Bishop State Community College
Employee Evaluation Report for Administrative/Professional Staff
Salary Schedules B, C and Counselors (D)
Section I: Instructions
The purpose of this evaluation is to provide feedback to administrative and professional staff, to foster self-
improvement, and strengthen institutional effectiveness. The supervisor should evaluate each employee using the
same criteria. The supervisor will discuss the completed evaluation form with the employee. The employee will
have the opportunity to provide a written response to the evaluation. A copy of the evaluation will be filed in the
employee’s personnel file and one copy will be given to the employee.
Section II: Employee Information
Section III: Performance Rating/Comments
Giving careful consideration to the employee’s performance during the entire evaluation period, assess the
employee’s performance using the rating scale listed below. Under Comments
, note specific performance
deficiencies and/or the means by which the employee can improve (include needed training through the college or
through the employee’s own initiative). All ratings of Needs Improvement are to be clarified under Comments in
terms of required performance levels or standards
. The employee’s goals for next year should be attached to the
Rating Scale:
4=Excellent 3=Above Average 2=Average 1=Needs Improvement NA=Does not Apply
1. Is diligent in completing responsibilities in desired timeframe.
2. Makes effective use of time.
3. Handles matters in an efficient and professional manner.
4. Keeps abreast of relevant changes in professional field.
5. Displays a pleasant and professional attitude.
6. Possesses thorough knowledge of his/her position.
7. Plans carefully within department to meet long-term college needs.
8. Attends to details carefully.
9. Provides timely follow-through on assignments received.
10. Consistently maintains high standards in his/her work.
11. Maintains composure in difficult situations.
12. Exercises good judgment in dealing with problems and concerns.
13. Demonstrates flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness to changing
14. Maintains integrity of sensitive and/or confidential information.