Page 2 of 9 OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS 9/2018
Requester Information - Information about you - What is your…
…relationship to the subject of the birth record? Only certain individuals may request amendments to birth records. This
is for the protection of the subject of the birth record. Indicate your relationship to the subject of the record.
If you are the subject of the record, you must be 18 or older to request an amendment. If you have a court order and are
18 or older, you must be the requester, not your parent.
If you are a parent, your name must be on the subject’s current birth record.
If you are a legal guardian or legal representative of the subject, you must include a certified copy of a U.S. court order
with the application. The court order must name you as the legal guardian or list you as the legal representative.
Complete the rest of the Requester Information section so that the Office of Vital Records can contact you if we have
questions and so that we can send your documents back to you.
REQUIRED – Sign this application in front of a Notary Public
Do not sign the application until you are in front of a notary public. You must present government-issued photo
identification to the notary. The notary will check your identification, and watch you sign and date the application. Then,
the notary will mark the application with a stamp (or a "seal") and sign the application. The notarized application shows
the Office of Vital Records that you really signed it.
See Notary information (https://www.health.state.mn.us/people/vitalrecords/notary.html) on the Minnesota
Department of Health website if you want more information.
Birth record amendment fee
You must pay a fee to amend a Minnesota birth record when you apply. The fee for administrative review and
processing of a request for the amendment of any vital record is $40. Fees are non-refundable. Minnesota Statutes,
section 144.226. The $40 fee is only for the amendment. The fee does not include a new birth certificate.
Do you want a new birth certificate after the amendment?
One birth certificate costs $26. Enter $26 in the box showing “Enter $26 for 1 certificate.”
If you want more than one certificate, additional certificates cost $19 each if you order them now on this application.
Enter the number of additional copies in the box showing “Enter # copies.”
Do you want standard or faster processing?
Standard processing means that we process amendment requests in the order that we receive them. If you want
standard processing, enter $0 on the application under ‘Choose processing fee’.
If you want faster processing of the amendment, enter $20 on the application under ‘Choose processing fee’. The $20
fee moves your request ahead of standard requests. Faster processing does not include UPS delivery.
Visit Birth Record Amendments (https://www.health.state.mn.us/people/vitalrecords/amend.html) or call 651-201-5970
to check on processing times.