Bicycle Manufacturer/Distributor Product Questionnaire
Name of Business_______________________________________ Year Business Started________
Address _________________________________________ Total Sales:
_________________________________________ This Year $____________
1st Prior Yr. $____________
2nd Prior Yr. $____________
3rd Prior Yr. $____________
Contact Person:_____________________________
Phone: _____________________
Bicycle Manufacturer Bicycle Component Manufacturing
Bicycle Assembly (components manufactured by others) Accessory Manufacturer (gloves,
Distributor clothing, packs, etc.)
Describe Operations:
Describe Operations not related to the Bicycle Industry:
Do you sponsor any professional racing teams? ________ If Yes, Describe:_______________________
Do you sponsor any professional bicycle racing events?______If Yes, Describe:___________________
Please Provide:
1) Copies of all current advertising material. attached to follow
2) Copies of all current products brochures attached to follow
3) Full details on any products claims attached to follow
(all claims open or closed)
Describe product quality control program:
How are your new product lines tested to comply with Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
bicycle regulation? ______________________________________________________________________
Do your records enable you to track product runs or sales to the dealer for recall? If Yes, Describe:
Manufacturer app rev 6 2015
In order to pr
ovide a quote, Acord 125, 126 and 140 must be completed along with the supplemental.