Revised May 2010
Bishop State Community College
Budget Revision Request
Date:____________ Person Requesting Revision: ____________________Phone:___________
Explanation of Request: _________________________________________________________
Amounts to be moved (Note: Use this form for unrestricted or restricted budget revisions)
From Budget Center: __________ (Ex: BBUS, CABE, NPTA, STRK etc.)
Function ____Dept_______ Object _____ Grant # ______ Grant Yr _____ Amt $ ____________
Function ____Dept_______ Object _____ Grant # ______ Grant Yr _____ Amt $ ____________
Function ____Dept_______ Object _____ Grant # ______ Grant Yr _____ Amt $ ____________
To Budget Center: __________ (Ex: BBUS, CABE, NPTA, STRK etc.)
Function ____Dept_______ Object _____ Grant # ______ Grant Yr _____ Amt $ ____________
Function ____Dept_______ Object _____ Grant # ______ Grant Yr _____ Amt $ ____________
Function ____Dept_______ Object _____ Grant # ______ Grant Yr _____ Amt $ ____________
Budget Center
- four-digit alphabetic code identifying the set of account numbers under the budget manager’s authority. The first digit
identifies the campus – B – Main, N – Central, C – Carver, S – Southwest. For example, the Business Office’s budget center is BBUS.
Description Definition
Function 01 - Instructional
04 - Academic Support
05 - Student Services
06 - Institutional Support
07 - Plant
Two digit numeric code designating functions
of the College.
Four digit numeric code designating
individual departments
Example: 641 for Supplies
Three digit numeric code identifying type of
budget line item
budgets only
Example: 2727 for Adult Basic Education
Four digit numeric code identifying grant; not
applicable for Unrestricted budgets
Grant Year
budgets only
Example: 2009 for 2009-2010 grants Beginning year of the grant award; not
applicable for Unrestricted budgets