schilling)
452140 Health & Medical Technician Pinning Ceremonies 4,900$ -$ 4,900$ 100% Britt (Lawson)
460060 President's Office 60,700$ 30,914$ 29,786$ 49% Pando
460070 Economic Development 1,450$ -$ 1,450$ 100% Creamer
460080 Employee Relations 3,000$ 520$ 2,481$ 83% Pando
460090 Classified Council 3,500$ 1,021$ 2,479$ 71% Woodson (Cain)
460100 Professional & Administrative Faculty Senate 1,200$ -$ 1,200$ 100% Britt (Burton)
460130 Administrative Charges 4,000$ 1,584$ 2,416$ 60% Bradshaw
460150 Reserve 12,500$ 3,684$ 8,816$ 71% Pando
460160 College-Wide Health/Wellness Program 1,200$ -$ 1,200$ 100% Woodson
TBD Taskstream 5,000$ 5,000$ 100% Merrill
450250 President's/Dean's List Certificates 7,000$ 7,000$ 100% Sass
460170 Faculty Senate 10,300$ 258$ 10,042$ 97% Britt (Burruss)
460180 Assessment Incentives/OIE 7,000$ -$ 7,000$ 100% Merrill
460240 Adjunct Faculty Orientation Prog. - College-Wide 13,500$ 5,792$ 7,708$ 57% Britt
460260 Customer Related Mgmt System 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ 100% Littlefield (K. Smith)
460270 Content Management System 16,000$ -$ 16,000$ 100% Littlefield
460300 Advisory Committee Meetings - College-Wide 3,000$ 1,405$ 1,595$ 53% Britt
460350 SiteImprove 6,090$ 6,090$ -$ 0% Littlefield
460380 Dept Planning & Recognition - Woodson 200$ 58$ 142$ 71% Woodson
460450 Learning Communities [will realign to Prof Dev] 8,608$ -$ 8,608$ 100% Britt
Reynolds Community College
FY2020 Vending Report
January 31, 2020
4 of 9
SUMMARY of Revenue and Expense
Description Budget Actual Remaining
% Remaining
Revenue 593,720$ 228,050$ 365,670$ 62%
Operating Expense 577,268$ 183,140$ 394,128$ 68%
Revenue less Expense Total 16,452$ 44,910$ (28,458)$ -173%
Reserve funded Exceptional Expense 305,551$ 86,472$ 219,079$ 72%
Dept Description Budget Expense Remaining
% Remaining
Reynolds Community College
FY2020 Vending Report
January 31, 2020
460610 Dept Planning & Recognition - Merrill 1,500$ 445$ 1,055$ 70% Merrill
460620 Dept Planning & Recognition - Bradshaw 2,500$ 686$ 1,814$ 73% Bradshaw
460630 Dept Planning & Recognition - Creamer 2,000$ 212$ 1,788$ 89% Creamer
460640 Dept Planning & Recognition - Britt 3,900$ 637$ 3,263$ 84% Britt
460650 Recognition and Awards Ceremony 10,000$ 2,375$ 7,625$ 76% Pando
460660 Dept Planning & Recognition - Sass 1,000$ -$ 1,000$ 100% Sass
460690 Scholarship Donor/Recipient Luncheon 7,000$ 6,638$ 362$ 5% Littlefield
460691 Donor Recognition and Outreach Events 5,000$ 410$ 4,590$ 92% Littlefield
460700 College Board 20,000$ 9,612$ 10,388$ 52% Pando
470000 Campus Enhancements 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ 100% Pando
Subtotal Operating Expense 577,268$ 183,140$ 394,128$ 68%
Student Services Personnel
295,097$ 79,718$ 215,379$ 73% Bolt
450092 Financial Aid corrections 10,454$ 4,399$ 6,055$ 58% Sass
460390 Petty Cash Clearing 2,355$ (2,355)$ Bradshaw
Subtotal Exceptional Expense 305,551$ 86,472$ 219,079$ 72%
Total Expense 882,819$ 269,612$ 613,207$ 69%
There is 41.67% of the fiscal year remaining.
On 11/2/17, the Board approved vending funds for 5 Student Services positions, to end on 6/30/20.
5 of 9
Dept Description Budget Expense
Office Supplies 750$ 209$ 541$ 72%
Equipment 500$ 64$ 436$ 87%
Professional Development 250$ -$ 250$ 100%
Travel between campuses 750$ 234$ 516$ 69%
450300 Subtotal Operating Expenses 2,250$ 508$ 1,742$ 77%
Speakers/Campus Activities/Trips 33,084$ 29,820$ 3,264$ 10%
450650 Subtotal Speakers/Campus Activities/Trips 33,084$ 29,820$ 3,264$ 10%
Student Senate Scholarships 8,000$ 3,500$ 4,500$ 56%
Student Senate Leadership & Administration 2,800$ 694$ 2,106$ 75%
Honors Program Activities 1,250$ 65$ 1,185$ 95%
450171 Subtotal Student Programs 12,050$ 4,259$ 7,791$ 65%
Current Student Clubs/ Organizations/Leadership Development
8,000$ 4,257$ 3,743$ 47%
JSR Lead 7,500$ 2,683$ 4,817$ 64%
Phi Theta Kappa 1,000$ -$ 1,000$ 100%
450160 Subtotal Student Organizations 16,500$ 6,940$ 9,560$ 58%
Student Handbooks 5,000$ 5,000$ -$ 0%
Publications & Recognition 2,000$ -$ 2,000$ 100%
Promotional Supplies 500$ 54$ 446$ 89%
450100 Subtotal Promotional Activities 7,500$ 5,054$ 2,446$ 33%
Total Programs 71,384$ 46,581$ 24,803$ 35%
450170 Personnel [Coordinator position] 85,288$ 52,852$ 32,436$ 38%
450800 Student Ambassadors 18,000$ 5,883$ 12,117$ 67%
450810 Student Peer Advisors 10,500$ 10,200$ 300$ 3%
450500 Threat Assessment/Mental Health/QEP Peer Advisors 2,000$ -$ 2,000$ 100%
Total Non-Program 115,788$ 68,935$ 46,853$ 40%
Subtotal Student Life 187,172$ 115,516$ 71,656$ 38%
Dept ID
Recreational Programs
Budget Expense
Personnel [Student Life Specialist- Recreational Programs] 102,413$ 43,348$ 59,065$ 58%
Athletics/Recreation/Wellness Activities 13,000$ 4,390$ 8,610$ 66%
Wage Position 11,500$ 7,738$ 3,762$ 33%
450700 Subtotal Recreational 126,913$ 55,476$ 71,437$ 56%
314,085$ 170,992$ 143,093$ 46%
There is 41.67% of the fiscal year remaining.
Reynolds Community College
FY2020 Student Life Report
January 31, 2020
6 of 9 Student Life
Budget Actual
Over /
Recomm. Budgeted Actual
FTE 5,504 5,512 8
Credit Hours
165,120 165,360 240
Total Revenue 346,752$ 347,256$ 504$
Initial FY Budget Actual
Over /
FO339 - Mathematics Y1 -2010 75,688$ 36,906$ (38,782)$
FO363 - Mathematics Y2 -2011 75,688$ 38,426$ (37,262)$
FO364 - Biology
Y2 -2011 57,396$ 35,607$ (21,789)$
Total Faculty Personnel 208,772$ 110,939$ (97,833)$ 60% 60% 32%
260 - Success Center
Y9- 2019 68,980$ 40,111$ (28,869)$
Total Student Services Personnel 68,980$ 40,111$ (28,869)$ 20% 20% 12%
69,000$ 69,000$ -$
Total Financial Aid 69,000$ 69,000$ -$ 20% 20% 20%
Total Expense 346,752$ 220,050$ (126,702)$ 100% 100% 63%
Revenues less Expenses 0$ 127,206$
Actual Credit Hours are calculated from FTE's on VCCS Enrollment Report as of 2/3/2020.
Position split budgeted in State & Differential funds.
Current Year only. Does not include $32,375 of FY19 Financial Aid carried over and released in FY20.
Reynolds Community College
FY2020 Tuition Differential Report
[excludes funding for Faculty increases]
January 31, 2020
Revenue Distribution
7 of 9 Differential
JSRCC Requested
Received YTD
Approved minus
Received YTD
% Received
Approved vs
% Change
Approved vs
FY19 Actual
% Change
Goochland County
$ 7,373 $ 7,373 $ 7,373 0% $ - 0% $ (7,373) (116)%
Hanover County
$ 34,542 $ 34,542 $ 34,542 0% $ - 0% $ (34,542) (159)%
Henrico County
$ 105,337 $ 105,337 $ 105,337 $ - 100% $ - 0% $ - 0%
Louisa County
$ 5,688 $ 5,688 $ 2,667 $ 3,022 47% $ - 0% $ (3,022) (62)%
Powhatan County
$ 9,471 $ 9,471 $ 9,471 0% $ - 0% $ (9,471) (58)%
City of Richmond
$ 72,365 $ 72,659 $ 28,207 $ 44,452 39% $ 294 0% $ (44,452) (74)%
Total Operating
$ 234,776 $ 235,070 $ 136,211 $ 98,859 58% $ 294 0% $ (98,859) (49)%
Goochland County
$ 22,891 $ 22,891 $ 22,891 0% $ - 0% $ (22,891) (116)%
Hanover County
$ 107,245 $ 107,245 $ 107,245 0% $ - 0% $ (107,245) (159)%
Henrico County
$ 327,049 $ 327,049 $ 327,049 $ - 100% $ - 0% $ - 0%
Louisa County
$ 17,661 $ 17,661 $ 8,279 $ 9,382 47% $ - 0% $ (9,382) (62)%
Powhatan County
$ 29,405 $ 29,405 $ 29,405 0% $ - 0% $ (29,405) (114)%
City of Richmond
$ 224,676 $ 225,591 $ 58,161 $ 167,431 26% $ 915 0% $ (167,431) (71)%
$ -
Total Capital
$ 728,927 $ 729,842 $ 393,489 $ 336,354 54% $ 915 0% $ (336,354) (52)%
Goochland County 30,264$ 30,264$ -$ 30,264$
Hanover County 141,787$ 141,787$ -$ 141,787$
Henrico County 432,386$ 432,386$ 432,386$ -$
Louisa County
23,349$ 23,349$ 10,946$ 12,404$
Powhatan County 38,876$ 38,876$ -$ 38,876$
City of Richmond
297,041$ 298,250$ 86,368$ 211,882$
Interest -$ -$ -$ -$
Total Combined 963,703$ 964,912$ 529,699$ 435,213$
In August 2019, Louisa paid $10,945.50 which was their outstanding FY19 balance.
Richmond approved a budget amount over that Requested as prior to our request they applied an increase of 3% to previous year.
Population changes made their increase slightly less than 3%.
Reynolds Community College
Jurisdiction Contributions Report
Requested vs Approved
January 31, 2020
8 of 9
Jurisdiction Contrib
Davenport & Company Investment Date Book Value Market Value*
Short-Term Fund Investments August 2017 1,000,000$ 1,036,489$
Long-Term Fund Investments August 2017 5,300,000$ 5,502,291$
Total Davenport & Company: 6,300,000$ 6,538,780$
Local Government Investment Pool Issued Date Maturity Date Yield Amount Invested
Current Investment n/a Liquid 2.273% 3,337,342$
Total Investments 9,876,122$
Local Bank Account Balances 436,503$
Total Cash Balance 10,312,625$
* Market Value as of December Reports, January Reports not yet available.
Reynolds Community College
Local Funds Investments
January 31, 2020
9 of 9
Local Board Reports, Jan2020 -Investments
Facilities Management & Planning Projects
February 2020
ADA Parking lot improvements
The VCCS has funded and implemented an ADA parking lot improvements project. This project will bring all three campuses into ADA
compliance for handicapped parking spaces. Designs will be received in Jan 2020. The VCCS will bid in Feb 2020.
Asphalt replacement & repairs
Remaining pavement repairs at PRC will be completed in Spring 2020.
Massey Library Technology Center (LTC)
The VCCS has provided funding through the Maintenance Reserve (MR) program to replace the original cooling tower installed in 2008.
The VCCS mechanical engineer has inspected the existing unit and has started design on a new unit.
VCCS will bid Jan 2020, bids due Feb 2020, completion Aug 2020.
Parking light LED upgrades
Facilities has developed a three-year plan to replace exterior lights with LED lights. LED lights are more energy efficient and brighter.
The College Board has approved funding for the remaining exterior LED lighting for buildings & parking areas.
We have ordered exterior LED lights for Parham Road campus buildings.
Parking Lot L/M Stormwater Management
The College Board has approved funding for a stormwater bioretention filter system to comply with current EPA / VA DEQ stormwater
requirements. VCCS is reviewing plans and will bid once comments are completed.
The College Board has approved a design study for a new warehouse that would be located adjacent to the Facilities building. The study
will include site layout, exterior appearance and budget estimate. This submission will require approvals from the VCCS and VA
Architectural Review Board (ARB).
The VCCS will be submitting the warehouse project to Architectural Review Board (ARB) for approval. Once approved the VCCS will submit
to the State College Board.
Verizon Monopole Tower
Reynolds & the VCCS have been working with Verizon on installing a 150’ monopole tower in the rear of the campus near parking lot M.
Verizon would have a 40’ X 40’ fenced in area and would pay Reynolds a monthly fee for the rental.
ADA Parking lot improvements discussed above
Work continues on the project. Low voltage wiring being installed.
Expected substantial completion May 2020.
Exterior Building Sign
We are in the process of hiring an A/E firm to design a new exterior JSR sign for the top of the DTC building. This sign will be placed on
both sides of the building so that people can identify our building as they pass.
Preliminary design received. Awaiting formal VA Architectural Review Board (ARB) submission.
College Board has approved design and funding of sign. The VCCS will submit to the State College Board and Architectural Review Board
(ARB) for approval. Once approved the VCCS will submit to the State College Board.
Roof Replacement
The VCCS has authorized funding from their Maintenance Reserve Projects to replace the upper roof, auditorium roof and three stairway
roofs on the parking deck.
The VCCS has issued a contract to Northeast Contracting Corp for $681,423 using Maintenance Reserve (MR) funds. Project duration is
six (6) months from Notice to Proceed (NTP) July 2020.
Auditorium HVAC Replacement
The VCCS has authorized funding from their Maintenance Reserve (MR) funds to replace the DTC auditorium HVAC unit. The unit is over
twenty years old. The project will replace the unit and the supply / return piping.
Waco Inc, Sandston VA lowest responsible bidder at $159,483. Contract completion date is June 8, 2020.
Exterior CCTV Security Upgrades
Phase 1: Downtown Campus - Continuation of Georgiadis Hall, DTC elevators, and Culinary camera installations
Work completed at DTC
Phase 2: Parham Road Exterior / 2020
3 cameras will be installed using exterior light poles
Battery backup power and wireless video stream
Multiple heads on each camera for 180 and 270 views
10 cameras will be installed at the corner of campus buildings
Hardwired using network cabling
Multiple heads on each camera for 180 and 270 views
Phase 3: Goochland Exterior / 2020
1 camera installed overlooking front entrance and parking areas
Hardwired using network cabling
Multiple heads for 180 view
Phase 4 through 5
Part of the five year Strategic Safety/Security Plan. Plans TBD