Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Blue Card Services
Important Notice
If you are eligible to apply for a blue card (please see disqualified person
and negative notice holder
definition on page ), continue to complete
this application. If you are not eligible, do not complete this form. Disqualified persons must complete an Eligibility Declaration and negative notice
holders must complete the Application to Cancel a Negative Notice if two years have passed since the negative notice was issued.
Valid for lodgement
until 31 March 2020
Blue card application
Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act
This form is to be completed by paid employees, volunteers and students
proposing to start or continue in child-related employment.
Part A – Child related activity details
(to be completed by the organisation)
1 Please select the type of child-related employment for
which a blue card is required:
Paid employee (payment details required in Part G)
Volunteer (no payment required)
Student (no payment required)
2 Is this application associated with NDIS?
Yes No
3 Is the applicant an EQ staff member or volunteer
Yes You must complete the QSS form 067.
Do not complete this form.
Part B – Organisation details
(to be completed by the organisation)
1 Name of organisation
2 Organisation ID number (if known)
3 Postal address of organisation
4 Contact person’s name
5 Contact person’s position
6 Telephone
7 Email
Part C – Category of child related activity
(to be completed by the organisation)
Information about categories of child-related employment
and whether any exemptions apply is available from
Please select the type of child-related activity to which the
employment relates:
Child accommodation services including home stays
Child care
Sta member of an education and care or QEC
service (e.g. long day care, outside school hours care,
kindergarten, occasional care, limited hours care)
Other (e.g. nanny, babysitter)
Churches, clubs and associations
Education programs conducted outside school (suspended
or excluded students or flexible arrangements under the
Education (General Provisions) Act )
Emergency services cadet program
Health, counselling and support services
(including disability services)
Licensed care services
Non-State Schools/independent school (other than
registered teachers and parents)
Paid private teaching, coaching or tutoring
Religious representatives
Residential facilities
School boarding houses
School crossing supervisors
Schools, other than EQ sta or volunteers (e.g. P&C,
Sport and active recreation
~ If you apply under this category, information about your
blue card status may be provided to certain regulatory,
supervisory or governing bodies.
Applicant’s name
working at a Queensland State School?
James Cook University - College of Arts, Society and Education
James Cook University, QLD
Student Placement Officer