Educational Background:
Have you completed the equivalency of a U.S. high school diploma? Yes No
Did you complete your high school coursework in the United States? Yes No
Name of high school/secondary school and address: ________________________________________________
Have you attended a college/university outside of the U.S.? Yes No
List names & addresses of all non-U.S. colleges/universities attended:
Have you attended a college/university in the U.S.? Yes No
List names & addresses of U.S. colleges/universities attended:
Parent Information:
Please list name, address, phone number, and email address of parents if they will be providing the funding for
your education:
Parent name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________
Complete mailing address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: __________________________________________________________________________
Email address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Sponsor Information:
If someone other than you or your parents will be providing the funding for your education, please provide the
information listed:
Sponsor name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________
(If organization or agency, please list complete name of agency.)
Complete mailing address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: __________________________________________________________________________
Email address:______________________________________________________________________________